Chapter 1: American Political Culture


institutions and procedures through which a territory and its people are ruled


conflict over the leadership, structure, and policies of government

Political Efficacy

the ability to influence government and politics


informed and active membership in a political community

Purpose of the Government

needed to provide those services ("public goods") that all citizens need but are not likely to be able to provide adequately for themselves (ex. defense, maintenance of public order, enforcement of contracts and property rights, social justice)
way we man

Forms of Government

Autocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, Constitutional Gov, Authoritarian Gov, Totalitarian Gov


a form of government in which a single individual - a king, queen, or dictator - rules


a form of government in which a small group - landowners, military officers, to wealthy merchants - controls most of the governing decisions


a system of rule that permits citizens to play a significant part in the governmental process, usually through the election of key public officials

Constitutional Government

a system of rule in which formal and effective limits are placed in the powers of the government

Authoritarian Government

a system of rule in which the government recognizes no formal limits but may nevertheless be restrained by the power of other social institutions

Totalitarian Government

a system of rule in which the government recognizes no formal limits on its power and seeks to absorb or eliminate other social institutions that might challenge it

Government Limits

Bourgeois influence in the Parliament --> exert weight of their superior numbers and growing economic advantage on their aristocratic rivals
Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of conscience, freedom from arbitrary search and seizure

Access of Government (Expansion of Participation)

Expansion of voting rights - pressure from below and help from above --> use new slaves (R) and women's rights (Progressive)

Influencing the Government Through Participation (Politics)



conflict over the leadership, structure, and policies of government
Goal: to have a say in the composition of the leadership, how the government is organized, and policies


Influence over a government's leadership organization or policies

Representative Democracy/ Republic

a system of government in which the populace selects representatives, who play a significant role in governmental decision making
America is this at the national level - select gov officials but do not vote on legislation

Direct Democracy

a system of rule that permits citizens to vote directly on laws and policies


the theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influence in the gov; the outcome of this competition is compromise and moderation
(Interest Groups provide funds for politicians, lobbying, and influence public opinion)

American Population

Increasingly Diverse - 64% white, 13% black, 16% Hispanic, Asian, Native American
Founding: 13 states with 81% european roots
Immigration - new languages and religions (ethnic diversity) brought anxiety
Now we have much more free immigration; blurring of

Political Culture

broadly shared values, beliefs, and attitudes about how the gov should function - American political culture emphasizes the values of liberty, equality, and democracy

Core Values

Individualism, Equality, Liberty, Civic Duty, Democracy


Each person has the capacity to pursue his or her best interest - rationality or "common sense"
Foundation of LIberal Political Theory
- radical idea: each individual has worth, value, rights
- old ideas: supremacy of the state (monarchy), insignificance


Each individual is equal to every other individual
-same basic capacities = judge and make decisions for ourselves
-same rights = speech, assembly, fair trial
-same voice in politics
-same treatment by gov
Radical idea in the context of the Founding

Equality of Opportunity

a widely shared American ideal that all people should have the freedom to use whatever talents and wealth they have to reach their fullest potential

Political Equality

the right to participate in politics equally, based on the principle of "one person, one vote


Individuals should be free of Gov interference
Radical Idea
Principle of Limited Gov
-radical idea = gov has limits= some things it cannot do
Entire idea of a constitution is to prescribe what gov can and cannot do (Constitution/Bill of Rights)
- a monarc

Limited Government

a principle of constitutional gov; a gov whose powers are defined and limited by a constitution

Laissez-Faire Capitalism

an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for profit with minimal or no gov interference

Civic Duty

Responsibility to community as a whole
American political system based on the consent of the governed
-we choose our leaders and consent to our political system
Expectation: Individuals will play a role in their own governance and public affairs (responsi


participation of the people in choosing their rulers and their ability to influence what they do - political power ultimately comes from the PEOPLE

Popular Sovereignty

A principle of democracy in which political authority rests ultimately in the hands of the people

Majority Rule, Minority Rights

the democratic principle that the gov follows the preferences of the majority of voters but protects that interests of the minority