Pathology Chapter 4

The immune response

the most specific of the body's defense mechanisms against infection is

herpes labialis

perioral lesions of impetigo may resemble


which of the following is not associated with group A, b-hemalytic streptococcal infection

yeastlike fungus

oral candidiasis is caused by a


which type of infection is involved when normal components of the oral microflora can cause disease?

Unilateral distribution of lesions

the most characteristic clinical feature of herpes zoster is:


a cytologic smear may be help in the diagnosis of


which condition is not associated with the Epstein-Barr virus


which of the following stages of syphilis is not infectious?

dark field microscopy

which of the following is not associated with syphilis?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

which of the following microorganism causes tuberculosis?

if a person has ever been infected with the tuberculosis bacteria

a positive skin reaction to PPD indicates

sulfur granules present in exudate

a specific clinical characteristic found in actinomycosis is


which of the following is not a clinical characteristic of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis?

sickle cell anemia, paget disease of bone, radiation treatment involving bone (all of the above)

which of the following is associated with chronic osteomyelitis?


which of the following is not associated with the development of oral candidiasis?

is caused by a human papillomavirus

verruca vulgaris

verruca vulgaris

another name for a common wart is

condyloma acuminatum

which of the following is caused by a papillamavirus and is considered a sexually disease?

primary herpes simplex infection

Painful oral ulcers, gingivitis, fever, malaise, and cervical lymphadenopathy in a child younger than 6 years old would cause the hygienist to suspect which of the following diseases?

herpes labialis

the most common form of recurrent herpes simplex infection is:


the primary infection with the vari


herpangina is caused by

enxyme-linked immunosorbent assay and western blot

antibody testing to determine whether a person has been infected with human immunodeficiency virus includes which of the following tests?


which one of the following oral conditions is an early sign of a deficiency in the immune system and is commonly found in patients with HIV infection?

lateral tongue

Hairy leukoplakia most commonly occurs on the:


which one of the following oral condition is not a lesion associated with HIV or AIDS?

Patients with linear gingival erythema do not respond to scaling or oral hygiene technique; the gingival condition exists independently of the patient's oral hygiene status.

linear gingival erythema has specific characteristics that include spontoneous bleeding, petechiae on the attached gingiva and alveolar mucosa, and a band of erythema at the gingival margin. Which one of the following statements is true?

the virus is able to survive outside the body and is therefore easily transmitted by fomites

which of the following statement is false concerning primary herpetic gingivostomatitis?

the location of the ulcers; herpes simplex ulceration occur on keratinized epithelium and aphthous ulcers occur on nonkeratinized epithelium

which of the following clinical features would help differentiate between recurrent oral mucosal simplex infection and recurrent aphthous stomatitis?

HPV is trasmitted by droplet infection

which of the following statements is false concerning oral human papilloma virus (HPV) infection?

a mucosal smear (cytologic preparation) showing fungal hyphae

which of the following is the best diagnostic test for oral candidiasis?


which of the following is the name of the oral lesions of the primary syphylis?

Antibodies to HIV are usually detectable in the blood by 2 weeks after infection

all the following statements are correct statements concerning HIV infection except one. which one is the exception?

is caused by Epstein-Barr virus

all of the following are characteristic feature of hand foot and mouth disease except one. which one is the exception?

scarlet fever

strawberry tongue" is associated with which condition?


which one of the following is considered a deep fungal infection?