Engilsh 1 Final

the repetition of constant sounds in words that're close together


the repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close together


a song or song-like poem that tells a story


a 5 line poem in which each poem follows a rule


rhymes at the end of lines

end rhyme

a long narrative poem that tells stories of the deeds of a heroic character


an expressive use of language( EX: metaphor, simile, personification, etc)

figurative language

the structure and organization of a poem


poetry without a regular meter or rhyme

free verse

3 lines,17 syllables
1st line- 5 syllables
2nd line- 7 syllables
3rd line- 5 syllables


language that appeals to the seven senses


rhymes within lines

internal rhyme

a very short humorous or nonsensical poem with 5 lines


a series of words written as one of the component's units of a poem, makes up stanzas


poetry that expresses the feelings/thoughts of the speaker rather than telling a story

lyric poem

comparison between 2 things without using like or as


a poem that tells a story (not an epic)

narrative poem

a lyric poem on a serious subject


using words whose sounds suggest their meaning


repeating a word, line, phrase, or stanza multiple times in a poem


a poem or stanza of 4 lines


the pattern of end rhymes in a poem- (a)(a), (b)(b), (a)

rhyme scheme

the repetition of accented vowel sounds


a musical quality produced by the repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables


a comparison between 2 unlike things using like or as


a 14 line poem written in iambic pentameter


words that explain different sounds and functions within writing

sound devices

the voice talking to us in a poem. the voice is not always the poet


a group of consecutive lines in a poem that form a single unit


odysseus' home


where gods and goddesses live


the river between the underworld and earth


where the trojan war was fought and where queen helen is from


where princess nausicaa lives and the island that odysseus washes up on after all his men are killed

the land of the phaecians

how long does it take for odysseus to get home after the trojan war, and how long was he gone all together

10 years; 20 years

why do the suitors remain at the palace for so long

they want to marry penelope and become king of ithaca

why does posideon want odysseus to suffer

he doesn't think odysseus is respectful enough to the gods, and he blinded his son, polyphemus

why does odysseus blind polyphemus instead of killing him

there'd be no one to move the boulder and odysseus and his men would be trapped in the cave forever

what are some of odysseus' positive attributes

clever, brave, loyal, strong, wise, etc

what is odysseus' flaw

curiosity (and sometimes cockiness)

what are some of the obstacles odysseus faces on his way home

calypso, the sirens, charybdis, polyphemus, rough seas, etc

name gods/goddesses that appear in the epic poem

athena, posideon, herm�s, calypso, leucothea, aeolus

who says "hey, mr.cunningham, how's your entailment getting along?


who says "she's has committed no crime. she has merely broken a rigid and time honored code of our society, a code that whoever breaks it is hounded from our midst as unfit to live with...


who says "how do you think i sign my relief checks?

bob ewell

who says " i'm little, but i'm old. i'm from meridian mississippi


who says "maycomb was an old town, but it was a tired old town when i first knew it


who says " you'll never really understand a person until you consider things from his POV- until you climb into his skin and walk around in it


who says " shoot at all the blue jays you want, if you can hit them, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird


who says "your fancy airs don't come to nothin- your ma'amin and your miss mayellerin don't come to nothin


who says "i most positively am not. i can use one hand as good as the other

bob ewell

where is maycomb and what historical event is happening over the course of the novel

alabama, the great depression

what historical event was happening iduring the 1960's

civil rights movement

what're some of the things the kids do to try and make boo come out of the house

note on a fishing pole, jem being dared to smack the house, them sneaking in and jem losing his pants, etc

what are some of the pieces of advice atticus gives his children over the course of the novel

1.cant understand what someone says going through until you look at it through their POV
2. it's a sin to kill a mockingbird

describe jem's interaction with mrs. dubose

she insulted atticus, so he chopped off the top of her flowers

describe the scene outside of the jail the night before tom's trial

all the men showed up to kill tom but scout said something to Mr. Cunningham to make him change his mind.

what evidence does atticus present to prove toms innocence

mayella was beaten on the right side of her face, so the person had to be left handed. toms left hand was crippled, but bob ewell was left-handed

how is the ewell family viewed in maycomb, before and after the trial

as trash

why is it logical that boo would be the one to save the children

he was always watching, and the attack took place in his backyard

what does scout see after she takes boo home

the neighborhood from his POV


Play on words; nimble soles, I have a soul of lead

saying two unlike words consecutively; "pretty ugly

Oxymoron; goodbye is such a sweet sorrow

giving something not human a human quality


who says "what, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? turn thee, benvolio, look upon thy death


who says "but soft! what light through yonder window breaks. it isn't the east, and juliet is the sun


who says "what is a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet


who says "o romeo, romeo. wherefore art thou, romeo


who says "did my heart love till now... i n'er saw true beauty till this night


who says " o, then i see queen man hath been with you


who says "a plague on both your houses


who says "ask for me tomorrow and you'll find me a grave man


who says " two households, both alike in dignity, in fair verona, where we lay our scene

the chorus

who says "for his alliance may do happy prove, to turn your household's pure rancor to love

friar laurence

who says " you're love, like an honest gentleman... where is your mother


who says "i am fortunes fool


who says "my child isn't yet a stranger in the world. she hath not seen the change of fourteen years

lord capulet

who says "come gentle night... given me my romeo


who says "o true apothecary! thy drugs are quick


who says "o, happy dagger! this is thy sheath; there rest, and let me die


who says "take this bottle, and when you're in bed, drink this distilled liquor... your pulse will stop. there'll be no warmth or breath to prove that you're alive

friar laurence

why does romeo agree to go to the capulet party

rosaline is going to be there

describe tylbalts personality

loves to fight and start trouble

what happens to romeo on the way home from his wedding, how does this change things for everyone

tybalt kills mercutio, romeo kills tybalt; this is the turning point in the play

describe romeos relationship with friar laurence, and why does he agree to do the wedding

more of a friendship than just a priest and partitioner; he thinks it will stop the fued

how does romeo react to his banishment

like it is worse than death

what is the plan to get juliet out of a forced marriage to paris

to drink a potion that will make her seem dead, then romeo will come get her

who tells romeo that juliet is "dead


why does romeo not receive word of the plan

-the priest who's supposed to deliver the letter cannot make it to romeo in time (play)
-romeo isn't there when the fedex truck pulls up (movie)

describe the deaths of romeo and juliet

romeo drink poison
juliet kills herself with romeos weapon

how is romeo and juliet's relationship love at first sight

he was still in "love" with rosaline, but as soon as he saw juliet, all feelings for rosaline vanished and replaced by juliet