Emotional Intelligence Midterm 3 Part 1/2

5 Reasons Emotions Matter

1. Attention, Memory, Learning
2. Decision Making
3. Relationship Quality
4. Physical and Mental Health
5. Everyday Effectiveness

How Many of 10 Emotions HS Kids feel were neg vs pos

8 negative
2 positive

Top 3 Feelings of HS Kids

1. Tired
2. Bored
3. Stressed

Good Stress

-motivates us
-promotes wellbeing
-enhances performance

Bad Stress

-makes us physically sick
-weakens immune system
-impairs performance

How HS Kids want to Feel?

Happy, Excited, Energized, Inspired

How do Students Experience
-Meanness and Cruelty
-Positive Relationship
-Engaging Instruction
-Relevance and Meaningfulness

-fear and hopeless
-accepted and connected
-hopeful and interested
-happy and respected

How do we Help HS Kids?

Emotional Intelligence Training + Positive Emotional Climate = Engagement, Relationships, Health, Decisions, Academics

Who is Trained

School Leaders
Educators & Staff
Per K-H.S. Students

4 Tenants of EI

1. Emotional Intelligence Charter
2. The Mood Meter
3. The Meta Moment
4. The Blueprint

The EI Charter

1. As a class we want to feel..
2. In order to consistently feel this way we will...
3. We will try to prevent and and manage conflict by...

Mood Meter Axis

Pleasantness vs. Energy

5 Things to Recognize Emotion

1. Facial Expression
2. Vocal Tone
3. Body Language
4. Physiology
5. Behavior

Red Region
-Words to Describe
-How to Cope
-Activities To Do

-Enraged, Anxious, Worried, Annoyed
-Positive Self Talk, Leave Situation
-Persuasive Writing, Debating

Blue Region
-Words to Describe
-How to Cope
-Activities To Do

-Bored, Disappointed, Hopeless, Depressed
-Put a different spin (positive reappraisal) talk to a friend
-Proofing/Editing, showing empathy

Green Region
-Words to Describe
-How to Cope
-Activities To Do

-content, calm, peaceful, serene
-take a walk, do a breathing exercise
-journal writing, building consensus

Yellow Region
-Words to Describe
-How to Cope
-Activities To Do

-joy, cheerful, elated, ecstatic
-think about someone who inspires you, listen to music
-creative writing, brainstorm

The Blueprint

-moving from me to we
Describe what happened?
Recognize & Label: how do i feel
Understand: what caused these feelings
Express & Regulate: how do i express and regulate
Reflect: what could i have done better? what can i do now

Feeling Words

-accountable, remorseful, scapegoat
-empathic, compassionate, altruistic
-anxious, tense, paralyzed
-serene, contemplative, tranquil

3 Questions to Optimize HS Performance

Who am I? (mindset, personality, motivation)
Where do I want to go? (visioning goal setting)
What do I need to get there?
(critical thinking, EI, wellbeing, creativity)

Ruler, EI part of...

-immune system
-implementation vs. sustainability
1. Introduce Ruler to Stakeholders
2. Train District & School Leaders
3. Train School based Implementation Teams
4. Train Educators Staff, Students, Families
5. Embed RULER into mission, curriculum, behavi

Results of RULER

-less anxious/depressed, more developed emotional skills, fewer attention problems, better academic performance, better leadership skills
-more engaging, supportive, and effective
-positive climate and less bullying

-what is it

-created by teens, educator, and scientist to enhance school climate

5 tenants of inspirED

Assess: get snapshot of how people feel
Evaluate: get full report
Plan: create action plan
Act: use resources to do plan
Reflect: discuss and reflect

Little People's Feelings

When Marc was 13 and having issues his uncle was working on a program in his classroom called Little People's Feelings bc his students were milking cows in the morning and they were zoning out.

Emotions Matter Mindset

training for leaders, teachers, students and families; integration into academics and policies; nfusion into leader and teacher practices; focus on building a positive classroom and school climate ? Improved attitudes; higher emotional intelligence; enhan

The aim is to teach the principles of emotional intelligence NOT

not trying to teach kids how to "be emotionally intelligent" b/c if the teachers don't have
We need to teach teachers the fundamentals first!

