01 Topic 2 Haematology - Chap 17 Alterations of haematological function across the life span

Erythrocytes that are ? contain an abnormally low concentration of haemoglobin


What haemodynamic change occurs after initial compensation for a reduction in the number of circulating erythrocytes?

hyperdynamic blood flow

A 25 yr old female has a heavy menses during which she loses a profuse amount of blood. Which of the following adaptations could be expected?

capillary dilation

A 34 yr old male presents in the ED with extreme fatigue and shortness of breath. His skin and sclera appear to have a yellowish discoloration. These findings are consistent with which type of anaemia?

haemolytic anaemia

A 67 yr old female has chronic gastrointestinal bleeding. The primary cause of her anaemia is:

iron deficiency

A 21 year old female was recently diagnosed with iron deficiency anaemia. In addition to fatigue and weakness, which of the following clinical signs and symptoms would she most likely exhibit?

red, sore tongue

Which of the following tests directly measure iron stores?

bone marrow biopsy

A newborn is diagnosed with congenital intrinsic factor deficiency. From which of the following types of anaemia does he suffer?

pernicious anaemia

A 35 year old female is diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia. A decrease in which of the following is the most likely cause?

intrinsic factor

The following individual is at high risk for developing a vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia:

A 47 yr old male who had a gastrectomy procedure (removal of the stomach)

A 40 year old male vegetarian is diagnosed with folate deficiency anaemia. He reports that he is an alcoholic. Which factor put him at greatest risk for developing his disease?

being alcoholic

A 50 yr old male experiences loss of appetite, weight loss and a beefy red tongue shortly before his death. Autopsy would most likely reveal:

heart failure

The Schilling test for pernicious anaemia involves:

the administration of radioactive vitamin B12 and the measurement of its excretion in the urine

Aplastic anaemia is caused by:

bone marrow suppression

Maternal fetal blood incompatibility may exist in which of the following conditions?

The mother is Rh negative and the fetus is Rh positive

A 67 yr old female is admitted to the ED with a diagnosis of polycythaemia vera. This has occurred as a result of:

abnormal proliferation of red cells

Thrombocytopenia may be:

congenital or acquired

A 52 yr old male IV drug user was diagnosed with hepatitis C five years ago. He is now experiencing impaired blood clotting. A decrease in which of the following vitamins could be the cause?


Haemophilia B is caused by a deficiency of functional:

factor IX

Individuals with liver disease often suffer from coagulation disorders because:

clotting factors are produced in the liver

A 40 yr old female develops disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The most likely cause of this condition is:


The sequence of events in DIC is initiated by the release of:

tissue factor

In DIC, active bleeding occurs after intravascular clotting because:

clotting factors are depleted

A 22 yr old female just delivered a healthy baby girl. She suffered from eclampsia during her pregnancy, and on the second postnatal day she complained of bleeding gums and bruising on her arms and legs. Haematology lab tests indicate she has DIC. Further

fibrin degradation products (FDPs)

Leukocytosis can be defined as:

a high leukocyte count

A 15 yr old female presents with splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and lymph node enlargement. She is diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis. Further testing would indicate an acute infection of:

B lymphocytes

A 15 yr old male is diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis. The most likely cause is:

Epstein-barr virus (EBV)

A 15 year old male is diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis is being given instructions on how to prevent the spread of this infection to others. Which statement represents a correct instruction?

Do not share drinking glasses or eating utensils

A 15 year old male is diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis. He most likely presented with the classic triad of symptoms: fever, sore throat and:

lymph node enlargement

The most common childhood cancer is:

acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

A five year old male is diagnosed with leukaemia. Which of the following symptoms would be expected?


A 10 year old male with Down syndrome undergoes chemotherapy for cancer. Following treatment, he is most susceptible to:

acute myelocytic leukaemia

Known causes of acute leukaemia include:

chemotherapy treatment for other cancers

A 10 yr old male is diagnosed with leukaemia. Which of the following could be associated with his disease?

Down syndrome

A five year old female is diagnosed with acute leukaemia. She will most likely be treated with:


A 35 yr old female is diagnosed with lymphadenopathy. The most likely finding leading to this diagnosis is:

enlarged lymph nodes

A 35 yr old male has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and a mediastinal mass. He is diagnosed with Hodghkins lymphoma. Which of the following abnormal cells would be expected with this disease?

