BNW Chapter 7-12

Where do Bernard and Lenina go at the start of this chapter?


What does Lenina see at this location that horrifies and disgusts her?


Why is Lenina disgusted by Linda?

She is wrinkled, overweight, and missing teeth

How is the aging process prevented in the utopia?

It is eliminated and science destroyed the basic element of human experience
Old age is dangerous for the community: mental prowess

What did the drumbeats remind Lenina of?

Solidarity Services & Ford's day celebrations

Describe the ceremony Lenina and Bernard watched. What gods are prayed to?

A ritual dance of sacrifice to the gods
Pookong and Jesus
A young man proceeds around a pile of snakes in the center of the Pueblo square, he receives a whipping until he dies

How are Linda and John different from the other savages?

They are more educated in the way of civilization

In this chapter, Bernard asks John to recollect his life on the reservation. What does John remember?

Linda singing lullabies from the Other Place to him as a child
Woke up to a man in bed with Linda
Linda was upset with him because he was playing with little boys
Pop�, Linda's lover

Why do the women whip Linda?

So she will stay away from "their men

What book became John's most important learning tool? Who gave this book to John?

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

What things does Mitsima teach John?

How to make things out of clay
Life-saving skills

What had been the ultimate rejection in John's life?

He is not apart of Malpais or London

Why do Bernard and John both feel alone?

They're both different, they both aren't accepted by society and both neglected. Both feel like they don't belong

What did John do as his own "Rite of Manhood?

Read an old volume of Shakespeare's plays

Why does John ask Bernard if he is married to Lenina?

Because people in the world state did not marry

What reaction to that question do both Bernard and John have?

They both think it is funny

What is meant by a "Soma Holiday"?

A drug induced form of relaxation

Early in chapter nine, when is John twice reduced to tears?

When he sees Lenina on her soma holiday

What does John do in Lenina's room?

Goes through her things, gets crazy at the smell of her perfume, fascinated by the zippers on her clothes
He kneels over her bed and quotes from Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida and then from Romeo and Juliet
He hears the helicopter and races out of the

Back in London, why has the Director summoned Bernard to the fertilizing room?

(the room contains more high-caste workers than any other in the Centre) He says that Bernard does his work well, but the greater a man's talents, the greater his power to lead astray. It is better that one should suffer than that many should be corrupted

In this scene, how does Bernard upset and humiliate the Director? By what name is he called by Linda? By John?

Bernard brings in Linda to see the Director. She said he made her have a baby and that she was its mother. Linda calls the Director Tomakin. John called him "my father.

Following this scene, what does the director do?

Resigned and never set foot in the Centre again

Why is everyone interested in John but not Linda?

The "joke" of saying "my father" was almost too good to be true. On the other hand, calling yourself a mother was seen as an obscenity. Also they viewed her as a savage and found her unattractive. They said her appearance made people sick.

How does Linda spend her time?

Continuously taking soma. She was on holiday all of the time (in some other world).

How does London react to Bernard and how does he handle his new popularity?

Everyone was after John, and John could only be seen through Bernard. Bernard was being treated of outstanding importance. The popularity got to Bernard's head.

How are Utopian children prepared for death?

They spend two mornings a week in a Hospital for the Dying. All the best toys are kept there, and they get chocolate cream on death days

What is Eton? What does John observe here?

Eton is a school reserved exclusively for upper-caste boys and girls. John observed the Alpha Double Plus classroom.

According to the geography taught at Eton, what is a"savage reservation"?

A place which, owing to unfavorable climatic or geological conditions, or poverty of natural resources, has not been worth the expense of civilising

The libraries of the World State contain only reference books. Why?

They said that if the young people need distraction, they can get it at the feelies. They do not encourage them to indulge in any solitary amusements

What is the reaction of the "Savage" to the "feelies" he and Lenina attend?

He thought it was a horrible film (base and ignoble)

Why does Lenina cry at the end of Chapter 11? How was she expecting her date with John to end and how does it actually end?

She cries because John leaves and she expected him to stay with her. John leaves in the taxi and she goes inside and takes soma

Explain Bernard's sudden increased popularity.

People are trying to please Bernard in order to be able to meet John

How does Bernard's popularity change him?

Bernard's popularity goes to his head a bit

Why does John refuse to come to the party?

He's went to all the other ones and Bernard never asks him if he actually wants to meet the people

How does John's refusal affect Bernard?

The people resent Bernard because they feel like they've been tricked into treating him well

Why does the Arch-Songster advise Bernard to "mend his ways"?

Because Bernard has pretty much dug himself a hole

Why is the paper entitled "A New Theory of Biology" so dangerous?

It could be damaging to the present social order

How does Bernard react to his downfall?

He goes back to his old, unhappy self

What does Helmholtz Watson do that gets him into trouble?

Shows his students a rhyme he had made himself

When John reads to him from Romeo and Juliet, Helmholtz bursts into laughter. Why?

The idea of a mother and father with a daughter

Why does Helmholtz call Shakespeare a "marvelous propaganda technician"?

Because he had so many insane, excruciating things to get excited about

What does Bernard learn about Jon's parentage?

That "Tomakin" is the director. He remembers the director's story of his visit to the reservation and realizes that the director impregnated Linda and gave birth to Jon.

Who does Bernard go to see in order to obtain the "necessary orders" to bring John and Linda to London?

He goes to sante fe to call mustapha mond

What is the reason Bernard give this man for bringing these two individuals to London?

They are of scientific interest

What Shakespearean character's words does John repeat over and over again?


What caste was Linda in?
