Romeo and Juliet Test

Explain the dramatic irony in this passage from scene i, when Friar Lawrence asks Paris to leave:
Friar- My lord, we must entreat the time alone.
Paris- God shield I should disturb devotion! Juliet, on Thursday early I will rouse ye.

Paris doesn't know Juliet is going to drink the vile and not be awake tomorrow on the wedding day. He didn't know that Juliet loves Romeo and not him.

In Scene ii, Juliet tells her father she will go through with the wedding, and he begins to make preparations for the celebration. How do Capulet' words create dramatic irony?
Capulet- My heart is wondrous light, Since this same wayward girl is so reclaim

Capulet is unaware that Juliet is following Friar Lawrence's plans and didn't mean what she say.

Juliet prepares for bed in Scene iii. Why is this exchange dramatically ironic?
Lady Capulet- What, are you busy, ho? Need you my help?
Juliet- No, madam; we have culled such necessaries As are beloved for our state tomorrow....
Lady Capulet- Good night.

Lady Capulet isn't aware that Juliet is going to drink the vile and appear dead tomorrow to miss the wedding. Lady Capulet thinks the big day is the wedding whereas Juliet thinks the big day is the result of the vile. Lady Capulet think Juliet is talking


the general term for literary techniques that portrays differences between appearance and reality or expectation and result

Verbal Irony

words are used to suggest the opposite of the meaning(when you say the opposite of what you mean)
? can be intended to make humor or be mean

Dramatic Irony

when the audience knows something a character does't know

Situational Irony

when the opposite of what you expect to happen, happens

How have Juliet's fears of drinking the vile affected her?

Juliet's fears have led her to be undecided and overwhelmed. She weighs the possibilities of her life marrying Paris versus risking her life for Romeo. Her fears of the outcome of the vile make her think more about whether or not it is a good idea.

How well do you think Juliet is coping with Romeo being banished and the vile?

I do not think she is coping well. A lot has happened to her and her family around the same time so she's very overwhelmed and stressed. She doesn't take time to seriously think through any possibilities because she is so upset. I think because she is str

What do you think of Juliet deciding wether or no to drink the vile in this scene? Why?

I do not think she is coping well. A lot has happened to her and her family around the same time so she's very overwhelmed and stressed. She doesn't take time to seriously think through any possibilities because she is so upset. I think because she is str

Would you be willing to the risk to drink the vile like Juliet does? Why or why not?

I would not be willing to take the risks Juliet does because there is so much more to life than just her husband of a few days. If Juliet truly couldn't get over Romeo, she'd find a better, safer way to be with him. I would try to find a different solutio

Act 3 Scene 3: Why does Romeo say that banishment is worse than death?

Romeo says banishment is worse than death because if he is banished he can no longer see his wife, Juliet. Sows immmaturity.

Act 3 Scene 3: Reread the lecture Friar Lawrence gives Romeo when Romeo threatens to use his sword on himself. What advise, plans, and comments does the Friar make? Compare and contrast the Friar and Romeo in this scene?

Friar Lawrence tells Romeo that he has so much natural talent and money, but he doesn't use it the right way. He Romeo he has a wife and if he kills himself, he would also be killing his wife. Friar Lawrence advises Romeo to count his blessings and to enj

Act 3: Scene 3: why does the Friar want to help the two lovers? What might he have to gain by intervening the Montague/Capulet feud? What is his motivation

Friar wants to help the two lovers because he wants the feud to end. He might gain more money and free time.

Act 3: Scene 5: How does Juliet react to the news that she has to marry Paris?

Juliet refuses to marry Paris because she is married to Romeo. She tries to convince her parents by loving Romeo it would be his punishment.

Act 3: Scene 5: How does Lady Capulet interpret lines 93-102 and lines 121-123? What does Juliet really mean?

