Romeo and Juliet quiz 2

In what format is the act 2 prologue written?

A song.

How many total lines and syllables within each line are contained in this format?

14 lines; 10 syllables

what literary term is demonstrated by the following line from the prologue: "Now old desire doth in his death-bed lie.


when Mercutio cannot find romeo at the end of act 2, scene 1 after the Capulet party, what does Mercutio assume?

He assumes Romeo still pines for rosaline

Act 2, scene 2 is famously referred to as ___________________.

The balcony scene.

Complete the quote from romeo: "But soft, what light trough yonder window breaks? It is east, and Juliet is the ____________.


complete the quote from Juliet: '' O romeo o romeo, wherefore art thou romeo? Deny thy ________. and refuse thy___________. or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and ill no longer be a capulet

Father; name

Why is friar Lawrence so shocked when romeo says he wants to marry Juliet?

Romeo was upset the day before about rosaline rejecting him.

At the end of act 2, scene 3, why does friar Lawrence agree to help romeo wed Juliet?

He hopes that there love will resolve the conflict between the Capulet's and Montague's .

In act 2, scene 4, what does Romeo ask of the nurse?

He asks her to tell Juliet to go shrift at friar Lawrence's cell so they can marry.

After she returns from her visit to Romeo, How does the nurse increase Juliet's suspense?

She complains about her aching bones and her lack of breath.

What word would best describe Juliet's feelings as she waits to hear the message romeo has been sent?


What is so shocking about how romeo and Juliet unite in marriage?

Juliet must lie to her parents and and marry romeo without there consent.

What is friar Lawrence's fear as act 2 ends?

He fears that the swiftness and violent of romeo & Juliet's love will produce a violent end.

what does friar Lawrence compare romeo and Juliet to?

Fire and Powder