Political Science - Chapter 1


Deciding who gets what, when, and how

Political Science

Study of politics; who governs, for what ends, by what means


Organization extending to the whole society that can legitimately use force to carry out its decisions


Widespread acceptance of something as necessary, rightful, and legally binding

Social Contract

Idea that government originates as an implied contract among individuals who agree to obey laws in exchange for protection of their rights

Public Goods

Goods and services that cannot readily be provided by markets, either because hey are too expensive for a single individual to buy or because if one person bought them everyone else would use them without paying

Free Market

Free competition for voluntary exchange among individuals, firms, and corporations

Gross Domestic Product

Measure of economic performance in terms of the nations total production of goods and services for a single year valued in terms of market prices


Costs imposed on people who are not a direct participant in an activity

Income Transfers

Government transfers of income from tax payer to persons regarded as deserving


Governing system in which the people govern themselves from Greek term meaning "rule by the many

Democratic Principles

Individual dignity, equality before the law, widespread participation, and public decisions by majority rule with one person having one vote

Paradox of Democracy

Potential for conflict between individual freedom and majority rule

Limited Government

Principle that government power over the individual is limited, that there are some personal liberties that even a majority cannot regulate, and that government itself is restrained by law


Rule by an elite that exercises unlimited power over individuals in all aspects of life


Monopoly of political power by an individual or small group that otherwise allows people to go about their private lives as they wish

Constitutional Government

A government limited by rule of law in its power over the liberties of individuals

Direct Democracy

Governing system in which every person participates actively in every public decision, rather than delegating decision making to representatives

Representative Democracy

Governing system in which public decision making is delegated to representatives of the people chosen by popular vote in free, open, and periodic elections


Political system in which power is concentrated in the hands of a relatively small group of individuals or institutions


Theory that democracy can be achieved through competition among multiple organized groups and that individuals can participate in politics through group memberships and elections

Politics is...

The study of who gets what, when, and how.

The widespread acceptance of something as necessary, rightful, and legally binding is...


The measurement which purports to show the total economic performance of the nation in terms of the production of goods and services is called the...

Gross Domestic Product.

Which of the following are considered "democratic ideals"?

Widespread participation in public life.

Unlimited government power over all aspects of life is a definition of...


The closest approximation we have to direct democracy in America is...

The New England Town meeting.

The idea that democracy can be achieved in a large society by bargaining, compromise, and competition between interest groups would be consistent with...


Your text raises many question about the realities of democracy but the authors say...

It is up to you to provide the answer to those questions.