
Anatomy 's physiology

Structure determines function


Disease mess up structure or function


Special and smooth muscle cells cardiac muscle


Nerve and muscle cell

Metabolic absorption

Epithelial cells of the gi and urinary texts


Cells of endocrine glands mucous glands and reproductive organs


Release of Waste products

Cell hoarding

Cell tightens


Cell absorbs oxygen to transform nutrients (glucose) into atp(energy)


Tissue growth to enlarge or just for tissue maintenance


Communication local or distant between cells to maintain homeostasis

3 principal parts of cell

Nucleus cytoplasm plasma membrane


Control center of Cell DNA Instruction manual genes 46 chromosomes


Uncoiled dna(reproduction)


All of the cellular contents between the plans membrane and nucleus. Organelles (cytoskeleton ribosomes golgi ect). Cytosol aqueous solution making up about half of of a cells volume


Site of protein synthesis. Can be free or attached to the er or in the mitochondria. Constructed of2 subunits created in the nucleolus and assembled in the cytosol.

Endoplasmic reticulum

Rough ER studded with ribosomes and connected to nuclear membrane and extends through cell
Smooth er does not synthesize proteins but does phospholipid fats and steroids

Golgi complex

Proteins at ribosomes attached to er and transported to golgi. In golgi proteins are modified and packages for excretion and transpiration


Dissolving bodies formed in golgi complex and have40 digestive enzymes. Recycle


Like liaisons destroy material for cell can related themselves break down fatty avoid create free radical

Free radical

Unpaid reflection=cellular damage


Known as powerhouse of cell generate atp


Ribonucleoproteins trucks


Is the solvent and shoes that make up cytoplasm is the cytosol plus organelles


Microfilaments -actin
Intermediate filaments-keratin vimentin neuro filament protein
Microtubles-tubulin microtubule associated proteins

Axonal transport

Transport substances over long distance


2/3 of water


1/3 of water

Plans membrane

Seperated cells internet from external
Life birthday is basic frame
Made of phospholipid cholesterol and glycolipids
Lipid bilayer is amphipathic

Peripheral proteins

Do not cross lipid bilayer

Trans membrane proteins

Can cross lipid bilayer

Functions of plasma membrane

Facilitate recognition of cellprovide receptors and enzymesregulate entry and exit of substance provides anchor for cytoskeleton


Cellular recognition cites ligands hormones antigen neurotransmitters drugs infectious agents

Extracellular matrix

Hold things together.

Cell juctions

Desmosomes spot weld
Hemidesmosomes-1/2 desmosome connect to basal membrane
Tight junctions-water proof
Gap junctions-tunnels for communications between cell

Gap junctions

If one cell get sick or does calcium increases and gap seals like a Hatch

Cell communication

Autocrine cells signal themselves
Paracrine cells signal neighbor
Hormonal and neurohormonal cells signal distant target

Signal transition

Ionotropic neurotransmitter receptors cause a change in ionic environment of neuron
Metabotropic neurotransmitter receptors cause a change in biochemical environment of neuron

Food and cell production

3 phases digestion glycolisis citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphoration


Build up


Break down

Passive transport/discussion

Can pass on own small neutral charge lipid soluable. High concentrate to low with gradient

Facilitated diffusion

Similar to diffusion but requires assistance of carrier molecule because it's too polar or to big

Active transport

Energy required from atp. "pumps" low concentrate to high against it's gradient

Secondary active transport

Symport 2 solute in same direction and antiport 2 Sookie opposite direction

Active transport

Endocytosis in
Exocytosis out

Resting potential

Resting not conducting impulse
Potential a difference in the electronic charge

Action potential



If potassium would leak it would be to outside of cell making cell negative outside positive

Cell cycle

Interphsse Is longest cycle


Chemical signals cell growth. Chemical produced in one cell that stimulate a response in another cell
Pdgf ngf igf I and II erythropoietin


Actual division of cell
Pro phase metaphase anaphase telophase interphase

Epithelial tissue

Forms coverings protecting body from outside world
Lumen of the gut tube is outside.very little inter cellular surface apical outside

Connective tissue

Holds structure if body. Need cells and matrix(fibers and background substance

Muscular tissue

Moves body parts

Nerve tissue

Sensation information probably and control of body parts neurons and glial cells