Romeo and Juliet (plot)

The location where the play is set

Verona, Italy

The role Benvolio serve in the play

the peacekeeper

The type of lovers that Romeo and Juliet are said to be

Star crossed

This character serves as the buffoon in the play

the nurse

People who seek lover blindly at masquerade balls


Where Juliet most likely recited her famous rose line in the Globe theatre

inner stage

What Romeo "proposes" Friar Laurence do for him

marry them

What Tybalt sent Romeo

a letter and challenge on his life

The place Romeo and Juliet plan to meet

the friar's cell

The reason Friar Laurence does not want Romeo and Juliet to be alone together before their marriage


The person who wishes to start a fight with Romeo after the party


The Person Mercutio blames for his own death


The person who dies when Romeo avengers Mercurio's death


What Romeo compares his banishment to


The reason we know it is morning after Romeo and Juliet's first night together

the lark

The person Juliet discovers at Friar Laurence's cell


Juliet's plan if Laurence cannot prevent her marriage to Paris


The person Juliet suspects before drinking the potion

the friar

The person who finds Juliet "dead" in her bedchamber

the nurse

The place where Friar Laurence says Juliet is after her death


The person whose poverty sells Romeo the poison

the apothecary

The item that Romeo says is worse poison to men's souls


The reason Friar Laurence's letter fails to reach Romeo

a quarantine

The person who tempts a desperate man at Juliet's tomb


The number of people who lost their lives in the tragedy
