According to Durkheim, what are the 3 elements of religion

Beliefs, Rituals and a moral community

What is the current WHITE composition of the U.S. population?


What is the current BLACK composition of the U.S. population?


What is the current ASIAN composition of the U.S. population?


What is the current HISPANIC composition of the U.S. population?


What is the current NATIVE AMERICAN composition of the U.S. population?


What is the current OTHER composition of the U.S. population?


The impact that the death of a spouse has on the surviving spouse, often leading to an earlier than expected death

The widowhood effect

People who are paid to influence legislation on behalf of their clients


Political Action Committees, solicit contributions from corps and individuals to financially support politicians (middle-man)


Believing your vote doesn't make a difference. A primary reason why many choose not to vote

Vote Apathy

Accepted as right (authority)

Legitimate power

Not accepted as right/fair (coercion)

Illegitimate power

What are the 2 primary economic systems?

Capitalism and Socialism

What are the 3 essential features of capitalism?

Private ownership of means of production, market competition and pursuit of profit

What are the 3 essential features of socialism?

Public ownership of means of production, central planning and distribution of goods without a profit motive

Which theorist is credited with being the founder of the Conflict Theory?

Karl Marx

Beneficial consequences of actions social structures


Harmful consequences of actions/social structures






Improved physical and mental health, lower divorce rates, higher educational achievements, more subdued religious services, increased participation in politics and commit different crimes with less severe punishments

The consequences of social class

A way of analyzing the social world as an impartial/objective observer in an attempt to understand how society shapes the individual shapes society

Sociological Imagination

When examining prejudice, which theoretical perspective would focus on the notion that "labels can create prejudice and lead to self-fulfilling stereotypes"?

Symbolic Interactionist

STRAIN THEORY OF DEVIANCE- What does Conformity mean?

Accepts goals, accepts means

STRAIN THEORY OF DEVIANCE- What does Innovator mean?

Accepts goals, rejects means

STRAIN THEORY OF DEVIANCE- What does Ritualism mean?

Rejects goals, accepts means

STRAIN THEORY OF DEVIANCE- What does Retreatism mean?

Rejects goals, rejects means

STRAIN THEORY OF DEVIANCE- What does Rebellion mean?

Rejects both, but attempts to create new ones

What world event sparked the birth of Sociology as a discipline?

The industrial revolution

(Social Norms)- Norms not strictly enforced


(Social Norms)- Essential to core values


(Social Norms)- Any violation is repellent


An entity in which inhabitants are isolated and cut off from society

Total institution

Describe how a theorist from the Structural Functionalist perspective would interpret social stratification

Views inequality as a natural consequence of the organizing process of stratification and believes it is often beneficial to society

What are the organizing principles of stratification in the U.S.?

Race, class and gender

A 3-step process by which a person formulated a sense of self in response to their perceptions of others reactions towards them

Cooley's Looking Glass Theory

Approximately what percent of female-headed households with children live at, or below, the poverty line?


What are the macro levels of analysis in sociology?

Structural functionalism and conflict theory

What is the micro level of analysis in sociology?

Symbolic Interactionism

Designates a social position that one holds


Designates socially expected behavior


The norms, values and physical elements that create a way of life


The people and relationships that exist within a given culture and live in the same area


Biological male/female characteristics


Social expectations of male/female


Physical traits that separate us into groups


Groups of people who identify with one another (common ancestry)


Material culture

Physical elements

Nonmaterial culture

Symbols language values and rules

Approximately what percent of American women will not give birth in their lifetime?

20% (1 in 5)