Reed-sternberg cell

A 62 yr old female tells her healthcare provider she has been experiencing regular night sweats that cause her to wake up drenched. She also remarks that she has been unintentionally losing weight. Physical exam reveals enlarged lymph nodes on her neck th

Hodgkins lymphoma

Multiple myeloma can be defined as a neoplasm of:

B cells

A 65 yr old male is diagnosed with multiple myeloma. He complains of severe pain. This pain can be attributed to:

destruction of bone tissue

A five yr old male is diagnosed with normocytic-normochromic anaemia. Which of the following anaemia falls into this category?

haemolytic anaemia

A common, life threatening complication of a thrombus in a deep vein is:

pulmonary embolus

A 20 yr old female has an increase in eosinophils. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

parasitic invasion and allergic reactions

Alterations of erythrocyte function involve either insufficent or excessive numbers of ? in the circulation or normal numbers of cells with abnormal components.


Anemias are conditions in which there are too ? erythrocytes or an insufficient volume of erythrocytes in the blood.


Polycythemeas are conditions in which erythrocyte numbers of volume is:


The primary role of clotting (hemostasis) is to ? bleeding through an interactin of endothelium lining the vessels, platelets and clotting factors.


The causes of anemia are:

1. altered production of erythrocytes, 2. blood loss, 3. increased erythrocyte destruction, or 4. a combination of all three

Terms that end with CYTIC refer to:

cell size

Terms that end with CHROMIC refer to:

hemoglobin content

The fundamental alteration of anemia is a reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood resulting:

tissue hypoxia

A reduction in the number of blood cells in the blood causes a reduction in the:

consistency and volume of blood.

Initial compensation for blood cell loss is movement of interstitial fluid into:

bloodstream causing an increase in plasma volume (the movement maintains blood volume bus the vicosity (thickness) of the blood decreases, thinner blood flows faster and more turbulently than normal blood causing a hyperdynamic circulatory state).

A hyperdynamic circulatory state creates cardiovascular changes of:

increased stroke volume and heart rate (may lead to cardiac dilation and heart valve insufficiency if underlying anemic condition is not corrected).

Hypoxemia, reduced oxygen in blood, contributes to:

cardiovascular dysfunction by causing dilation of arterioles, capillaries and venules, thus increasing flow through them.

Increased peripheral blood flow and veous return contributes to an increase in heart rate and stroke volume in continuing effort to meet normal oxygen demand and prevent cardiopulmonary congestion. This compensatory mechanism may lead to:

heart failure

Manifestations of anemia may be seen in other parts of body such as:

skin, mucous membranes. lips, nail beds, conjunctivae become either pale because of reduced hemoglobin concentration or yellowish (jaundiced) because of accumulation of end products of red cell destruction.

Tissue hypoxia of skin results in:

impaired healing and loss of elasticity, as well as thinning and early graying of hair.

Nervous system manifestations may occur where cause of anemia is a deficiency of vitamin b12, myelin degeneration occurs causing loss of nerve fibers in spinal cord, resulting parasthesias (numbness), gait disturbances, extreme weakness, spasticity and re


Decreased oxygen supply to gastrointestinal tract often produces:

abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and anorexia.

Pernicious anemia is caused by:

vitamin b12 deficiency

Folic acid is an essential vitamin required for:

RNA and DNA synthesis within the erythrocyte

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of


A blood loss of ? ml/day is enough to cause iron deficiency anemia


Males experience iron deficiency anemia due to:

ulcers, hiatal hernia, esophageal varices, cirrhosis, hemmorrhoids, ulcerative colitis or cancer

Women experience iron deficiency anemia due to:

menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding)

Sideroblastic anemia are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterised by anemia of varying severity because of inefficient:

iron uptake

Normocytic Normochromic anemias are characterised by erythrocytes that are:

relatively small in size and hemoglobin content but insufficient in number.

Leukocytosis is present when the number of leukocytes in the blood is:

higher than normal

Leukopenis is present when the number of leukocytes in the blood is:

lower than normal

Leukemia is an uncontrolled proliferation of malignant:

leukocytes (causing an overcrowding of bone marrow and decreased production and function of normal hematopoietic cells)

Lymphomas develop from proliferation of malignant lymphocytes in the:

lymphatic system

Hodgkin lymphoma is characterised by progression from one group of:

lymph nodes to another, development of systemic symptoms and prescence of Reed Sternberg (RS) cells