Kidneys Part 2


�Usually later in life around 4th decade
�Bilateral renal enlargement due to development of numerous cysts of varying sizes

What kidney disease is associated with arterial aneurysms (especially cerebral arterial Berry aneurysms of the circle of Willis.)?


ARPKD is associated with:

Cysts in liver and congenital hepatic fibrosis
-pulmonary hypoplasia
-portal hypertension

ARPKD is present ....

at birth

there is Loss of cortico-medullary distinction with....


what is the most common cause of an abdominal mass in newborns?

multi cystic dysplastic kidneys (MCDK)

Multicystic Dysplastic Kidneys is associated with.....

many other syndromes

Multicystic Dysplastic Kidneys is usually

Unilateral and the other kidney will be enlarged.

Bilateral hyperechoic medullary pyramids with or with/out shadowing

sonographic findings of medullary sponge kidney:

Congenital dysplastic cystic dilatation of the medullary pyramids due to tubular ectasia or dysplasia

medullary sponge kidney

cysts located in the periphery of kidney

Cortical or parenchymal cysts

cysts located in the center (renal sinus) of the kidney

Peripelvic cysts

�Multiple or thick septations�Thick calcifications�Mural nodule/or solid component

cysts that require further investigation and should be met with suspicion of malignancy

Development of multiple cysts in chronically failed kidneys during long-term dialysis

acquired cystic disease

Patients undergoing long-term renal dialysis are at an increased risk for ______ ____ ____ disease, which predisposes patients to renal cell carcinoma

acquired renal cystic

�Inherited disease which usually presents in 2nd - 3rd decade of life with serious visual impairment

Von Hippel-Lindau Disease

Renal Cell Carcinoma, Pheochromocytomas, Islet cell tumors, Renal and Pancreatic cysts are associated with.....

Von Hippel-Lindau Disease

�A multi-system genetic disease. Classic presentation include: Seizures, mental retardation, and facial angiofibromas

Tuberous Sclerosis

Patients with _____ _____ have an increased incidence of renal cysts and angiomyolipomas.

tuberous sclerosis

Angiomyolipomas are typically ______ in patients with tuberous sclerosis.


1. Adenoma
2. Oncocytomas
3. Angiomyolipoma (AML)

Benign Solid Renal Masses

1. Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)
2. Wilms Tumor (Nephroblastoma)(Pedi)
3. Mesoblastic Nephroma (Pediatric)
4. Urothelial Carcinoma
a. Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC)
b. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

Malignant Solid Renal Masses

Mets to liver is typically from primary......


A central scar on CT or MRIs and a spoke wheel pattern of vessels on angiograms are often suggestive of _______


Renal Oncocytomas (benign) AKA

oxyphilic adenomas

Angiomyolipoma(AML) is AKA


Hyperechoic benign renal tumor composed of fat cells intermixed with smooth muscle cells and aggregates of thick-blood vessels in varying proportions.

Angiomyolipoma (AML)

A propagation speed artifact may result in the posterior displacement of structures due to the slower acoustic velocity in the fatty mass with


�Juxtaglomerular tumor (reninoma)
�Multilocular cystic nephroma

benign renal tumors

Most common solid renal mass in the adult is

Renal Cell Carcinoma

Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) AKA

Hypernephroma or adenocarcinoma

Most often Hypoechoic relative to the normal adjacent renal parenchyma although it may appear hyperechoic

sonographic findings of RCC

RCC is more common in ....


Hematuria is Most Common and significant finding with ____


Most common childhood renal tumor

Wilm's Tumor ( Nephroblastoma)

Wilm's tumors destroy the_____ _____

renal contour

Wilm's tumors must be differentiated from _______ ________

adrenal neuroblastomas

. If normal renal contour is maintained bilaterally, an abdominal mass is most likely an ______ _______

adrenal neuroblastoma

Associated with Beckwith-Weidemann Syndrome

Wilms tumor

Most common renal tumor in NEONATES and INFANTS and represents 3% of pediatric renal tumors.

Mesoblastic Nephroma(pediatric)

________ is reported in 71% of pregnancies associated with mesoblastic nephroma


_____ ____ are malignant tumors of the lining of the renal pelvis, calyces, ureter, and bladder

Urothelial tumors

most common bladder neoplasm

transitional cell carcinoma

_____ ___ account for about 10% of urothelial carcinomas

Squamous Cell

urinary tract lined with transitional cells. ___ commonly in bladder-bladder mass
Hydronephrosis may be caused by ___


_______ is the most common clinical presentation of TCC


�Hypoechoic masses or
�Diffusely enlarged inhomogeneous kidney

Sonographic findings of Metastatic Renal Tumors- Lymphoma

dilation of calices


dilation of renal pelvis


dilation of calices and renal pelvis


calculi, UPJ obstruction, tumors

Intrinsic causes of hydronephrosis

Neoplasm, trauma, surgery, BPH, neurogenic bladder, GYN bladder outlet, Pregnancy, obstruction, Prostate CA

extrinsic causes of hydronephrosis

Grades 1-3 for


1.Ureterovesical junction (most common)
2.Uretopelvic junction
3.Pelvic brim

3 common areas of obstruction by a stone:

A resistive index RI of greater than .7 is suggestive of _____ _____

obstructive hydronephrosis

1.Vesicoureteral reflux
2.Non-obstructive Hydronephrosis
3.Ureteropelvic junction Obstruction (UPJ)

most common causes of newborn/ prenatal hydro

Calculi that can develop anywhere in the urinary system


most urolithiasis develop in the .....

kidneys (nephrolithiasis)

Some form of calcium, uric acid, struvite or magnesium ammonium phosphate, crystine,

types of renal calculi

Renal parenchymal calcium deposits. Occurs in cortical or medullary or both regions. Calcium levels are increased and often this is detected through x-ray as incidental finding.
Usually bilateral and diffuse


Arise in the collecting system
Main symptom is acute back or flank pain often radiating down to ipsilateral groin. When severe- can have fever, chills, dysuria, cloudy urine and hematuria

Nephrolithiasis- Renal Stones

__________ is usually related to abnormal metabolic states leading to hypercalcemia.


70% of renal trauma is ....

blunt force trauma

Depending on age of ________ have varying echo patterns. May go from anechoic, complex, echogenic, then reverted back to anechoic.


________ ________ lies between the renal cortex and the capsule

Subcapsular hematoma

Caused by blood supply obstruction of the artery (By embolism coming from heart or aorta) or by occlusion or stenosis of the vein drainage.

renal infarction

______ is difficult to characterize with sonography.


_____ will look hypo echoic within 24 hours but with time it will look echogenic


A. Acute Pyelonephritis (APN)
B. Emphysematous Pyelonephritis (EPN)
C. Chronic Atrophic Pyelonephritis (CPN)
1. Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis (XGP)
D. Renal and Perinephric Abscess
E. Pyonephrosis
F. Fungal Infections
G. Schistosomiasis
H. Tuberculos

Renal Infection & Inflammatory Disease

Results from bacterial invasion of renal parenchyma

acute pyelonephritis

Imaging studies are not necessary with ___ _____ because diagnosis van be made clinically.

acute pyelonephritis

Renal enlargement
Hypoechoic parenchyma
Absence of sinus echoes

sonographic findings of acute pyelonephritis

If infection is focal it is called .....

acute focal bacterial nephritis or lobar nephronia.

Ultrasound shows a focal wedge-shaped area or hypoechoic renal lobe with ____ ______ Similar to ischemia or infarction

acute pyelonephritis

A bacterial infection associated with renal ischemia. More commonly occurring :
Diabetics (87 - 97% of patients)
Immunosuppressed patients and patients with urinary tract obstructions.

Emphysematous Pyelonephritis

Anerobic bacteria produce intrarenal gas causing reverberation or comet-tail artifacts with .....

Emphysematous Pyelonephritis

Nephrectomy is usually required to treat _____ ______

Emphysematous Pyelonephritis

Leading to end-stage renal disease- appears small and hyperechoic with cortical thinning.

sonographic findings of Chronic Pyelonephritis (XanthogranulomatousPyelonephritis (XGP)

Renal injury induced by recurrent renal infection due to:
Anatomic anomalies, obstructive lesions, ureteral reflux

Chronic Pyelonephritis

type of chronic pyelonephritis results from chronic infections due to long term obstruction.

XanthogranulomatousPyelonephritis (XGP)

XanthogranulomatousPyelonephritis (XGP) is ___


renal enlargement, parenchymal abscesses, staghorn calculus, papillary necrosis, hydronephrosis, pyonephrosis, loss of cortical-medullary boundary, cortical thinning

sonographic findings of XGP

purulent material in collecting system
Percutaneous or surgical drainage required to treat.
Shown as hyperechoic debris in dilated collecting system


_____ is most common cause of fungal infections worldwide


If ____ _____ obstructive- fungal ball appears as hyperechoic nonshadowing mass

fungal infection

malakoplakia is from ...........

chronic E. coli infection

Rapid decrease in renal function
Suspected when urine output falls or BUN and creatinine levels rise.

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)

Most common cause of AKI is .....

Acute Tubular Necrosis

1.Prerenal Failure (inadequate perfusion)
2.Intrinsic Renal Failure: Acute tubular necrosis, acute glomerulonephritis, nephrotoxins
3.Postrenal Failure (obstructive nephropathy)

3 Main Mechanisms of AKI

Hypotension, volume decreased cardiac output

AKI-.Prerenal Failure (inadequate perfusion)

Acute tubular necrosis, acute glomerulonephritis, nephrotoxins

AKI Intrinsic Renal Failure

obstructive tubules with precipitates, bilateral ureteral obstruction, bladder outlet obstruction, bilateral renal vein thrombosis

AKI-Postrenal Failure (obstructive nephropathy)

urine output, urinalysis, BUN, serum creatinine

labs for AKI

�Hydronephrosis- Indicates postrenal failure
�Abnormal RI- suggests intrinsic

Sonography's Role in AKI

Irreversible condition
Diminished function of nephrons- decreased GF, renal blood flow, tubular function, and resorptive capability

Chronic Kidney Disease End-Stage Kidney Disease

Small, echogenic, shrunken kidney

sonographic findings of Chronic Kidney Disease

a complication of dialysis patients with acquired cystic disease

renal tumors

_____ ____ is a common complication with CKD patients receiving hemodialysis.

Acquired Cysts

Develop bilateral cystic disease
Cysts located throughout kidney and involve cortex, corticomedullary junction and medulla. Kidneys often appear small and echogenic

Acquired Cysts related to Dialysis