Bour Act 3 Romeo and Juliet


detest something ; strongly disapprove


nimble ; mentally quick


speaking forcefully, expressively, and persuasively


banishment from a home, country, or area as a punishment


likely to change, especially in affections, intentions or loyalties


argument, quarrel, or rowdy fight


courteous and thoughtful towards women ; brave, honorable


characteristics of military life / war ; warlike and fierce


boring because of being long, monotonous, or repetitive

Why is Benvolio worried that he and Mercutio will not be able to "scape a brawl"?

The Capulets are beginning to surround them and people are angry / hot-blooded

Is Mercutio's description of Benvolio's personality accurate? Explain.

We know Benvolio as a peacemaker, but Mercutio presents a different side of him

When Tybalt enters, who's the first to mention the possibility of a fight?


How does Romeo act when he and Tybalt meet? Why?

He tries to calm Tybalt down and not tell him that he has a reason not to fight him.

Why does Romeo's behavior anger Mercutio?

He says his behavior is dishonorable

How is Mercutio wounded?

Romeo tried to break up the fight and Tybalt stabs him under Romeo's arm

Give an example of a pun (a play on words) Mercutio uses, even as he is dying

Ask for me tomorrow, and you'll find me a grave (dead/serious) man

What does Mercutio mean when he says, "A plague a' both your houses!

He curses both families

What does Romeo mean when he says "O, I am fortune's fool!

He realizes his fate and understands what will happen to him

Why does Romeo feel he must fight Tybalt? What happens as a result?

To avenge Mercutio's death ; he kills him

Benvolio's monologue reviews the events leading up to the two deaths. Is it accurate?

yes, just a little more detailed

Why does Lady Capulet demand Romeo's head?

He killed Tybalt

What is Prince Escalus' decision about Romeo?

He banishes him from Verona to Mantua

How does Montague defend Romeo's actions?

He is following his right by the law

When the Nurse first brings the news to Juliet, who does she think is dead?


When Juliet finds out that Romeo killed Tybalt, what is her first reaction?

She is shocked that Romeo could commit such an act

What is the Nurse's opinion of men in general?

She does not trust any, calls them liars and dishonest

How does Juliet justify Romeo killing Tybalt?

If Romeo didn't kill Tybalt, Tybalt would have killed Romeo

What does Juliet consider worse : Tybalt's death or Romeo's banishment?

Romeo's banishment

How does the Nurse plan to comfort Juliet?

By finding Romeo and bringing him to her

What symbol of her love does Juliet send Romeo?

Her (wedding) ring

Where is Romeo hiding?

Friar Laurence's cell

Why do you think Romeo would rather be put to death than be banished from Verona?

Juliet can live a new life without him because of banishment. He doesn't think he can truly live outside of Verona

What seems to be the most upsetting part of being banished for Romeo?

not being able to see Juliet

What does the Friar mean when he says "Be patient, for the world is broad and wide"?

There is a big world out there to be explored

How does Romeo justify refusing the Friar's advice and comfort?

He doesn't believe the Friar truly understand his feelings

What does Romeo do that could put the Friar's (and his) life in danger?

Refuses to hide when someone knocks at the door

What does Romeo fear Juliet is feeling?

hatred towards him for killing Tybalt

What does the Nurse stop Romeo from doing?

crying ; killing himself

Friar Laurence gives Romeo 3 reasons he should be happy. What are they?

1. He is not going to die
2. The world can be an exciting place
3. Juliet is still alive

What is the Friar's plan?

to have Romeo live in Mantua and send good news to him through a servant

What does the Nurse give Romeo that "revives his comfort"?

Juliet's ring

Why does Capulet suddenly change his mind about Juliet's marriage?

to help get their minds off Tybalt's death

How many people does Lord Capulet want at the wedding? What is his reason for this?

A half dozen ; to not dishonor people remembering Tybalt's death

What problem could come from Lady Capulet going up to Juliet's room at this time?

finding Romeo in Juliet's room

Why do Romeo and Juliet discuss the nightingale and the lark?

to determine what time of day it is

Who is more practical and realistic in this scene, Romeo or Juliet? Why?

opinion - They both know they can't be seen together but neither want to leave eachother.

Who is more optimistic about the future?


Find an example of foreshadowing in this scene

Juliet saying she will find Romeo dead in the bottom of a tomb

Why does Lady Capulet think Juliet is crying?

still mourning Tybalt's death

In what ways does Juliet mislead her mother?

crying ; she says that she can't wait to see Romeo dead (reverse psychology)

What would Lady Capulet like to do to Romeo?

poison his drink

How does Lord Capulet threaten Juliet if she does not marry Paris?

He says he will kick her out and disown her

Why does the Nurse tell Juliet to marry Paris?

Since Romeo is exiled she should move on and start a new life with Paris

How does this change the relationship between Juliet and the Nurse?

She doesn't trust her