Chapter 12: Bureaucracy (oxford)

A clear chain of command, in which all employees know who their supervisors are as well as who reports to them, is an example of a


In many policy areas, multiple agencies have overlapping responsibilities, leading to

turf wars

In theory, who controls the bureaucracy?


President George Washington's administration had all of the following cabinet departments except


The 1966 _________ facilitates full or partial disclosure of government documents and information.

Freedom of Information Act

The bureaucracy is discussed in which article of the Constitution?

The bureaucracy is not mentioned in the Constitution.

The cabinet agency charged with supervising Native American affairs, national parks, geological surveys, oceans and energy, and surface mining, among many other responsibilities, is

the Department of the Interior.

The daily journal of the federal government is

the Federal Register

The practice by which political winners reward their supporters with government jobs and contracts is known as

the spoils system.

While bureaucracies have multiple principals who monitor their actions and create policies, bureaucrats still

operate with considerable autonomy.

A critical dimension to making privatization of government services work is

careful oversight

According to the text, bureaucracies run on


After an agency has devised a rule, it sends the rule to the _____ for approval.

Office of Management and Budget

All of the following are independent executive agencies EXCEPT

the State Department.

Approximately how many people are on government payrolls?

23 million

Bureaucratic officials participate in which steps in the policy-making process?

all of them

Bureaus of the federal government that regulate business are dubbed

independent regulatory commissions.

Congress controls the bureaucracy by all of the following EXCEPT:

personal contributions

Created in 1887, the ________ was the first independent regulatory agency.

Interstate Commerce Commission

Public officials who deal directly with the public are called

street-level bureaucrats.

The last step in the long bureaucratic process of creating a law is


The logic driving presidential appointees to head government agencies

is to provide political direction to bureaucracies.

The three legs of an iron triangle in government include all of the following except

the president.

There are two steps to the bureaucratic process of putting a law into practice:

printing and dissemination

Which of the following is an example of a federal agency designed to serve a clientele group?
