Module 4

physical borders

borders that follow natural boundaries, lakes, and mountains

human borders

set cultural and geometric border

example of human borders

cultural boundaries

geometric boundaries

based o latitude and longitude

soverign nation

government has full control

main idea

the nations of the world interact through trade and foreign policy

foreign policy

a governments way of dealing with nations


discussions with other countries that are intended to promote friendly relations.

humanitarian aid

assistance to people in distress

human rights

all rights humans deserve

united nations

an organization that helps countries in need

conflicts erupt around the world


doctors without borders

they're doctors that are their own organization

world governments

a central government that has sovereignty of the entire world

limited government

The idea that certain restrictions should be placed on government to protect the natural rights of citizens.


a written plan on how a government works


a form of goernment in which the people elect leaders


Government system were everyone are equal and the government distributes money evenly

common good

The good of the community as a whole.



sovereign nations

have the right to control their own borders


Exchange of goods and services

foreign policy

a nations overall plan for dealing with other nations

the united states helped provided what after world war 2

they helped provide food, clothing, and shelter in world war 2

national interest

a country determining its involvement in world affairs based on the outcome or benefits it receives

direct democracy

A form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives

promoting cooperation

nations promote cooperation by assisting other during natural disastors

Representative Government

system of government in which public policies are made by officials selected by the voters and held accountable in periodic elections

jury duty

serving on a jury


A law requiring people of a certain age to serve in the military