Chapter 5

According to John Locke and the Declaration of Independence, our rights are


According to the textbook, all of the following statements concerning rights are true EXCEPT
A. Rights create power for the individual over government.
B. Rights help to define the difference between a citizen and a subject.
C. Noncitizens may have rights

E. Rights involve the absence of power, not the creation of power.

An action that criminalizes an act after it occurs is


The right of an accused to be brought before a judge and informed of the charges and evidence against him or her is known as

habeas corpus.

The Supreme Court began the process of applying the Bill of Rights to the states

in 1897.

The source of authority cited by the Supreme Court for applying the Bill of Rights to the states is

the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

All of the following statements concerning incorporation of the Bill of Rights are true EXCEPT
A. Incorporation has taken place on the basis of provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment.
B. Incorporation is a matter of interpretation rather than a constituti

The Supreme Court began the process of incorporation of the Bill of Rights in the late 1960s.

The establishment clause guarantees

that government will not create and support an official state church.

According to the Supreme Court, for school prayer to violate the establishment clause it must

be part of official school activities.

The Lemon test established that

there shall be no excessive entanglement of government and religion.

According to the textbook, free speech is valuable for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
A. it helps create an informed citizenry.
B. it provides a voice for the minority.
C. it is good for economic development.
D. it provides a watchdog over government

it is good for economic development.

The Supreme Court demonstrated the difficulty of balancing the free exercise of religion clause of the First Amendment with the need for social order in

West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette.

In attempting to decide when speech can be prohibited, the Supreme Court has

made it harder for the government to suppress speech.

The idea that language shapes behavior and, therefore, should be regulated to control its social effects is known as

political correctness.

Separationists differ from accommodationists in that

separationists favor a stricter separation of church and state than accommodationists.

The Supreme Court has ruled that prior restraint

may be upheld only in cases of extreme emergency.

Written defamation of character is known as


The Supreme Court has ruled that public figures can win libel suits against the mass media only when

the claims made by the media are known by them to be false or are made with reckless disregard for the truth of the claims.

In the conflict between media access to a trial and a defendant's right to a fair trial, the Supreme Court has

generally permitted press access to most stages of the legal proceedings.

The Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment

establishes an individual right to bear arms.

The Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment individual right to bear arms

applies to the states as well as to the national government.

The Supreme Court has ruled that the exclusionary rule should

apply only when the police conduct an illegal search deliberately.

The exclusionary rule is the Supreme Court rule that states that

illegally seized evidence cannot be used to obtain a conviction.

Miranda v. Arizona held that

police have to advise people of their constitutional rights prior to questioning.

Based on Supreme Court rulings, in which of the following situations is the death penalty permissible?

When lethal injection is the method used to impose the death penalty