Tyler Quality Final Exam Review Assignment 2

On what date were x-rays discovered?

November 8, 1895

Who discovered x-rays?

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

How long was the first exposure, and what was demonstrated?

15 minutes, Hand

What is defined as radiation that has both electrical and magnetic properties?

Electromagnetic Radiation

What is represented by the distance between two successive crest or troughs?


The energy of individual photons is measured in what?

electron volts

Air kerma is the amount of energy deposited in air, how is it expressed?


What does c represent in the formula C=?v?

speed of light

Speed of light is represented by 3x10^8, how manny miles/s is the light traveling?


What units are used to measure occupational exposure?

REM and SV

What is the cathode comprised of?

Filament and focusing cup

What is the focusing cup made of?


The filament would be described as a ___________, which serves as source of electrons during x-ray production?

coiled tungsten wire

True or False, Tungsten has a melting point of 3400�C.


What is defined as x-rays, other than the primary beam, that escape the tube housing?

leakage radiation

What does bremsstrahlung mean?

Breaking radiation

Leakage radiation is not allowed to acceded what amount?


What is the diagnostic energy range?


What is the filament current range?

3-5 ampers

The x-ray beam has what energy?


How is tube current measured?


How much percent of the kinetic energy is converted to x-rays as electrons strike the anode target?


As kVp increases, beam penetrability does what?


How is mAs mathematically expressed?

mAxS =mAs

How much total filtration in the x-ray beam?

2.5 mm of aluminum of equivalent

What is the device that receives radiation leaving the patient?

image receptor (IR)

The process of image formation is the result of what of the x-ray. beam as it interacts with anatomic tissue?

differential absorption

What is the reduction in the intensity or number of photons in the primary x-ray beam?


Coherent interaction occurs with high or low energy x-rays?


In the Compton effect the ejected electron is known as what?

Compton electron or secondary electron

What interaction causes unwanted exposure to the image, known as fog?


The x-ray interaction responsible for absorption is what?


Visibility of the recorded details is achieved by the proper balance of what?

image brightness and contrast

What is the range of exposure intensities an image receptor can accurately detect?

dynamic range

Quantum noise is what dependent?


Shape distortion can appear what two ways?

elongation and foreshortening

Size distortion (magnification) are controlled by what two factors?


What is referred to as the smallest object that can be detected in an image?

spatial resolution

High contrast is also known as what?

short-scale contrast

What is used to describe the ability of an imaging receptor to distinguish between object having similar subject contrast?

contrast resolution

What is the number of bits that affects the number of shades of gray available for image display?

Pixel bit depth

Extreme exposure is also called what?


pixel size=


What is used to evaluate the accuracy of the anatomical structural lines?

spatial resolution

When you widen the widow what contrast is displayed?

the image has lower contrast

When the signal is increased, what does patient dose do?


What is the amount of luminescence on a display monitor?


What provides a numeric value indicating the level of radiation exposure to the IR?

Exposure indicator (EI)

what is the measure of the imaging systems ability to display the contrast of anatomic objects varying in size and the value will be between 0 and 1.0?

Modulation transfer function (MTF)

How is the number of pixels in one area represented?

Pixel density

With a greater number of pixels per unit area, what happens in regards to spatial resolution?

improved spatial resolution

What does a line pair consist of?

A line and a space

True or False; does a imaging system have 100% conversion efficiency?


Some information is always_________ during the process of image formation?

always lost

Double exposing an image will likely result in what?

image artifact