RJ Acts 4 and 5


-Prince of Verona, broke up the fight in beginning


-courter of Juliet; handsome, rich, respected


-the father of Romeo and head of the Montague House


-Juliet's father
-throws a party where Romeo and Juliet meet


-son and heir of the house of Montague and Lady Montague
-in love with Juliet


one of Romeo's closest friends


-Montague's nephew
-Romeo's cousin and close friend


-a Capulet
-Juliet's cousin on her mother's side
-he loathes Montagues.

Friar Lawrence

-a Franciscan friar
-friend to both Romeo and Juliet.


-Romeo's dedicated servant
-brings Romeo the news of Juliet's death, unaware that her death is a ruse

Sampson and Gregory

-2 servants of the house of Capulet, who, like their master, hate the Montagues.


servant to the Capulets


-Montague's servant
-fights with Sampson and Gregory in the first scene of the play

an apothecary

-an apothecary in Mantua.
-had he been wealthier, he might have been able to afford to value his morals more than money
-refused to sell poison to Romeo

Lady Montague

the mother of Romeo and the wife of Montague

Lady Capulet

the mother of Juliet and wife of Capulet


daughter of Capulet and Lady Capulet. In love with Romeo


nurses Juliet and raises her

citizens of Verona

maskers, guards, watchmen, and attendants

act 4 scene 1

Paris, Friar Lawrence, and Juliet are talking about Juliet and Paris, wedding; Juliet is already married to Romeo. Friar Lawrence tells Juliet the plan and she takes the the vial from Friar Lawrence.

act 4 scene 2

The Capulets are planning for Juliet's wedding and Juliet has returned from Friar Lawrence cell with a drink that will make her appear dead. Juliet and the nurse go back to Juliet's room to pick out what she will wear for her wedding.