Pols 324 Final

What was Reconstruction after the Civil War meant to accomplish?

Reconstruction after the Civil War was meant to accomplish reorganization of the Southern States to provide them means for readmitting them into the Union and defining the means by which whites and blacks could live together in a non-slave society.

What is affirmative action?

Affirmative action is a policy that favors those who suffer from discrimination in areas like employment, education, and positive discrimination. It grants special consideration to racial minorities and women to ensure that public institutions are more re

Keynesian Economics

also called deficit spending and the stimulus is on the demand side. If a country is in Depression, demand falls and then people get laid off and there is less supply, so demand keeps going further down & it's a cycle. According to Keynesian Economics, th


was a conservative economic plan implemented by Republican President Ronald Reagan that had the purpose of reducing the government's influence on the economy by cutting the growth of government spending, cutting income tax and capital gains tax, reducing


-did not mention slavery so avoided issue of slavery from the founding
-Only allowed three-fifths clause so that the South would approve of the Constitution but did not legalize slavery in order to sidestep the slavery issue
-Thus, constitution recognized


US bans slave trade but smuggling continues

Compromise of 1850-

CA and TX admitted but CA was between MI Compromise so CA admitted as free & TX as slave, which just postponed civil war & defused sectional tension


Kansas-Nebraska Act set aside Missouri Compromise & let two new territories decide whether they will allow slavery


Dred Scott decision, Supreme Court says blacks cannot be citizens & Congress has no power to outlaw slavery in any territory

Gag Rule=

rules adopted by Congress to prevent the submission of anti-slavery petitions to keep the northern abolitionists quiet


Missouri Compromise forbids slavery in new territories

Before Civil War-race:

� Thought blacks had a right to improve their condition in society & enjoy fruits of their labor, so thought races to be equal
� Overall, didn't think black and whites equal- thought "all men are created equal" but blacks and whites did not have the same

Before Civil War-slavery:

� Not an abolitionist
� Okay with slavery in states that already had it, just did not want it to spread to other states
� Did think that slavery was morally wrong & said moral, legal, & economic issues but didn't know what to do about it in America's poli

Before Civil War-union:

� Wanted the Union to remain unified
� Saw the union as structure to govern the national interests of American states
� Also thought that Union represented a consensus about the future of freedom in America�a future where slavery would eventually be elimi

During Civil War-race:

� Black men deserved right to vote
� Still against intermarriage
� Treated blacks as free and did not send them back to slave-holding regions
� Allowed blacks to enlist in the Army

During Civil War-slavery:

� Wanted complete abolishment of slavery delivered idea with Emancipation Proclamation

During Civil War-union:

� Was okay with the disbandment of the Union in order to stop slavery
� Allowed Southern states to rejoin the Union if they abolished slavery & collected loyalty oaths
� The Oath of Allegiance, also called a Loyalty Oath, was a document signed by persons

Populist ideology:

1. Wanted to take down the elites, like railroad companies & banks
2. Australian Ballot/Secret Ballot- voting not conducted in public areas to eliminate voter pressure
3. Popular Election of U.S. Senators- senators not elected by state legislatures but by

Populist bases of support:

Left-wing force made of the common people who grew support from many farmers in the West and South, the labor unions in the North, and Republicans in the South
Included women & wanted poor blacks and whites to unite for shared economic self-interest

Progressive ideology:

1. Efficiency in all areas of society with purification to eliminate waste and corruption
2. support of worker compensation
3. improved child labor laws
4. support for goals of organized labor
5. prohibition
6. minimum wage legislation
7. maximum worker h

Progressive bases of support:

Middle class reformists