lifespan final


the natural physical decline brought about by aging


process in which nerve cells are insulated by a covering of fat cells

leading sources of death for people ages 25-34

aids, cancer, heart disease and suicide

age 35 milestone

illness and disease over take accidents as the leading cause of death

secondary aging

physical declines brought about by environmental factors or an individuals behavioral choices

homicide rate

higher in the united states, most frequent for black males and 2nd to hispanics.


least likely to seek the help of a physician, believe in supernatural causes of illness.


the physical and emotional response to events that threaten or challenge us


study of the relationship among the brain, the immune system and psychological factors.

primary apprasial

the assessment of an event to determine whether its implications are positive, negative, or neutral.

secondary apprasial

the assessment of whether ones coping abilities and resources are adequate to overcome the harm, threat, or challenge posed by the potential stress-or. a persons answer to a question.

psychosomatic disorders

medical problems caused by the interaction of psychological, emotional and physical difficulties
examples> ulcers, asthma, and high blood pressure.


the effort to control, reduce or learn to tolerate the threats that lead to stress

defensive coping

coping that involves unconscious strategies that distort or deny the true nature of a situation

emotion-focused coping

conscious regulation of emotion


a personality characteristic associated with a lower rate of stress related illness


ability to withstand, overcome and actually thrive following profound adversity

drop out rate for african americans is


what is the percentage of the ones that finish college four years later


first year adjustment reaction

a cluster of physiological symptoms, including loneliness, anxiety, withdrawal, and depression, relating to the college experience suffered by first college students

college students

25-35 ages
2/3 are ages 22 or older
14% are 40 plus years

social clock

the culturally determines psychological timepiece providing a sense of whether we have reached the major benchmarks of life at the appropriate time in comparison to our peers.

intimacy versus isolation stage

according to Erickson the period from postadolescence into the early s that focuses on developing relationships with others

why do we seek friends

need for belongingess

passionate love (romantic)

a state of powerful absorption in someone
intense physical interest and arousal. and caring for others needs

companionate love

the strong affection for those with whom our lives are deeply involved

is love the only thing that matters? seeking a spouse

marry someone they did not love-united states, japan brazil said no
pakistan and india said yes
china- men ranked good health and most important and women ranked emotional stability and maturity most critical.

marriage gradient

the tendency for men to marry women who are slightly younger smaller and lower in status, and women to marry men who are slightly older, larger and higher in status.


the tendency to marry someone who is similar in age, race education, religion and other basic demographic characteristics

marriage gardient makes finding a spouse worse for

African american women

lowest divorce rate


90% of married couples have

one child

women married before having children


fertility rate

1957-3.7 children per women
today -2.1 children per women
underdeveloped countries 6.3

replacement level

the number of children one generation must produce to be able to replenish its numbers

same sex couples

16-20 percent are parents

middle adulthood ages 40-65

importance in physical appearance
age 55 settling process women loose 2 inch in height and men 1 inch decline
increase in body weight- middle age spread


a condition in which the bones become brittle, fragile, and thin, often brought by a lack of calcium in the diet
women at greater risk

by age 60

strength loss of 10%

female climacteric

age 45 lasts aboit 15-20 years-the period that marks the transition from being able to bear children to being unable to do so.


the cessation of menstruation
after 1 year with out a period menopause has occurred.

male climacteric

the period of physical and psychological change relating to the male reproductive system that occurs during late middle age.
late middle age typically late 50s

What are people afraid of in middle adults hood


Silent killer


sensory memory

is an initial, momentary storage of information that lasts only an instant

short term memory

holds it for 15-25 seconds

long term memory

hold it for a permanent basis

generativity -versus stagnation

accoring to erickson the stage during middle adulthood in which people consider their contributions to family and society


making a personal contribution to family, community work, and society as a whole or in stagnation

midlife crisis

a stage of uncertainty and indecision brought about by the realization that life is finite

divorce women

1/8 women in her first marriage will get divorced by the age of 40


men feel lonely in crease in physical and mental health problems

boomerang children

young adults who return after leaving home for some period to live in the homes of their middle aged parents
1/3 of young adults ages 25-34 are living with their parents

family violence

21-34 percent of women will be slapped, kickedm beaten choked or threatened or attacked with a weapon
15 % of all marriages in the united states characterized by violence
1 in 3 women throughout the globe experience some form of violent victimization
8% w

cycle of violence hypothesis

the theory that abuse and neglect of children leads them to be predisposed to abusiveness as adults.