inter personal chapter one

How do intimate relationships differ from non-intimate ones?

first intimate relationship have extensive personal and confidential knowledge about each other.

What is interdependence?

intimates - the extent to which they need and influence each other. strong(they have meaning full impact on each other. Diverse ( they influence each other in many different ways)

what is mutuality

they recognize their close connection and think themselves as us instead of "me" and "her" or (him)

Why do theorists hypothesize we have the human need to belong?

Health implications, psychological and physical
One study: Lack of confidants more of a health risk than smoking!

How are human connection to pothers and intimacy related to mortality rates

People who are in happier intimate relationships generally live longer
People in happy relationships have stronger immune systems, heal quicker
People coping with congestive heart failure who were in more satisfied relationships were more likely to be ali

Physical and mental health? Pain perception? Healing of physical wounds?

People who are in happier intimate relationships
generally live longer
People in happy relationships have stronger immune systems, heal quicker

Be familiar with the research on hand holding and threat (Coan, et al., 2006, page 4), as well as the Coyne, et al., 2001 (figure 1 on page 6) examining quality of marital relationships and mortality rates

: 61 stressed young girls
Study 2: When faced with possible shock, women who held hands w/partner (and were in happy relationships) were calmer, brain region assoc. w/ threat less activated

How has our culture changed in the last 30 years in ways that would be significant for interpersonal relationships?


How does culture have the potential for influencing our relationships?

Increasing socioeconomic development:
More choices in affluent cultures
Craving individualism:Allowed to "do your own thing"
New technology:Control over reproduction
Keeps us indoor

Be aware of the hypothesized sources of this change (pages 11-14)

Fewer women, more traditional sex roles
Guttentag and Secord (1983): hypothesize that that scarcity results in increased ways to encourage dependence by those in power

On average, how do cohabitating relationships differ from marriages (page 9-10)?

cohabitations increases a couple's risk that they will later divorce: average couple who choose to cohabitate are less committed to each other than are those who marry (they are after all keeping their option open) so they encounter more problems and unce

Be familiar with the Guttentag and Secord (pg 11-14) theory regarding sex ratios.

high sex ratio: lots of male scarcity of women-(more traditional )
low sex ratio:scarcity of men and lots of women-(less traditional)

With regard to sex ratios, when are societies typically more conservative

less women=traditional and conservative

What happens when ratios are about equal?


What type of society do we currently have?

more accepting

*Be very familiar with the 4 adult attachment styles described in class (in terms of abandonment and intimacy) (pgs 16-19).

secure: comfortable with intimacy and interdependency
preoccupied: uneasy and vigilant towards any threat to the relationship needy and jealous.
fearful: fearful of rejection mistrustful of others suspicious and shy
dismissing: self reliant and uninterest

*Is attachment style changeable?

yes it is

How do experts believe we acquire a particular attachment style?

what ever style of attachment we acquired the 1 year of life, is what kind of style we have later on

Know the longitudinal studies of attachment and later relationships. About what % of people change attachment styles?

most people: secure 60%
insecure: 40%

With regard to individual differences, how big are typical gender differences noted in relationship science?

Conducted a series of meta analyses and found that large differences existed only in a few areas: throwing velocity and distance, thinking about sex, masturbation frequency, attitudes about pre martial sex

How might temperament influence attachment style?

Child's temperament is one of the contributing factors for children to be treated a certain way.

In general, are men and women more the same or different?


How are sex differences different from gender differences?

sex difference : the biological difference between male and female
gender difference: is the difference between the roles refer to social and psychological distinctions that are crated by our culture and upbringing

*How do traditional couples typically differ from non traditional (i.e, androgynous) couples (pg. 25) in terms of reported martial satisfaction?

none traditional couple report to be more happy that none traditional couple.

*What are instrumental traits? Expressive traits? About what % of these traits are thought to be due to culture/gender roles?

Instrumental traits:masculine,Task oriented traits/talents
Associated with traditional masculinity
Expressive traits:feminine Emotional and social traits/talents Associated with traditional femininity.

*Be familiar with the findings of the classic Ickes and Barnes(1978) study of androgynous vs. traditional couples (pgs. 25)

pair men and women in couple in which
(a) both partners fit traditional gender role
(b) both partners were androgynous
the two were introduced for each other and left alone for 5 minutes sitting on a couch while the researchers covertly video taped their

*According to Metts and Cupach, 1990 (pg. 23), what are the consequences of stereotypic beliefs about men and women's degree of similarity?

pessimism and hopelessness. people who really believe the that sexes are different are less likely to try to repair their heterosexual relationships when conflicts occur. it can also be damaging forestalling effort to understand a partner's point of view

Are gender expectations stricter for females or males?


*What are the Big 5?
a. KNOW the order of the least to most important of these traits with regard to interpersonal relationships.
b. Which one seems to have little to do with relationship success or satisfaction
c which one appears to be the most correlat

openness to experience: the degree to which people are imaginative, curious, unconventional and artistic versus conforming uncreative and stodgy.
Extraversion: the extent to which people are outgoing gregarious, assertive and sociable versus cautious, rec

How do people with same sex attraction differ from those with opposite sex attraction in terms of attachment styles? On average, do same sex couples have better or worse relationships as compared to opposite sex couples?

gay couple are more expressive than heterosexual couple. Lesbian couple are more instrumental than heterosexual couple. Its about the same.

Is a relationship with 2 partners high in Neuroticism an extra disadvantage as compared to a relationship with only one person scoring high on Neuroticism? What about the effect of 2 partners who are high in agreeableness

It is about the same

24. Are private or public events more likely to influence self esteem?


Discuss Murray's findings regarding self esteem and relationships (pg. 30-2).

people with low self esteem sometimes sabotage their relationships by underestimating their partners love for them. And perceiving disregard when none exists. people with low self-regard find it hard to believe that they are well and truly loved by their

Why does the text hypothesize that self esteem is related to others' evaluations of us?

because according to stoichiometric theory it is an evolved mechanism that serves our need to belong

*Discuss evolutionary psychology as it relates to interpersonal relationships.
a. What are its 3 assumptions?
b. What is natural selection? Sexual selection? Parental investment? Paternity uncertainty?
c. How does mate preference differ when considering l


What are some possible downsides to relationships?

you may dread the loss of autonomy and personal control that comes with interdependency, and you may worry about being abandoned by those on whom you rely. you recognize that there is dishonesty in relationship and that people sometimes confuse sex with l

*KNOW the Awareness wheel-its components and, given an example, be able to correctly put different examples into the wheel. What are the 6 basic emotions? Which area does intuition fit into? What about interpretations, beliefs and expectations? What is th
