English 9 Honors Final

What does Juliet mean when she says, "O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Fear that their love would eventually end in failure, as Romeo is a Montague and she a Capulet

The quotation: "Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health" is an example of


The quotation: "I'll look to like, if looking liking move" is an example of


What time of day were performances in Shakespeare's day given ?


The name of the theater where most of Shakespeare's plays were performed was . .

The Globe Theater

Shakespeare lived most of his life during the during what years?

Victorian Era

Shakespeare based Romeo and Juliet on the original poem by Arthur Brooke entitled ?

The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet

The beginning of Romeo and Juliet opens with a fourteen-line sonnet called the ?


The quotation: "Thou detestable maw, thou womb of death,/Gorged with the dearest morsel of the earth/Thus I enforce thy rotten jaws to open . . .I'll cram thee with more food" is an example of

Extended Metaphor

The quotation: "Death lies on her like an untimely frost" is an example of


What does Capulet offer Montague at the end of Romeo and Juliet?

He will also raise a statue of Gold in Romeo's likeness (Like Juliet)

What does Montague vow to do at the end of the play to honor Juliet?

They plan to make a statue of gold, and to make peace

The quotation: "Flower as she was, deflowered by him" is an example of


Why does the Friar agree to marry Romeo and Juliet?

He thought it would help bring peace in between the two families

. . . and all the men were flung into the sea. They came up 'round the wreck, bobbing awhile like petrels on the waves" is an example of ?


Great captain, a fair wind and the honey lights of home are all you seek. But anguish lies ahead; the god who thunders on the land prepares it . . ." is an example of (foreshadowing? Oxymoron? Epic hero trait? Epic simile?


Once through the strait, nine days I drifted in the open sea before I made shore, buoyed up by the gods . . ." is an example of?

Epic hero traits

The Latin phrase en medias res means:

In the middle of things

What handicap did Homer have?

He was blind

Know the characteristics of an epic hero

The epic hero is of larger-than-life, or of great, stature (superhuman).
The epic hero may be from legend or from real history.
The hero must possess character traits most valued by that society

Name the character traits that Odysseus is known for.

intelligence or quick thinking, guile (trickiness or craftiness), daring, and courage.
He is too curious for his own good at times, and he is foolishly cocky (arrogant or thinking too highly of himself) at times.

The quotation "Athena, Hope of Soldiers," is an example of an?


Know the themes of the Odyssey

hospitality, loyalty, and vengeance
loyalty and faithfulness; father-son relationships

Which character is said to represent Homer in the Odyssey?


Why were Oral stories and epics told to the ancient Greek people?

To teach lessons

How many years did Penelope weave the shroud to delay accepting a marriage proposal?

3 Years

How does Penelope "test" Odysseus?

Penelope tells one of the maids to move the bed from the couple's bedroom for the "stranger" to sleep in. Only Odysseus, Penelope, and the maid know that the bed cannot be moved because Odysseus built it with an olive tree trunk as one of the bedsteads

Why do you think the scene with Argus, Odysseus' dog, is included in the story?

Re Enforces the theme of loyalty
What's more loyal than a man's best friend

An allegory is defined as:

a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

When Piggy's "specs" break, it represents:

Breaking the last ties with civilization
Chaos finally taking over the boys on the island

The conch represented:

Law and Order

Which character is the prophet, symbolizing insight and self-awareness?


What does the platform represent in the story?


The sow's head represents:

Evil and Often compared to Satan

What excuses does Piggy make for killing Simon ?

He says it was an accident, and that they did take a large part in the killing of Simon
Also Simon should know better then to sneak up on them

What represents the evil in mankind in the book?

The "Beast" or the Sow's head

What does "Samneric" represent?

They're twins Sam and Eric, and the merging of their identities/names represents the boys' loss of individuality, and their rights as human beings to have individual choice

What is the purpose of the change in the point of view at the end of the novel?

To remind the readers that the boys are the island are still young boys, and that it's ironic that the Naval Officer is in a war, and so are the boys on the island.