
The due process clause is in the

14 amendment

The first guarantee in the Bill of Rights is

freedom from an establishment of religion.

What was the main reason the Supreme Court gave for their 2005 decision to uphold the Ten Commandments display in a Texas park while striking down the display in Kentucky?

the kentucky display was historical

During the Nixon administration, when two newspapers began to publish a classified governmental document about the Vietnam War.

the Supreme Court upheld the right of the newspapers to print the document.

Speech or writing that advocates or incites discontent or rebellion against the government defines


The controversial free-speech issue of whether the First Amendment protects the right to burn or deface an American flag is concerned with

symbolic speech

Reguarding capital punishment, the Supreme Court has ruled in recent years that

the sentencing court must be able to consider both mitigating and aggravating factors.

The term used to refer to defamation by written work is


In the famous case of The New York Times Co. vs Sullivan (1964) the Supreme Court rules that for a statement about a public official to be considered libelous, the plaintiff must prove that the

statement was made with actual malice

Salander refers to

spoken words

The courts may prohibit the press from publishing information reguarding a criminal trial.

a gag order.

The Supreme Court has upheld the right of individuals to join together in a nonviolent economic boycott of business that practice racial discrimination. This illustrates

the right of association

What would be an attorney's motivation for using a "peremptory challenge" during the voir dire?

the juror will decide unfavorably for her client.

A bill of attainder is

legislative act that inflicts punishment on a specified person or group without judicial trial.

The constitutional provision that provides protection against unreasonable searches and seizure is the

4th Amendment

The intent of the exclusionary rule of evidence is to

deter illegal searches and seizures by the police.

A requirement that any evidence in a criminal case obtained illegally by police cannot be used as evidence in a trial is called the

exclusionary rule

When a defendant in a murder trail chooses not to take the stand in his own defense, the jury must by warned by the judge not to interpret his silence as evidence of guilt. This protection against self- incrimination is found in the

5th Amendment

A jury that decided whether there is enough evidence to indict and bring to trial a person accused of a criminal act is a

grand jury

A true bill is also known as


What is double jepoardy?

once a person has been tried for a particular crime and the trial has ended in a verdict of not guilty, that person cannot be tried again for the same crime

The right to counsel is provided for in the

6th Amendment

A bill of information is similar to an


The warnings a police officer reads an arrested person to inform him or her of their right to an attorney are called

miranda warning

Which amendment prohibits the use of cruel and unusual punishment

8th Amendment

The term civil rights was coined to

encompassed equality for women, disabled individuals, and ethnic and racial minorities.

The missouri compromise established that

slavery would be permitted in new states south of Missouri only.

Frederick Douglas was

an abolitionist movement leader

The Dred Scott decision is famous because it

ruled that slaves were not citizens

What amendment permanently outlawed slavery

13th Amendment

What did the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 do?

it freed slaves

The "seperate but equal" doctrine, holding segregation constitutional, was established by the Supreme court in which court case?

plessy v. ferguson

What were Jim Crow laws?

laws protecting segregation in public facilities

The impact of Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka was

the desegregation of public schools

Class action suits are

legal actions brought by one or more individuals as rep. of a group of similary situated people.

The 1964 civil rights act required schools to provide equal opportunities for all students. This is also known as

title IX

Defacto segregation has resulted largely from

housing patterns

Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights law forbade discrimination in public facilities. The court upheld this law ruling that racial discrimination in a public facility places the burden on interstate commerce in the landmark case

Heart of Atlanta Motel. vs. United States

An employee sues a company on behalf of other workers who have allegedly also been victims of racially discriminatory promotion polices by their employers. This is an example of a

class action suit

Poll Taxes were abolished with the ratification of what amendment

24 Amendment

Discuss the difference between civil rights and civil liberties.

Civil rights are rights on individual has to not be discriminated against becasue of their race, sex or nationality. Civil liberties are rights an individual has that are guaranteed by the consitution. Civil liberties are rights listed in the Bill of Righ

In What ways is the freedom of speech not absolute in the united states?

The governmet has the right to restrict freedom of speech. There are things an individual cannot say, even though they have the right to freedom of speech. Some examples of this are saying "bomb" on an airplane or "fire" in a movie theatre when there real