Pathophysiology Exam 7

Which of the following structures is most likely to be located in the renal medulla?

Loop of Henle

Which of the following is NOT a function of the kidney?

Production of albumin

Which of the following describes the correct flow of blood in the kidney?

Afferent arteriole to the glomerular capillaries to the efferent arteriole

Which of the following describes the flow of filtrate in the kidney?

Bowman's capsule to the proximal convoluted tubule to the loop of Henle

Which of the following describes the normal flow of urine?

Collecting duct to the renal pelvis to the ureter to the bladder

Which statement about the bladder is TRUE?

Three openings from the urinary bladder form the trigone.

Which of the following increases glomerular filtration rate?

Increased hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular capillaries

By what process is water reabsorbed from the filtrate?


Which substance directly controls the reabsorption of water from the collecting ducts?

Antidiuretic hormone

Under what circumstances do cells in the kidneys secrete renin?

Blood flow in the afferent arteriole decreases.

When a respiratory infection with high fever is present in the body, how would the kidney tubules maintain normal pH of body fluids?

Secrete more acids and reabsorb more bicarbonate ions.

What is the cause of most cases of pyelonephritis?

An ascending infection by E. coli

Which disease is manifested by dysuria and pyuria?


Why may acute pyelonephritis and cystitis follow untreated prostatitis?

There is a continuous mucosa along the involved structures.

Pyelonephritis may be distinguished from cystitis by the presence in pyelonephritis of:

urinary casts and flank pain.

In a case of acute pyelonephritis, what is the cause of flank pain?

Inflammation, stretching the renal capsule

Which pathophysiological process applies to acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis?

Immune complexes deposit in glomerular tissue, causing inflammation

What causes the dark urine associated with acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis?

Blood and protein leaking through the capillary into the filtrate

Renal disease frequently causes hypertension because:

congestion and ischemia stimulate release of renin.

Urinary casts are present with acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis because:

inflamed tubules compress red blood cells (RBCs) and protein into a typical mass.

What is the first indicator in the arterial blood gases of acidosis caused by glomerulonephritis?

Decreased bicarbonate ion

What would be the long-term effects of chronic infection or inflammation of the kidneys?

Gradual necrosis, fibrosis, and development of uremia

What factors contribute to headache, anorexia, and lethargy with kidney disease?

1. Increased blood pressure
2. Elevated serum urea
3. Anemia
4. Acidosis

What are the significant signs of nephrotic syndrome?

Hyperlipidemia and lipiduria

Why does blood pressure often remain near normal in patients with nephrotic syndrome?

Hypovolemia results from fluid shift to the interstitial compartment.

Common causes of urolithiasis include all of the following EXCEPT:


Which of the following results from obstruction of the left ureter by a renal calculus?

An attack of renal colic

Which of the following is a predisposing factor to bladder cancer?

Exposure to chemicals and cigarette smoke

What is the common initial sign of adenocarcinoma of the kidney?

Microscopic hematuria

Which of the following relates to polycystic kidney disease?

It results in gradual degeneration and chronic renal failure.

Which of the following is related to Wilms' tumor?

A genetic defect

With severe kidney disease, either hypokalemia or hyperkalemia may occur and cause:

cardiac arrhythmias.

Which of the following indicates the early stage of acute renal failure?

Very low GFR and increased serum urea

What is/are a cause(s) of acute tubule necrosis and acute renal failure?

All of the above
Prolonged circulatory shock - Sudden significant exposure to nephrotoxins - Crush injuries or burns

Which of the following would likely cause chronic renal failure?


What causes polyuria during the stage of renal insufficiency?

Loss of tubule function

What is the primary reason for hypocalcemia developing during end-stage renal failure or uremia?

A deficit of activated vitamin D and hyperphosphatemia

Cystitis is more common in females because:

the urethra is short, wide, and adjacent to areas with resident flora.

Which of the following indicate a decreased GFR?

Increased serum urea and decreased serum bicarbonate

Which factor contributes to severe anemia in individuals with chronic renal failure?

Limited protein intake

Which of the following causes acute renal failure?

Bilateral acute glomerulonephritis

Which of the following is a significant indicator of renal insufficiency?

Increased serum urea and creatinine

The normal pH of urine is:

4.5- 8.0.

Wilms' tumor is:

an encapsulated mass in one kidney.

Reduced urine output resulting from inflammation and necrosis of the tubules is called:


The micturition reflex is initiated by:

increased pressure distending the bladder.

Which of the following results from decreased blood flow into the kidneys?

Increased angiotensin and systemic vasoconstriction

Circulatory shock causes:

decreased GFR and increased renin secretion.

The reabsorption of water and electrolytes by the kidneys is directly controlled by:

1. atrial natriuretic hormone.
2. antidiuretic hormone.

Excess urea and other nitrogen wastes in the blood is referred to as:
