Ch. 7 Patho

The nurse has just completed a presentation to a group of senior citizens regarding health promotion and screening activities for the detection of cancer. The nurse realizes further teaching is necessary when a participant states that screening is availab

Pancreatic Cancer

An asymptomatic patient who is worried about developing breast cancer due to the fact that it runs in her family asks the nurse if she could have a mammogram to see if she has any lumps. The nurse informs the patient that a tumor usually is undetectable u

1 cm

A 42-year-old female client with breast cancer has a tumor that is minimal in size and extension, has minimal regional lymph nodes involved, and has no distant metastasis. Using the TNM system the tumor is staged as:

T1, N1, and M0

A patient whose mother and grandmother both have had cancer is at a higher risk for also developing the disease. Which of the following tumor suppressor genes are associated with genetic susceptibility to breast cancer? Select all that apply.

a. BRCA1
b. BRCA2

The nursing student studying about cancer growth correctly identifies "cell proliferation" to mean which of the following?

Increasing cell numbers by mitotic cell division

A nursing student is caring for a patient who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Which of the following does the student explain what the doctor meant when the term "sentinel node" was mentioned?

Sentinel node is used to describe the initial lymph node to which the primary tumor drains

A client with cancer asks the nurse why he feels so fatigued. The best response would be:

The disease and treatment can cause you to feel like this

A nursing instructor who is teaching students about the effects of cancer identifies a need for further instruction when one of the students says which of the following?

Many body functions are not affected by cancer

A nursing student while studying cancer correctly identifies which of the following as a method for classifying cancers?


The nursing student studying about cancer says the following: "A neoplasm, benign or malignant, represents a new growth." This statement is considered to be which of the following?


A patent is diagnosed with an adenoma. The nursing student identifies this as being which of the following?

Benign tumor of glandular epithelial tissue

The oncologist is reviewing data to determine if a client diagnosed with a malignant tumor is at risk for developing metastasis. Select the option that places the client at greatest risk.

The establishment of a dedicated vascular system

A 40-year-old female has been diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma. When asked what causes this cancer, the physician looks at the history and responds, "I see in your history, you have had:

Hepatitis B related to IV drug use as a teenager

Which is an abnormal mass of tissue in which the growth exceeds and is uncoordinated with that of the normal tissues?


A nursing student has learned in class that with abdominal cancer the tumor may compress the viscera, which will cause which of the following?

Bowel obstruction

Which of the following cancers is the leading cause of cancer death?


A client is exposed to secondhand smoke on a daily basis. The client asks if he is at risk for the development of cancer. The best response would be:

Second-hand exposure does not put you at any risk

Cranial radiation therapy (CRT) has been used to treat brain tumors, ALL, head and neck soft tissue tumors, and retinoblastoma in children. Childhood cancer survivors who had CRT as therapy for their cancers are prone to growth hormone deficiency. In adul


A patient who has just recently been diagnosed with cancer asks the nurse what tumor markers are. Which of the following would be the nurse's best response?

Markers are antigens expressed on the surface of tumor cells

A nursing student identifies which of the following statements as being true?

Benign tumors usually grow by expansion

Which of the following is the primary advantage of targeted cancer therapy?

It uses drugs that selectively attack malignant cancer cells

A patient with malignant melanoma has been prescribed alpha interferon, a biologic response modifier. Since this drug prolongs the cell cycle, increasing the percentage of cells in the G0 phase, and stimulates NK cells and T-lymphocyte killer cells, the n

Fever, chills, and fatigue

Tumor markers are used for screening, establishing prognosis, monitoring treatment, and detecting recurrent disease. Which serum tumor markers have been proven to be among the most useful in clinical practice?

Alpha-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin

A patient who is diagnosed with breast cancer asks the nurse if cancer cells ever die. Which of the following is the nurse's best response?

Cancer cell differ from normal cells by being immortal and have an unlimited life span

An oncology nurse is caring for a client with newly diagnosed B-cell lymphoma. Extensive blood work has been drawn and sent to the lab. Results reveal an elevated antiapoptotic protein BCL-2 level. The client/family asks, "What does this mean?" The health

This means the cancer cells have found a way to survive and grow even with damaged DNA

A breast cancer client has just learned that her tumor clinical stage is T3, N2, M0. After the physician leaves, the client asks the nurse to explain this to her again. The nurse will use which of the following statements in his or her answer? Your:

Tumor is large and at least two lymph nodes are positive for cancer cells

A nurse is providing education on treatment options to the parents of a child with cancer. The nurse should include which of the following as the most widely used treatment modality for childhood cancers?


A nursing student says the following to her instructor: " Malignant neoplasms are more well-differentiated than benign tumors." Which of the following is the answer?


Which of the following patients of primary care physician would not require extra screening for cancer?

A 38 year-old female with Down syndrome and congenital scoliosis

A patient who has recently attended a talk on healthy tips for preventing cancer identifies which of the following to be carcinogenic in humans? Select all that apply.

a. Smoked foods
b. Nickel compounds
c. Cigarette smoke

In some cancers, the presenting factor is an effusion, or fluid, in the pleural, pericardial, or peritoneal spaces. Research has found that almost 50% of undiagnosed effusions in people not known to have cancer turn out to be malignant. Which cancers are

Lung and ovarian cancers

A nursing student who describes cell characteristics that include regulated growth, genetic stability, limited life span, and growth factor dependence is talking about which of the following types of cells?

Normal cells

It is well known that cancer is not a single disease. It follows then that cancer does not have a single cause. It seems more likely that the occurrence of cancer is triggered by the interactions of multiple risk factors. What are some identified risk fac

Hormonal factors, chemicals, and immunologic mechanisms

Which target of both chemotherapy and radiation treatment accounts for adverse as well as therapeutic effects?

Rapidly proliferating cells

Cancer prognosis has improved most dramatically when treatment plans include which of the following?

Multiple types of treatment

The hand-off report to the nurse of a patient with cancer includes that the patient is scheduled for palliative surgery. The nurse interprets this to mean that the goal of the patient's surgery is to do which of the following?

Relieve the patient's symptoms

A client is currently receiving chemotherapy treatment and has developed thrombocytopenia. The most appropriate intervention for the nurse to implement would be:

Administration of erythropoietin

A nursing student while studying cancer cells identifies which of the following to be the best definition of anaplasia?

Loss of cell differentiation in cancerous tissue

A nurse interpreting a pathology report that indicates a patient has an adenoma determines that the patient's tumor is considered which of the following?


A 61 year-old male client is scheduled to begin chemotherapy for the treatment of his bone cancer shortly. Staff at the cancer center have educated the man and his wife about the goals, course and expectations of his treatment. Which of the following medi

Antiemetics and packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusions

A nurse assessing a patient with lung cancer notes that the patient presents with shortness of breath, chest pain, and a cough. The nurse anticipates testing for which of the following

Pleural effusion

An oncology nurse who has worked for many years providing care for children with cancer has taken a job on an adult oncology unit of a hospital. What differences might the nurse anticipate in this new job?

There will be a greater number of cancers that are epithelial in origin

A nurse is teaching a group of clients about causes/risk factors for cancer, which include: Select all that apply.

a. Age
b. Environment
c. Genetics
d. Heredity

One group of chemical carcinogens is called indirect-reacting agents. Another term for these agents is procarcinogens, which become active only after metabolic conversion. One of the most potent procarcinogens is a group of dietary carcinogens called:

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

A woman diagnosed with breast cancer asks the nurse how a malignant tumor in her breast could spread to other parts of her body. The nurse answers that a malignant neoplasm is made of up less well-differentiated cells that have which of the following abil

a. Break loose
b. Enter the circulatory or lymphatic systems
c. Form secondary malignant tumors at other sites

A nurse reads that a patient's cancer growth fraction is 2:1. The nurse interprets this to mean which of the following?

There are twice as many dividing cells as resting

Select the option that best identifies how adult cancers differ in origin from childhood cancers. Adult cancers originate from:

Epithelial cells

A client has been diagnosed with cancer that was a result of dysfunctional apoptosis. The health care provider explains the process to the multidisciplinary client care team. Select the best explanation.

It allows for DNA-damaged cells to survive

A nurse caring for a child with a history of cancer that was treated with cranial radiation therapy (CRT) plans interventions to prevent which of the following?


The nursing student studying cancer identifies which of the following to refer to the "new growth" that comes about with cell differentiation and growth?


A patient who is scheduled to have a tissue specimen removed for microscopic study will undergo which of the following tests?

Tissue biopsy

Therapeutic radiation can be delivered in which of the following ways? (Select all that apply.)

a. External beam
b. Brachytherapy
c. Systemic therapy

Because an adolescent has revealed a history of childhood cancer, the nurse should include in the plan of care an assessment for which of the following late therapy sequelae? Select all that apply.

a. Impaired growth
b. Neurologic dysfunction

A 60 year-old man has presented to a clinic and is requesting screening for tumor markers after reading about them in a magazine. What can the clinician most accurately tell the man about the clinical use of tumor markers?

