FOUN 3000 Exam 2 study guide

school board members are usually selected by

election by community members

the day-to-day operation of a school district is determined by the


Walden Primary School has just instituted school-based management. WOTF activities will now be particularly important to Susanne's effectiveness as school principal?

collaborating with teachers and other school staff

some studies indicate that compared with large high schools, small high schools have

better attendance rates, improved grades, and more student responsiveness (AOTA)

_____ is (are) a key component of the NCLB Act

parent involvement

as described in CH. 7, a 1987 study led by 2 researchers concluded that an ideal high school should enroll _____ students to be most effective


the functioning of the state department of education is most directly affected by the actions of the

state board of education

the chief state school officer is the chief executive of the

state school board

the level of government that pays the highest percentage of total school revenues is the

state level

in a recent survey, local school boards responded that there number one concern was


Asbury Elementary School needs an after-school child-care center; WOTF types of revenue is best suited (and perhaps easiest to attain) for support of this project?

user fees

low-income families would consider a sales tax on food to be a

regressive tax

what is the primary purpose of assessing user fees in a school environment?

to offset shrinking revenue from traditional sources

the largest portion of revenue for the schools is generated by

personal income tax

elementary and secondary education represents approximately _____% of the nation's annual gross domestic product


extensive video surveillance can violate the student's

fourth amendment protection against search and seizure

an instructional media teacher who regularly videotapes copyright TV programs for use by classroom teachers in his middle/high school is violating copyright laws if he

makes the tapes without an advance request from one or more teachers

teachers need to be familiar with the legal principle of fair use when

photocopying materials for classroom use

outside of the classroom environment, teachers are expected to behave

in an exemplary manner and model

when considering freedom of expression, teachers who supervise student publications should

identify specific criteria for what can be approved for printing

the US Supreme Court has ruled that expression of unpopular views by students is

allowed if it is not disruptive

as a result of Goss v. Lopez, students are seen as having a property interest in their education; because of this

students cannot be suspended without due process

before school officials can search a student, there must be

reasonable cause

excessive punishment of students is in violation of

due process rights

WOTF may contribute to the increase in suicide rates among children in the US?

influence of mass media

in school, overindulged children may

become frustrated easily

giver current social media conditions and trends, WOTF statements about Sam, a hypothetical 12 y/o boy, is most likely to be true?

Sam's friends influence him more than his parents' friends influenced them as children

researchers examining the "net generation" conclude that

although television requires passive viewing, utilizing the Internet stimulates interactive participation

according to Coleman's study in 1961, students with high prestige in high school include

those who are athletes, own nice cars, and are physically attractive

when dealing with bullies, a school might best

apply behavioral contracts

according to much of the research on student roles, WOTF children is most likely to be perceived by teachers as a "model" student?

Joy, who quietly and effectively does everything she's told to

Generally speaking, WOTF statements best reflects the relationship between the cultures of schools and the culture of American society in which schools operate?

schools not only reflect the norms of the greater culture around them but also exert great efforts to maintain those norms

institutional and social realities encourage students to

be conforming in their behavior

because teachers reward passive behavior, elementary school boys often

exhibit high rates of alienation

school service personnel employed by districts need to be prepared to help primary with student problems in

social adjustment

social services have extended to WOTF areas?

physical and mental health, health and medical assistance, and employment assistance (AOTA)

Miguel lives in a Hispanic neighborhood in a very large city; WOTF schools is he most likely to attend?

a predominantly minority school

the areas of education receiving the most significant focus in educational reform include

multicultural education, disadvantaged students,, desegregation, and students with disabilities

Ken, a school board member in a segregated district, chairs a committee that is planning a voluntary desegregation strategy for a portion of his district; WOTF plans would be most appropriate for his committee to consider?

controlled choice

compensatory school programs target

low-income students

a 4 y/o disadvantaged child living in the inner city would probably be eligible for

Head Start

compensatory education is best described as a variety of attempts to

provide financial and programmatic support to relieve a variety of educational inequities

pullout classes have been relatively ineffective because they

tend to create confusion throughout the school

achievement of low-income minority students is likely to _____ when students attend a middle-income, non minority school


multicultural approaches in education, such as attention to learning styles, recognition of dialect differences, bilingual education, and multicultural curricula are based on the attempt to

respect the cultural background and identity that all students bring to the classrooms, while at the same time preserving academic integrity and promoting student achievement

a majority of children with disabilities receive most or all of their education in

regular classrooms

studies indicate that the problems children experience as a result of being classified or placed in a special class of program

(NOTA) the results are inconclusive

a consistent theme related to the education of students with disabilities is

the desire to create learning environments that are the most educative and, at the same time, the least restrictive

during the 1940s, _____ spent $7.36 per student in black schools yet spent over $52 per student in white schools


in 2007, the Supreme Court ruled that school districts

may not use race as part of the desegregation plan