Political Science 250 Midterm

Political Socialization

The process by which citizens develop the values, attitudes, beliefs, and opinions that enable them to support the political system

Harold Lasswell

Which political scientist claimed that politics is the resolution of conflict over "who gets what, when, and how"?

Niccolo Machiavelli

Which Italian political theorist argued in The Prince that power is the key unit of analysis in politics?

Social Contract Theorists

What are political theorists who study human nature, problems that naturally arise in nature, and then recommend a political system to best address these problems are referred to as?


What is the term that refers to some of the ways people are categorized

Political Power

The ability to get others to do what they wouldn't on their own.


an economic system in which the means of production, such as land and factories, are privately owned and operated for profit


A political philosophy that tends to support traditional values and advocates change only in moderation


the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes

John Locke

Which political theorist had a strong influence on Thomas Jefferson when he penned the U.S. Declaration of Independence?


the political system under which the economy, property, and major industries is controlled and directed by the state

Achieve social justice

Ancient political thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle believed that political power should be understood?

Niccolo Machiavelli

Which thinker believed that "power" and not "justice" is the most important unit of analysis in politics?

Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jaques Rousseau

Who were Social Contract Thinkers?

John Locke

Who argued for a representative democracy where government possesses limited powers and where the selected representatives make decisions on their behalf?

Thomas Jefferson

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." This famous quote comes from whom?


When a social science researcher makes an educated guess based on previously understood facts, what is he/she constructing?


political ideology believes that government should not interfere in the economic or social life of people except to provide police and military protection

Hard Power

An example of a state threatening to cut off economic aid to another state in order to achieve a desired objective is an example of what?


Believes that all government is evil and that chaos must prevail?

Representative Democracy

John Locke endorsed the belief in a(n)_______ form of government.

The Ionians

Those who believe that the universe is in a constant state of random and arbitrary change and can be understood in material terms follow which school of thought?


Who was the Greek philosopher sentenced to death by the Greek Senate for corrupting the youth and impiety?

Normative Theory

What type of theory examines the way politics "should" be rather than focusing on the way politics "is"?

Allegory of the Cave

Plato underscores the need for philosophical rule by revealing how some opinions are more valuable than others by distinguishing between imagining, believing, and knowledge. He makes this point in Book VII of The Republic in the____?

Theory of Forms

Plato offers a dualistic vision of the universe that distinguishes between the world of appearances and the intelligible world. This vision is explained in Plato's__________


Approximately what percentage of the world's population is identified as a Christian?


In The Republic, Plato argues that the ideal republic and the human soul both comprise three critical parts. Plato links the craftspeople with which part of the human soul?

Normative Theory

Political theorists who are less interested in the way politics "ought" to be and more interested in studying politics as it is actually practiced follow this approach.

Traditional Conservatism

Edmund Burke's belief that government should not attempt to change society, but that government should merely reflect changes that have already taken place in society helped shape which theoretical movement?

Karl Marx

Which thinker's theory suggest that all conflict in society occurs because of class conflict that results from capitalism?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Which political theorist stated that "Man is born free, and yet we see him everywhere in chains"?

John Locke

Which political theorist authored The Two Treatises of Government and had a major influence on Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Hobbes

Which political theorist authored The Leviathan and tried to prove the correctness of Machiavelli's view that power and not justice is the key unit of analysis in politics?

Lion and Fox

Machiavelli asserted that The Prince can best lead by applying the finest traits associated with which two members of the animal kingdom?

Kim Jong Il

_______is regarded by some as a ruthless leader because reports indicate that he keeps approximately 200,000 political prisoners in gulags where they are forced to work 12-15 hours per day and because many of these prisoners ultimately die of malnutrition


Those who were more generally opposed to both a stronger central government and the ratification of the U.S. Constitution were known as what?


What are those supportive of ratifying the Constitution and who generally favored a stronger central government were known as?

2/3 vote

Ratification of formal constitutional amendments requires a _________

Farmers were in debt

Shays's Rebellion in 1786 was significant in part because it caused a nudge away from the Articles of Confederation and helped to inspire the Constitutional Convention. Why were the Massachusetts residents revolting?

Virginia Plan

Which proposal was drafted by James Madison and Edmund Randolph and called for representation in Congress to be apportioned by the state's population?

Full Faith & Credit Clause

The requirement that state courts enforce the civil judgments of other state courts and accept their public records as valid is known as what?


What is the name used to describe the party leader responsible for working closely with rank and file members of Congress to ensure individuals vote in accordance with the wishes of the party leaders?


Which legislative term describes the practice of trading influence or votes among legislators to achieve passage of bills that are of interest to one another?


Approximately what percentage of Members of Congress in the modern era are women?


Which term describes the underrepresentation of the population that arises when one legislative district is__________


Each member of the U.S. House of Representatives now represents approximately how many people?

It is used more now than before

Why has the filibuster become very controversial in the modern era?


After a Treaty is negotiated by the President, it must be ratified by a two-thirds vote in which body?