Tumor marker alone aren't enough to confirm whether you have cancer of not, so they're not a very useful screening tool

A child who receives cancer treatment therapies is at risk for which of the following? Select all that apply.

a. Impaired growth
b. Hormonal dysfunction
c. Neurologic dysfunction
d. Cardiomyopathy

A client with nonspecific signs/symptoms has gone to the primary health care provider. The client's chief complaints revolve around extreme fatigue, unplanned weight loss, and being so weak in the muscles. The diagnostic workup included a carcinoembryonic

a. Colonoscopy
b. Mammogram

A nurse doing a presentation on cancer to a local community group identifies which of the following to be high-risk factors in cancer development? Select all that apply.

a. Heredity
b. Hormonal factors
c. Environmental agents
d. Immunologic mechanisms

An oncology nurse understands that when a patient has the tumor marker alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) it is related to which of the following cancer types? Select all that apply.

a. Liver cancer
b. Germ-cell cancer of the testis

A 77 year-old male client with a diagnosis of stomach cancer has been found to have metastases in his liver. The client and his family are surprised at this turn of events, stating that they don't see how he could have developed cancer in his liver. Which

The portal circulatory system brings venous blood from the GI tract into the liver

A nurse reading a patient's chart notes that the patient's cancer is documented as carcinoma in situ of the cervix. The nurse interprets this to mean that the cancer is which of the following


A client asks the nurse how malignant tumors differ from benign tumors. The best response would be that malignant tumors:

Invade surrounding tissues

The nurse teaching a group of adolescent girls about Papanicolaou (Pap) testing determines that additional education is needed when one makes which of the following statements?

It is a blood test

A nursing student identifies which of the following statements as being true?

Benign tumors usually grow by expansion

Which of the following characteristics could apply to healthy somatic cells rather than cancerous cells?

The cells are unable to proliferate except by mitotic division

Following a biopsy, a 54 year-old man has been diagnosed as having a benign neoplastic tumor. Which of the following characteristics most likely applies to his tumor?

The well-differentiated, neoplastic cells are clustered together in a single mass

A cancer patient has been prescribed 5-fluorouracil, an antimetabolite chemotherapy agent. This medication stops normal development and division by interrupting the S phase of the cell cycle. When teaching this patient, the nurse explains that during the

The synthesis od DNA occurs causing 2 separate sets of chromosomes to develop

A nurse working in a cancer facility identifies which of the following patients to be at a high risk for developing cancer? Select all that apply.

a. 55 year old who grills
b. 50 year old who drink a six pack
c. 30 year old who chews
d. 45 year old smoker

A woman is surprised to read on the Internet that certain infections can cause cancer, and has sought clarification from her family physician during an office visit. How can the physician best respond to the woman's query?

There are many virsues, but only a very few of them have been shown to cause cancer in humans

A nurse discussing screening options with a patient at risk for colon cancer should include which of the following? Select all that apply.

a. Rectal examination
b. Fecal occult blood test
c. Colonoscopy

Select the physiologic response that increases an obese woman's risk for the development of breast cancer.

Increased sex hormone production

The health care provider is assessing a client with cancer for the possibility of endocrine disorders. It would be most important to assess the client for: Select all that apply.

a. Hypercalcemia
c. Cushing syndrom

While looking at cancer cells under a microscope, the instructor asks the students to describe the cells. Which of the student answers are accurate? Select all that apply.

a. Cells are in different sizes and shapes
b. Nucleoli are larger than normal
c. Cells do not resemble the tissue of origin

The nursing instructor is teaching a class about cancer and informs the students that distinguishing the difference between benign and malignant neoplasms includes which of the following? Select all that apply.

a. Cell characteristics
b. Rate of growth
c. Manner of growth
d. Capacity to invade and metastasize
e. Potential for causing death

A 41 year old female with a family history has had a baseline mammogram. She states that she performs monthly self breast exams but really has a hard time evaluating her lumps since she has numerous cysts. At her annual mammogram, the technician views a s

A tumor is undetectable until it has doubled 30 times and contains at least 1 billion cells

The nurse is conducting cancer risk assessment at a community health fair. A patient states that he smokes and drinks considerable amounts of alcohol. The nurse concludes that the patient is at risk for which of the following types of cancer? Select all t

a. Oral
b. Laryngeal
c. Esophageal