APES Human Population Growth

Population Change

An increase or decrease in the size of a population. It is equal to (Births + Immigration) [[minus]] (Deaths + Emigration).

Birth Rate

Natality; Annual number of births per 1,000 people.

Death Rate

Mortality; Annual number of deaths per 1,000 people

Replacement Level Fertility

The number of children a couple must bear to replace themselves and keep the population steady

Total Fertility Rate

The average number of children a woman has during her childbearing years in a specific area

Life Expectancy

The average number of years an average person lives in a specific area

Infant Mortality Rate

The number of infants that die before age 1 per 1000

Age Structure

The proportion of the population at each age level

Demographic Transition

A change in the rates of population growth as industrialization occurs. Before the transition, both birth and death rates are high, resulting in a slowly growing population; then the death rate drops but the birth rate remains high, causing a population e

Doubling Time

The number of years it takes for a population to double; (rule of 70) doubling time equals 70 divided by percent growth rate. (ex. a population growing at 5% annually doubles in 70 � 5 = 14 years)

Growth Rate

Rate of increase or decrease of a population

Logistic Carrying Capacity

in terms of the logistic curve, the population size at which births equal deaths and there is no net change in the population

Logistic Growth Curve

a plot that shows how the initial exponential growth of a population is slowed and finally brought to a standstill by limiting factors

Population Dynamics

The study of changes in population sizes and the cause of these changes.

Zero Population Growth

when the birth rate equals the death rate