Chapter 7 (mass media and the Political agenda)

high tech politics

a politics in which the behavior of citizens and policy makes and the political agenda itself are increasingly shaped by technology.

Mass media

television, radio, newspapers, magazines, internet and other means of popular communicaiton

media event

events that are purposely staged for the media and that are significant just because of the media that is there

press conference

meetings of public officials with reporters

investigative journalism

the use of in-depth reporting to scandals, scams and schemes

print media

newspapers and magazines

electronic media

television, radio, internet


media programming on cable or internet that is focused on particular interest

selective exposure

the process through which people consciously choose to get the news from information sources


groups of newspapers published by media conglomerates. 4/5ths of nations daily newspaper circulation


specific locations from which news emanates from

trial balloons

international news leaks for the purpose of assessing political reaction

sound bites

short video clips of 10 seconds

talking head

shot of a persons head on news, not full body

policy agenda

the issues that attract the serious attention of public officials

policy entrepreneurs

people who invest in political "capital" in an issue

the first televised presidential debate was between

john kennedy and richard nixon

the news network MSNBC is closely affiliated with


politicians use media events and TV commercials largely for

image making

what are information and ideas that politicians leak in the media to see what the political reaction will be

trial balloons

horse racing coverage of election campaigns means much less coverage of

policy issues

when media outlets focus on who is leading or losing in the presidential campaign polls, instead of focusing on issues or policy, it is known as reporting on

the horse race

___ employ media strategies to influence the public agenda

Policy entrepreneurs

Because they have an overriding economic interest, the media often use _____ to attract and keep audiences

bad news

what percentage of journalists surveyed in 2002 said they lean to the left?


when you look at which story the media emphasized in covering issues, you are examining the ____ of the media

agenda-setting effect

the media serves as ____ between people and policy makers

a link

which amendment has been used repeatedly to fight government censure of media content?

first amendment

the mass media aim to reach

the largest audience possible

like most young people, students at your college are likely to get most of their campaign news from

the internet

why does the federal government have broad powers to regulate the use of the airwaves

they are considered public property

what does it mean when journalists, such as military reporters, are embedded

they travel along with troops

a turning point in the Vietnam war occurred when which TV anchor visited Vietnam and reported unfavorably about the war

walter cronkite

which of the following is a method by which the media draw public attention to certain issues at the expense of others

agenda setting

the scope and actions of government are the focus of the media's role as

a watchdog

today, america's primary source of information about politics and government is


which president held about 1,000 press conferences during his presidency

Franklin D. Roosevelt

what role describes the media when they dig up facts and reports about corrupt public officals

acting as watchdogs

one result of the proliferation of cable television and internet news sources is

specialized programming appealing to a narrow audience

how is freedom of the press guaranteed in the united states

by the first amendment of the constitution

media outlets in the us government play a role in democracy by acting as

a watchdog that keeps politicians accountable and checks government excess

in countries like China that do not have a democratic system, media news and entertainment programs should

not question government or its politics

as a business, the media seeks primarily to

gather mass audiences to sell to advertisers

media programming on cable television or the internet that is focused on a particular audience is called


TV commercials claiming that a candidate flip flops on taxes are an example of

negative advertising

before the advent of television, which outlet did most americans rely on for news?


second only to the executive branch, what receives coverage from print and television news?

the military

which is the most frequently visited political site on the internet

huffington post

the equal time rule required that the media

sell advertising time to all candidates if they sell it to any

which of the following media has an audience that is increasing in age


individuals under age thirty are more likely than others

to rely on the internet for news

in the united states, nearly all the media are owned by

large corporations, some of them subsidiaries of larger conglomerates

a newspaper or tv reporters work is usually organized around

a particular beat

the ability of the media to shape public discourse by selecting what issues merit coverage is known as

agenda setting

a president who appears on late night with jimmy fallon is embracing what type of media coverage


the tendency to select media sources that have viewpoints similar to one's own is

selective exposure

what is one reason that media outlets might have be considered subjective rather than objective

they tend to sensationalize news to capture an audience

the majority of presidential campaign spending is now devoted to

television ads

in the united states, broadcasting and print media are generally dominated by

major media corporations

one thing that makes the internet different from television is that it presents

more unfiltered content

why does the US public often find it difficult to form opinions about international news

media coverage of foreign events is limited and episodic