LGBTQ students

xpereince the least positive emotions and most negative emotions during high school
Meanness & cruelty.. Fearful and Hopeless
Positive Relationships... Accepted and Connected
Engaging Instruction... Hopeful and Interested
Relevance and Meaningfulness... H

Year 1 Implementation
4 tools: Focusing on better school climate, mood meter, meta moment, the blueprint

Get people to understand skills, and why they should care about it
4 Anchor tools:
EI Charter Goal: focused on building a positive school climate and culture
Mood Meter
Meta Moment
The Blueprint
Implementation team: Build RULER expertise; create cision, c

Year 2
Monitor the program's effects and challenges

Monitor rollout.

Year 3
Expand the program to engulf the whole system

Infuse it into immune system

When you think about school climate, what is it? What are its components

Things like acceptability
School's policies around diversity and inclusion
School Climate definition
School norms
Interpersonal relationships
Teaching and learning practices (teacher that makes kids copy text)

how we describe yale's climate?

One word to describe Yale's climate: Class chose intense, also toxic and burnt out and stressed

How Does a Positive School CLimate Look

Sustainable atmosphere
Feel safe
Student,f ma and educator work together

Teacher's role in classroom climate

How sensitive is teacher to each student's individual needs
Warm and respect t-s relation
Regard for student perspective
Absence of harsh discipline
Use of healthy humor

Student outcome and teacher outcomes are better in emotionally healthy environment --- what are these outcomes?

Academic achievement,
better m and p health
Reduced risk taking
Reduced emotional exhaustion improved self concept
Reduced attrition
Reduced depersonalization
Essential tenet of ruler is too many rules not enough feelings

What are typical school rules? and where did they come from?

No cursing...
Rules related to dress (no "revealing" clothing, no hats)
Not allowed to leave campus
You need to be in a classroom or an approved space during class time - no loitering in the hallways!
Where did these rules come from/ Why?

What do we WANT TO FEEL as a yale student

inspired, Happy, Content, Accepted

What is Bullying

Bullying is intentional, there is a power imbalance, and it is repeated. Eg. arguing with your roommate is NOT bullying
The bully is the perpetrator, the victim is the target, the bully-victim is a victim and a bully, witnesses and bystanders do nothing a

Bystanders passively accept bullying BY :

give bully audience they want, instigate bullying or encourage the bully by laughing along (AKA PIE)
PROVIDE the audience that a bully craves, and acceptance that endorses the bully's actions
INSTIGATE the bullying
ENCOURAGE the bullying by laughing/jeeri

Bystander role is complicated because

the bystander can:
Feel powerless/ don't know what to do
Not want to be a tattle
Diffusion of responsibility
They may become target if they intervene (fear of being victim)
Don't like victim
Telling adults may make things worse

What do you do when you see bullying?

Eg. Niece from Guatemala was bullied because of her skin color
1. Assess the situation
2. Tell someone
Challenge: schools are places where kids should be safe; not where children have to protect each other-- unethical
Marc remembers teacher seeing the bul

What percent of bullying goes undetected by teachers


Types of Bullying

There is direct (physical, verbal), indirect (gossipping) and cyber bullying
Physical: hitting, punching, stealing
Verbal: making threats, name calling, teasing, discriminatory remarks
Social and Emotional:

What percentage of kids in Cleveland public schools feel unsafe?


Family factors for bullies

A bully at school is often victimized at home
A bully frequently comes from a home devoid of warmth
Primary caretaker of bully is often permissive and allows aggressive behavior towards peers, siblings and adults

School risk factors for bullying

Lack of clear expectations
Lack of committment
50-70% of us have had an interaction with bullying
28% of kids in middle school experienced bullying in last 6 months
7-15% have experienced intense, chronic bullying

What percentage of us have interacted w bullying, which percentage have had intense chronic bullying?

50-70%, 7-15%

Outcomes of Being Bullied s/t and l/t

Short - term: anxiety, school absense, low self esteem
Long term: depression, anxiety, agoraphobia

Outcomes of BEING A Bully s/t l/t

Short-Term: Anxiety, Poorer school adjustment, depression
Long-Term: Criminal behavior, Substance abuse, dating and partner abuse

Outcomes of Being a Bully-Victim*
*(Note: Bully-Victim = a victim of bullying who then becomes a bully themselves)

Short-Term: Aggression, poor academic achievement, Impaired relationships
Long-Term: Poor health outcomes, Psychiatric and pain disorders, risky/illegal behavior
Bystanders also have anxiety (area9is of brain activate when you see others suf

Adrenaline and bullying

We want adrenaline pumping when there is an emergency, but when we're in constant victime mode, that constant release of cortisol damages areas of our brain permanently

What are some popular (and flawed) approaches to regulating bullying in schools?

1. They make zero tolerance rules (Automatic suspension with bullying)
It literally makes no sense - if you take the kids who can't regulate their emotions and kick them out onto
the streets, how does this help ANYBODY???
2. Holding Assemblies / Making Ru

Over the last 10 years, bullying has pretty much...

flatlined (20-25%)
Largest are for bullying in middle school

Top 2 feelings of bullied kids

hopelessness and fear (0.6, ridiculously high)

Can bullying be positive? Made you who you are today?

Without someone to support them through these times, someone who is bullied at a young age is susceptible to having their entire experience defined by others

Bullying changes the victim's psyche

Bullying changes victims; thye reprogram victims (increases threat detection)


Social Emotional Academic Development, thinks about research, practice, and policy

Tenets of CASEL

CASEL (bringing SEL into homes, schools, communities) organization in Chicago formed by Weisberg, Schreiber, and Comer-- > do methods use criteria to be seen as evidence based
1. Self Awareness - recognize emotions, attitudes, values, and strengths
2. Sel

Contexts and Experiences for CASEL

1. SEL Instruction and Curriculum
2. Schoolwide Practices and Policies
3. Family & Community Partnerships

SEAD Approaches

explicit SEL skills instruction
integration with academic curriculum
quality teacher practices
organization/culture/climate strategies

SEAD Approaches lead to (#1)

1. SEL Skill Acquisiton
2. Better Attitudes
3. Better Learning Environment

SEAD Approaches lead to (#2)

1. Positive Social Relationships
2. Improved Academic Performance
3. Improved Health
4. Less Conduct Problems.
5. Less Emotional Distress

What % of Teaches believes that social and emotional skills are teachable.
What do they think it will help

-attendence and graduation, academic success, life success, college prep

21st Century workforce skills

8 of 16 are social or emotional
self-esteem, integrity, self-management, sociability, responsibility, listening, decision making, problem solving

SEL Predicts Outcomes for Kindergartners
-More Likely to..
-Less Likely to...

-graduate, get degree, get stable employment
-live in public housing, get public assistance, involved with police, in detention facility

The Economic Value of SEL

every $1 invested -> $11 of return

What matters for the attainment of best outcomes?

fidelity - sticking closely to SEAD program

Factors that Affect SEL's success

1. SEL will not grow in wrong situation
2. Principal Leadership Training is key
3. Need to understand keys to system
4. Key issue: relationship

3 Components of Effective SEAD Program

1. Effective Conditions for Learning
2. Teach Well-being and Awareness
3. Social and Emotional Skill Development

Stages of Implementation

1. Exploration
2. Installation
3. Initial Implementation
4. Full Implementation
5. Sustainability
3-6 years for first 4 stages

-When did SEL advance dramatically?
-do high quality evidence based programs exist?
-what kind of research is necessary
-what two things need to happen

-last two years
-translational research is necessary for implementation with high fidelity and sustainability
-policy change and infrastructural changes

Future Issues for SEL

1. Innovation at MS and HS Level
2. Integrating Adult SEL programs with Student SEL Program
3. Create community level change
4. new and better assessment of SEL competencies

Most schools...

take the easy route, they buy a kit and don't fully embed it into the school it's more like an add-on or check list

Cognitive ability gets you..

into Yale but it doesn't get you Out

Science links SEL to x increase in standardize test performance


Teachers in high vs low poverty skills

Teachers in high-poverty schools are more stressed out than those in lower-poverty skills

On the SCANS report what % of skills are social and emotional in nature and considered essential to life success-- and what are some of these skills

half of the 16 skills are social and emotional in nature and are considered essential to life success
Skill categories include:
Decision making

SEL and employability

When marc goes out to facebook, he sees that theyre starting to realize that people with high analytical skills are trained to be engineers, but don't know how to manage a team

Example about Marc interacting with teacher with low fidelity to SEL

Marc was in a school videotaping, and the principal said you have to film this 1st grade teacher shes a super-star with RULER --- it is the Monday before memorial day weekend, long story short -- to get out of the blue, i'm going to think about memorial d

#1 emotions experienced by teachers


Hard to get teachers to train because

Hard for them to have time to do professional learning, they have off election day and june 20th for example