Chapters 15-17

One location in which nociceptors can be found is the:


The system responsible for an individual's conditioned or learned approach or avoidance behavior in response to pain is the:

motivational/affective system.

Together, the reticular activating system and midbrain are responsible for:

modulating the pain response.

A 5-year-old female breaks her leg after falling from a merry-go-round. Which of the following would be released from the midbrain to modulate her pain?


A 15-year-old female scrapes her knee while playing soccer and complains of sharp and well-localized pain. Which of the following would most accurately characterize her pain?

Somatic pain

The pain threshold in children is:

lower than that of adults.

Regulation of body temperature primarily occurs in the:


One of the primary organs responsible for heat production is the:

adrenal gland.

Heat loss from the body via convection occurs by:

transfer of heat through currents of liquids or gas.

For evaporation to function effectively as a means of dissipating excess body heat, which one of the following conditions must be present?


A 25-year-old female received a prescription for a weight loss pill. One effect of the pill is to increase the release of epinephrine. Which of the following would be expected to also occur?

Increased heat production

Fever is activated by which thermoregulatory mechanism?

The body's thermostat is reset to a higher level.

Exogenous pyrogens are:


Hikers are attempting to cross the Arizona deserts with a small supply of water. The temperatures cause them to sweat profusely and become dehydrated. This condition is referred to as:

heat exhaustion

A 10-year-old male sneaks into a meat freezer at the local supermarket. Fearing he will get caught if he comes out, he decides to stay in there for several hours until the store closes. While in the cooler his body is most likely experiencing:

ischemic tissue damage.

Characteristics of heat stroke include:

cerebral edema and degeneration of the CNS.

Most dreams occur during:

REM sleep.

Loss of temperature control occurs in:

REM sleep.

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep occurs about every:

90 minutes.

A 50-year-old diabetic patient experiences visual disturbances and decides to visit his physician. After examination, the physician tells the patient that the cells that allow him to see are degenerated. Which of the following structures is most likely da


Which disease is associated with increased intraocular pressures?


A 15-year-old female is diagnosed with an outer ear infection. Which of the following is most likely to cause this infection?

Escherichia coli

Arousal is mediated by the:

reticular activating system.

A 16-year-old male took a recreational drug that altered his level of arousal. Physical exam revealed an absent Babinski sign, equal and reactive pupils, and roving eye movements. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Metabolically induced coma

The breathing pattern that reflects respirations based primarily on CO2 levels in the blood is:


A teenage boy sustains a severe closed head injury following an ATV accident. He is in a state of deep sleep that requires vigorous stimulation to elicit eye opening. Which of the following describes his condition?


When thought content and arousal level are intact but a patient cannot communicate, the patient has:

locked-in syndrome.

A 30-year-old female had a seizure that started with her fingers and progressive1y spread up her arm and then extended to her leg. This condition is known as:

focal motor seizure.

A 20-year-old male was at the supermarket when he fell to the ground. Bystanders reported that he lost consciousness and his body tensed up then relaxed, then tensed and relaxed several times. He most likely was experiencing a(n):

tonic-clonic seizure.

A 65-year-old male recently suffered a cerebral vascular accident. He is now unable to recognize and identify objects by touch because of injury to the sensory cortex. This condition is a form of:


A 75-year-old female suffers a stroke and now has impaired comprehension and production of language. This condition is most likely caused by occlusion of the:

middle cerebral artery.

Dementia is manifested by:

loss of recent and remote memory.

A compensatory alteration in the diameter of cerebral blood vessels in response to increased intracranial pressure is called:


Cerebral edema is an accumulation of fluid in the:

brain tissue.

Vasogenic edema is clinically important because:

the blood-brain barrier is disrupted.

A 51-year-old male is admitted to the neuro critical care unit with a severe closed head injury. All four extremities are in rigid extension, his forearm is hyperpronated, and his legs are in plantar extension. This condition is known as:

decerebrate posturing.

An infant is diagnosed with noncommunicating hydrocephalus. An immediate concern for this patient is:

interstitial edema.

Hydrocephalus in adults is most often caused by:

defective CSF reabsorption.

A 16-year-old male fell off the bed of a pickup truck and hit his forehead on the road. He now has resistance to passive movement that varies proportionally with the force applied. He is most likely suffering from:


Paralysis of the lower extremities is called:


A 40-year-old male complains of abnormal movement and progressive dysfunction of intellectual and thought processes. He is experiencing movement problems that begin in the face and arms and eventually affect the entire body. The most likely diagnosis is:

Huntington disease.

A 15-year-old male suffered diffuse brain injury after wrecking an all-terrain vehicle. He had momentary confusion and retrograde amnesia after 5 to 10 minutes. His injury could be categorized as:

Grade II.

The main source of bleeding in extradural (epidural) hematomas is:


A 39-year-old male suffers a severe brain injury when he falls off a building while working. CT scan reveals that he has a basilar skull fractures. One major concern for this patient is:

meningeal infection.

A 65-year-old female loses her balance while walking in the woods, causing her to fall and hit her head. She loses consciousness and is in a coma for 5 days. She is diagnosed as having diffuse brain injury. Which of the following would most likely occur i

Blunted affect

_____ are most at risk of spinal cord injury from minor trauma.

The elderly

An initial clinical manifestation associated with acute spinal cord injury is:

loss of voluntary control below the injury.

The transient nature of spinal shock is directly related to which of the following mechanisms?

Accumulation of edema within the spinal cord

A 33-year-old male is brought to the emergency department for treatment of injuries received in a motor vehicle accident. An MRI reveals an injury of the cervical cord. Cord swelling in this region may be life threatening because:

diaphragm function may be impaired.

Six weeks ago a female patient suffered a T6 spinal cord injury. She then developed a blood pressure of 200/120, a severe headache, blurred vision, and bradycardia. She is likely experiencing:

autonomic hyperreflexia.

A 20-year-old female suffered from spinal cord injury that resulted from a motor vehicle accident. She had spinal shock lasting 15 days and is now experiencing an uncompensated cardiovascular response to sympathetic stimulation. This condition may accompa

a distended bladder or rectum.

A 30-year-old white male recently suffered a cerebrovascular accident. Which of the following is the most likely factor that contributed to his stroke?


One risk factor for thrombotic stroke is:


A 72-year-old male demonstrates left-sided weakness of upper and lower extremities. The symptoms disappear in 24 hours. He most likely experienced a(n):

transient ischemic attack.

A 75-year-old male experienced a lacunar stroke. This type of stroke is most often associated with:


A 65-year-old male suffers a subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to uncontrolled hypertension. He appears drowsy and confused with pronounced focal neurologic deficits. This condition is a grade:


A 25-year-old female presents to her physician complaining of fever, headache, nuchal rigidity, and decreased consciousness. She was previously treated for sinusitis. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Bacterial meningitis

Most causes of encephalitis are:


The cause of multiple sclerosis (MS) seems to be an interaction between:

autoimmunity and genetic susceptibility.

Myasthenia gravis results from:

autoimmune injury at the neuromuscular junction.

The most common primary CNS tumors in adults are:
