POLS Final

According to Jacobson, House Republicans promoted a set of reforms that were collectively entitled the _______________ in 1994.

None of these

Jacobson's book informs us that a main reason that action in the Senate is more visible than action in the House of Representatives is that the Senate:

Has fewer members, and the news media gives them more coverage.

Iron triangles are special relationships that exist between:

Congressional subcommittees, regulatory agencies, and interest groups.

The interdependent relationship between Congress, certain federal agencies, and interest groups has been called the:

Unholy trinity.

Which committee is supposed to reconcile differences between House and Senate bills?


Which committee does most of the business of Congress, except for appropriating funds?


It is important for a member of Congress to:

Serve on committees that deal with constituent issues.

The "power" committees in the House of Representatives include/s:

all of these

The "power" committees in the Senate include/s:

all of these

The finance-related committees in the House of Representatives include/s:

both a and b

The finance-related committees in the Senate include/s:

all of these

Pork-barrel politics is popular because it delivers:

Concentrated benefits with diffuse costs.

James Q. Wilson argues that interest group politics is where we see:

Concentrated benefits with concentrated costs.

James Q. Wilson claims that clientelism is where we find:

Concentrated benefits with diffuse costs.

James Q. Wilson contends that policy entrepreneurs are associated with:

Diffuse benefits with concentrated costs.

James Q. Wilson holds that majority policy prevails where there are:

Diffuse benefits with diffuse costs.

Which of these Senate Appropriations subcommittees does NOT authorize action?

None of these are authorization subcommittees.

Which of these House of Representatives Appropriations subcommittees is NOT an appropriation subcommittee?

All of these are appropriation subcommittees.

The congressional committees that write the IRS (tax) code are the:

Both b" and "d".

The committee that schedules debates on bills in the House of Representatives is:


The Senate committee that refers bills to other committees for both initial consideration and "mark-up" is:


In the absence of remedial institutions and norms, anyone facing the logic of the free rider problem has an incentive to:

Defect without regard to the other player's actions.

We see the universalism of norms in the Congress in the fact(s) that:

all of these

The movie Advise & Consent carries a great deal of verisimilitude in its portrayal of the Senate, except in its characterization(s) of:

The Vice President constantly attending Senate debates.

A subgovernment works to the advantage of:

all of these

Which action was necessary to change from the indirect to the direct election of United States Senators?

Ratification of a constitutional amendment.

The necessary and proper clause of the U.S. Constitution:

Requires that the law be necessary and proper to one of the enumerated powers.

The U.S. Constitution provides that executive branch officials are appointed by:

President & Senate.

In a proportional representation system, the idea is to create what ratio of seats to votes?

1/1 (100%).

The electoral system that tends to produce the largest number of political parties is:

Proportional Representation (PR).

Prime ministers can be removed through which mechanism?

Vote of no confidence.

As Mayhew argues, Congress uses committees primarily to allow Congress members to:

win reelection

Today each congressional district serves on average, more than _____ people.


Congress may declare war ______________.

With approval by a simple (50% + 1) majority in both houses and Subject to presidential veto and a two-thirds (2/3) vote by both houses to override.

In terms of war powers, only the U.S. President may constitutionally:

Act as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy and Commission all the officers of the United States.

If the President holds a bill for ten days while Congress remains in session, what happens to the bill?

it becomes law.

Pursuant to the terms of the U.S. Constitution, a pocket veto:

none of these.

All of the following are ways the president can legislate, EXCEPT:

by introducing laws.

A member of the United States Congress must resign from Congress if elected or appointed to a position in the executive or judicial branch. This requirement is an example of:

Separation of powers.

In the United States, ratification of treaties requires:

A two-thirds (2/3) majority in the Senate.

When Congressmembers bring home projects, this is called:


Which argument did the authors of the United States Constitution use when they insisted that revenue bills originate in the House of Representatives?

Frequent elections would make members of the House more responsive to the wishes of the voters.

The United States Constitution requires that a census be taken every ten years in order to reapportion:

Membership in the House of Representatives.

. . . Congress shall have power . . . to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States. . . ." This statement fr

implied powers.

The process of solving a constituent's problems dealing with the bureaucracy is called


When Jacobson discusses the "pork barrel," he is referring to:

Public works projects and grants to specific districts paid for by general revenues.

Casework (or constituency service) is:

To assist people in dealing with the bureaucracy.

The congressional privilege of using the U.S. Postal Service at no charge is:

Known as franking.

What is meant by the term "incumbency advantage" as it is used in the Jacobson text and in studies of the U.S. Congress?

Incumbents possess many advantages that make their reelection likely.

The number of members with voting privileges in the House of Representatives is/was:

Capped at the level reached in 1909, except for members from new states.

Policy entrepreneurship is defined as the:

Practice among legislators of becoming expert leaders in specific policy areas.

When we talk about a representative or senator being able to "bring home the bacon," we mean that this Representative or Senator:

Has been able to get pork barrel benefits for his or her constituents.