Lady Capulet thinks Juliet will only be happy if she is the one to make the poison and make the love for his cousin on him. Juliet literally means she wants to mix the potion so he does not die and wants to go make love with Romeo. Talking about hating Ro

Act 3: Scene 5: Think about what you learned of Capulet earlier in the play. Do you think he means the harsh things he says to Juliet in this scene ? Why or why not?

I don't think he means the harsh things he said to Juliet. I think he believes he deserve the upmost level of respect and gratitude. So, when Juliet doesn't want to marry Paris he feels disrespected and treated as lower class. He is quick to anger.

Act 3: Scene 5: Does Juliet's mother act the way you expect her to when she says, "Talk not to me, for I'll not speak a word. DO as thou wilt for I am down with thee.

Yes, Lady Capulet doesn't really know Juliet and doesn't actually know her birthday. In order to save her marriage, Lady Capulet sides with her husband.

Act 3: Scene 5: Why does the Nurse change her mind about Romeo? Do you agree or disagree with her advice to Juliet? Explain.

The Nurse changes her mind because she thinks there is a chance Romeo may never return and since Paris is here she could marry him. She also believes Juliet might possibly be much happier instead of loving and marrying in secret and undercover. I agree, J

Act 3: Scene 5: What is more important- romantic love or family loyalty?

I think family loyalty is more important because your family is the reason you are alive and will love you no matter what. Whereas, your romantic love may not work out or could end.


the literal or dictionary definition of a word
� excludes imagination or emotional response


the feelings or associations the audience(reader or lister) or speaker has about a word

How many lines in Iambic Pentameter poem?


How many beats/syllables per line in Iambic Pentameter?

10 syllables

The ______ _____of a human _______ is the most common example of ____ ____

Da dum, heartbeat, iambic rhythm

Shakespeare used ____ of these ______ in each line of his ______

Five, iambs, sonnets


Two syllables; soft/heavy steps


Five feet/steps


Unstressed syllables

Stressed syllables

ryhme scheme of a sonnet


Shakespeare wrote

154 sonnets

Act 3: Scene 4: Tybalt's death has greatly affected Capulet's decision on his daughter's wedding plans. Why has he changed his mind? Do you think he is doing the right thing?

Capulet changed his mind because he realized how short life is and how Juliet needs to marry. He thinks it will make her happy. He decides since Juliet is grieving that she will listen to what he says and marry Paris. I do not think he is doing the right

Act 3: Scene 5: Do a quote analysis of the following quotation(in other words, figure out what the quote means and identify any literary devices).
O go, I have an ill-divining soul! Methinks, I see thee, now thou art below, As one dead in the bottom of a

I have a soul that predicts bad things. I think when I see you now that you are below, you look as dead in the bottom of the tomb. Either my eyes are deceiving me or you look very pale."
� foreshadowing

Act 2: Scene 4: Why does Mercutio speak in prose in Act 2 Scene 4?

Mercutio is talking with his friend casually and no one else was around. Mercutio and his friends are acting like they are cool.

Act 2: Scene 4: How are the boys(Mercutio,Benvolio, and Romeo) characterized in Act 2 Scene 4?

Immature, joking, cares what other people think about them

Act 2: Scene 4: What the boys say in act 2 Scene 4 isn't important to the plot, but the scene is significant. How? Why would he include this scene?

Shakespeare would include it to add more personality and qualities to characterize the boys. Show immaturity of Romeo.

Act 2: Scene 4: Why and how do Mercutio and Benvolio make fun of the Nurse?

They mock her for her size, looks and poor education. they see her as someone beneath them and use her as a target to make them look cool.

Act 2: Scene 4: In line 179 the nurse say, "Doth not rosemary and romeo both begin with a letter?" Why is this significant?

It is a reference to death while comparing romeo and his love, showing that their love leads to death. Foreshadowing Romeo and Juliet's death.

Act 2: Scene 5: In lines 16 and 17 Juliet says, "but old folks, many feign as they were dead, Unwieldy, slow, heavy, and pale as lead." Why does Shakespeare draw attention to age difference so often?

To show Romeo and Juliet are both so young and immature.

Act 2: Scene 5: Why does the Nurse think that Juliet has made a foolish choice?

Juliet is only in love with Romeo's looks, instead of personality. Paris is better than Romeo, Romeo didn't stop Mercutio and Benvolio from making fun of the Nurse.

Act 2: Scene 6: in line 9 Friar Lawrence says, "These violent delights have violent ends." Why does Shakespeare include this line?

Foreshadows romeo and Juliet's sudden love will lead to their sudden death.

Act 2: Scene 6: In lines 36 and 37, Friar Lawrence says, "For, by your leaves, you shall not stay alone till church incorporates two in one." Why does he say this

He doesn't want Romeo and Juliet to change their mind before they get married and end the feud. Friar Lawrence is not leaving them alone in church to not sleep together before they get married, showing immaturity. Relationship is based on looks.

Act 2: Scene 3: In lines 1-22, why does Shakespeare have Friar Lawrence draw a connection between birth and death?

Foreshadows death of Romeo and Juliet unknowingly. Shows the birth of Romeo and Juliet's love leads to their death.

Act 2: Scene 3: Explain both the literal and metaphorical meaning of lines 23-30

Literal: There is good and evil in everything and if you have evil in you, you will die. Friar Lawrence is growing herbs for drugs to make people happy, but will in the end hurt them. It is foreshadowing.
Metaphorical: Juliet is good and Romeo is bad, if

Act 2: Scene 3: In line 82, Friar Lawrence scolds Romeo for obsessing over Rosaline, not for loving her. What are the differences between obsession and love?

Loving is liking someone's personality and traits and embracing their flaws. Obsession is only loving for their beauty or the way the person acts.

Act 2: Scene 3: In line 88, Friar Lawrence says, "Oh, she knew well thy love did read by rote, that could not spell." What does he mean by this? Do you agree or disagree why?

He means Romeo doesn't understand what love truly is and Romeo was just acting like he was in love with Rosaline. I agree because Romeo was obsessing over Rosaline's looks instead loving her for who she is. Romeo doesn't know the difference between obsess

Act 2: Scene 3: How is Friar Lawrence characterized in this scene?

He is characterized as a mentor by questioning Romeo about love and if he is ready for marriage.

Act 2: Scene 3: Why does Friar Lawrence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet? Do you agree or disagree with his reasoning?

Friar Lawrence wants peace in Verona and the feud to end. I disagree because I don't think Romeo should marry after just meeting Juliet and not being truly in love with her.

What is the purpose of the Act 2 Prologue?

Talking about Act 1 and setting up Act 2. To introduce the conflict in Romeo and Juliet falling in love.

Act 2 Prologue: "But passion lends them power, time means, you meet, Tempering extremities with extreme sweet.

This is important because it shows how powerful Rome and Juliet's love is and how far they'll love to make their relationship work.

Act 2 Prologue:
"Being held a foe, he may not have access

This introduces the idea that they may not be able together due to their family's feud.

Act 2 Prologue:
"That fair for which love groaned for would die

This shows that romeo and Juliet's new love would die.

Act 2 Prologue: Foe

Capulet and Montague are sworn enemies

Act 2 Prologue: Vows

Foreshadowing Romeo and Juliet's wedding vows.

Act 1 Scene 1: coals....colliers...choler...collar

Pun and alliteration

Act 1 Scene 1: "What, ho! You men, you beasts/that quench the fire of your pernicious rage/with purple fountains issuing form your veins


Act 1 Scene 1: "the winds....hissed him in scorn.


Act 1 Scene 1: "Many a morning hath he here been seen/with tears augmenting the fresh morning's dew/adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs.


Act 1 Scene 1: "the shady curtains from Aurora's bed,


At 1 Scene 1: "to himself so secret and so is the bud bit with an env�os worm where he can spread his sweet leaves to the air...


Act 1 Scene 1: "Aflac that love, so gentle in his view/Should be so tyrannous and rough in proof!


Act 1 Scene 1: "love is a smoke radiated with the fume of sighs/...a fire sparkling in lover's eyes...a sea nourished with lovers' tears.... a madness....a gall....a sweet.


Act 1 Scene 1: "She hath Diana's with/ And, in strong proof of chastity well armed/From Love's weak childish bow she lives unharmed.


Act 1 Scene 2 Line 27-28: "when well-appareled April on the heel/ Of limping Winter treads..


Act 1 Scene 4 Lines 15-17: "You have dancing shoes/With nimble soles; I have a soul of lead so stakes me to the ground I cannot move.


Act 1 Scene 4 Lines 18-19: "Borrow Cupids' wings and soar with them above common bound.


Act 1 Scene 4 Lines 26-27: "Is love a tender thing? pricks like thorn.


Act 1 Scene 4 Lines 98-99: "I talk of dreams/Which are the children of an idle brain..


Act 1 Scene 4 Line 102-105: "...the wind who woos/even now the frozen bosom of the North/And, being angered, puffs away from thence/Turning his face o the dew-dropping South.

Personification and alliteration

Act 1 Scene 5 Line 43-44: "It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night/Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear...


We know that Romeo has at least two dreams, a dream of Rosaline and the dream he mentions in I.iv.
What do we know about each dream?

The dream of Rosaline: A beautiful woman ROmeo loves and he is upset she doesn't love him back
Romeo's dream that night: Something would go wrong at Capulet's party

What do these dreams reveal about Romeo

Romeo dreams about events or people he is upset about or unsure of.

Mercutio has some interesting ideas about dreams, too.
According to Mercutio, what are the dreams that Queen May delivers to each of the following people?
Lovers dream of:


Courtiers(first mention) dream of:


Lawyers dream of:


Ladies dream of:


Courtiers(second mention) dream of:

Making money off someone

A parson dreams of:

Large donation

A soldier dreams of:

Cutting throats of foreign enemies, breaking down walls, ambushes, Spanish swords, an enormous cups of liqour

Is Queen Mab the queen of good dreams, nightmares, or both? Explain.

She is the queen of good dreams because she helps them dream about what they desire.

Reread Mercutio's exchange with Romeo at the end of the scene. What does Mercutio think of dreams?

Mercutio thinks dreams are silly and made up in our imagination.

Why do you suppose Mercutio told such a fantastic story to Romeo?

To show Romeo his dreams and foolish and not worth getting upset over.

What kind of person is Mercutio?

A realist who wants Romeo to get over his love.

Romeo's feelings towards love

Romeo is in love, but is sad because the person does not love him back. Love brings him sadness.

Benvolio's feelings towards love

Benvolio is saying that the beautiful women fall in love faster.
Benvolio is suggesting that if you look at someone more beautiful than the one you love, you will no longer love her. Benvolio thinks love is easy to change and find based on appearance.

Paris' feelings towards love

Paris is eager to marry. Age is not an issue.

Capulet's feelings towards love

Capulet believes you have to be mature and older to marry.
Capulet is very protective of Juliet and her love. He believes there must be a choice in love.

Juliet's feelings towards love

Juliet doesn't think about love or marriage.

Lady Capulet's feelings towards love

Lady Capulet marriage and love aren't related. Marry to be taken care of.

Nurse's feeling's towards love

When you get married you get pregnant. She thinks love leads to motherhood

Used _____ theater traditions


All-______ cast


Believed ______ can't be escaped


Use of _____


Theater banned by church

500-1000 A.D.

Too rude, too crude, to likely to tempt people to _________


It would be another _______ years before __________ acting troupes started putting on dhows throughout Europe

400, traveling

_______ theatre opened


Owned by ______ _______

James Burbage; Shakespeare and four other actors would soon invest int eh theater


Shakespeare's troupe, The Lord Chamberlain's men, perform Richard II, first time at the Globe


Globe burned to the ground after a cannon misfire during a performancr of Henry VIII sets thatched roof on fire


Globe is rebuilt, but with a tile(instead of thatch) roof


Globe - and all theaters - closed by the Puritans, who hate the production. Just a hotbed for sinners, they believe.


Puritans destroy the Globe and build houses on the site


Rebuilt near original site. Now a major tourist destination and working theater


Fake stage roof with trap doors


Stage floor with trap doors

Stage blood

Blood-filled animal bladders


Scenery and props

Ornate costumes

Usually donated by wealthy benefactors

1 penny

Standing room ticket

2 pennies


3 pennies

Seat with a cushion(gentry)

Red flag

A history. Shared the history of the British monarchy or royalty

White flag

A comedy. Shakespearean play that ends in marriage.

Black flag

A tragedy. Shakespearean play that ends in death.


The repetition of initial consonant sounds. Writers use alliteration to give emphasis to words, to imitate sounds, and to create musical effects


A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art


The use in a literary work of clues that suggest events that have yet to occur. This technique helps create suspense, keeping readers wondering about what will happen next.


A deliberate exaggeration or ver statement


The descriptive or figurative language used in literature to create word pictures for the reader. These pictures, or images, are created by details of fights, sound, taste, touch, smell, or movement


A figure of speech in which one thing is spoken of as though it were something else. Unlike a simile, which compares two things using like or as, a metaphor implies a comparison between them


The use of words that imitate sounds. Writers can deliberately choose words that contribute to a desired sound effect.


A combination of words, or parts of words, that contradict each other


A type of figurative language in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics


A play on words involving a word with two or more different meanings or two words that sounds alike but have different meanings. In Romeo and Juliet, the dying Mercutio makes a pun involving two meanings for grave "serious" and "burial site" "Ask for me t


A figure of speech in which the words like or as are used to compare two apparently dissimilar items. This comparison however, surprises the reader into a fresh perception by finding an unexpected likeness


A short speech delivered by a character in a play in order to express his or her true thoughts and feelings. Traditionally, the aside is directed tot he audience and is pressure to be inaudible to other actions

Blank verse

Poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter lines. This verse was widely used by William Shakespeare.


A pair of rhyming lines, usually of the same length and meter In the following couplet from a poem by William Shakespeare, the speaker comforts himself with the thought of his love


A story written to be performed by actors. The script of drama is made up of dialogue- the words actors say and stage directions, which are comments on how and where actions happens
"For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings That then I scorn to ch


Poem's rhythmical pattern. This pattern is determined by the number and types of stresses, or beats in each line. To describe the meter of a poem, you must scan its lines. Scanning involves marking the stressed or unstressed syllables


In a play is a speech by one character, that unlike a soliloquy is addressed to another character or characters. AN example from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is the speech by Prince of Verona


A long speech expressing the thoughts of a character alone on stage. In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Romeo gives a soliloquy after the servant has flet to Paris and has died

stage directions

Are notes included in a drama to describe how the work is to be performed or staged. These instructions are printed in italics and are not spoken aloud. They are used to describe sets, lighting, sound effects, and the appearance, personalities, and moveme


A Montague who secretly marries Juliet, the daughter of his father's worst enemy


A Capulet who secretly marries a family rival, Romeo

Friar Lawrence

A friend of both and hopes their love will bring peace to Verona


Related to the prince and Romeo's best friend

The Nurse

Juliet's nurse who thinks Juliet sacrificing for love is incomprehensible


A Capulet who loves pride and loathes the Montagues

Capulet/Lady Capulet

Enemy of Montague and Juliet's parents who want her to marry Paris

Montague/Lady Montague

Enemy of Capulet's and parents of Romeo


Kingsman of the prince and wants to marry Juliet


Montague's nephew who wants to stop violent scenes in public and helps Romeo get his mind off Rosaline

Prince Escalus

Prince of Verona and is concerned about keeping peace. Neutral