Pathophysiology Ch. 15 Quiz

TRUE FALSE 1. DiGeorge syndrome is an example of a humoral immunodeficiency syndrome.

FALSE; cell-mediated

TRUE FALSE 2. Type I hypersensitivities are mediated by IgA and the phagocytic response.

FALSE; IgE and the histamine/inflammatory response

TRUE FALSE 3. SCID is self-limiting and kids usually outgrow it.

FALSE; usually die young without bone marrow transplant or ADA replacement

TRUE FALSE 4. There is no treatment for Selective IgA Deficiency (SIGAD).


TRUE FALSE 5. Vaccinations with live attenuated organisms can be given to children with primary immunodeficiency disorders.

FALSE; SHOULD NOT, it could kill them

TRUE FALSE 6. Chediak-Higashi syndrome can present as a bleeding disorder.


TRUE FALSE 7. IgM is the type of antibody that you would find in a mother's breast milk.


TRUE FALSE 8. IgG is the type of antibody that can cross the placenta.


9. ______________________________is the term for a dz where the body's immune cells mount an attack against self tissues.

Autoimmune disease

10. ____________________________ is the term for lab tests that check for a certain antibody in a patient's plasma.


11. _____________________________is the name of the skin test that checks for tuberculosis.

Mantoux skin test

12. A patient with a selective IgA deficiency is to receive a transfusion of packed red blood cells. The nurse should double-check to make the RBCs have been _____________________ prior to transfusion.


13. Why do kids with DiGeorge syndrome have hypocalcemia? What are the signs and symptoms of hypocalcemia?

-Congenital abnormality of the thymus, which develops at same time as parathyroid gland
-PTH deficient due to parathyroid disfunction
-Without PTH --> develop hypocalcemia
S & S:
-exaggerated reflexes
-muscle spasms and tetany
-carpopedal spasm

14. Tell me 6 ways that anaphylaxis may be treated:

-AVOID contact with allergen
-Adrenergic agonists (Epinephrine via Epipen)
-Anti-Immunoglobin E Rx
-Oxygen therapy

15. What are 2 ways to treat graft vs. host disease?

-Remove or destroy T cells in transplanted tissue
-Immunosuppressive drugs given to the recipient

16. What are the important warning signs that a child may have a primary immunodeficiency disorder?

-Multiple ear, sinus, lung infections
-Deep skin or organ abscesses
-Need for IV antibiotics to clear infection
-Family hx of immunodeficiency

17. The T lymphocytes in a transplanted liver begin a cell-mediated reaction to the tissues in the transplant recipient. This describes:
a) transplant rejection
b) graft vs host disease

B; Graft vs. Host disease

_________ CD8+ cells recognize altered MHC I of infected cells and destroy them

Type IV Cell-mediated Hypersensitivity

_________ antigen binds to IgE on mast cells and basophils, resulting in the release of histamine

Type I Immediate Hypersensitivity

_________ antigen/antibody complexes lodge in tissues and cause inflammation and activation of phagocytes

Type III Immune-Complex mediated Hypersensitivity

_________ Antibodies bind antigens on cells, resulting in change in or destruction of those cells

Type II Antibody-mediated Hypersensitivity

_________ CD4+ cells secret cytokines that result in chemotaxis and inflammation

Type IV Cell-mediated Hypersensitivity

__________ SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) and RA (rheumatoid arthritis)

Type III Immune-Complex mediated Hypersensitivity

__________ contact dermatitis from poison ivy

Type IV Cell-mediated Hypersensitivity

__________ Anaphylaxis from eating peanuts when you have a peanut allergy

Type I Immediate Hypersensitivity

__________ Grave's dz and Myasthenia Gravis

Type II Antibody-mediated Hypersensitivity

__________ transplant rejection

Type IV Cell-mediated Hypersensitivity