In the pluralist approach the government is viewed as

neutral arbiter

When political structures gain stability, greater capabilities and citizen support, which of the following has taken place?

Political institutionalization

The increasing international integration of markets and technologies is termed


Which colonial style is characterized by an official withdrawal of the dominant state, but with domination maintained, usually by economic leverage?


Which of the following types of evidence would most seriously undermine the elite approach?

the elite loses on major policy decisions of concern to its members

In the elite approach, the term understructure generally refers to the


While the class approach sees the masses as __________, the elite approach views them as __________.

dynamic, passive

The main problem with the International Court of Justice is that

one or both disputing countries often do not accept the Court's jurisdiction.

If the idea of "waves of democracy" is correct, the proportion of democratic countries will

sometimes increase and sometimes decline.

South Korea and Taiwan are classified as

newly industrializing countries.

When a group of states cooperates to withhold valued resources from a state in order to pressure that state to comply without using violence, the strategy is called


Which of the following is NOT a key assumption of political realism?

People desire a strong leader.

Which colonial style involves an attempt to transform a colonial state into an external extension of the dominant state?

Assimilationist colonialism

The example of Cuba and Taiwan in the Compare in 11 is meant to illustrate

geopolitical analysis.

The term "class" used in the class approach denotes

a group of individuals who are similar in their possession of some fundamental value.

In which stage of the public policy process is the emphasis on the actual delivery of the valued good or service?


The international organization that tries individuals for crimes against humanity is

the International Criminal Court (ICC).

A core principal of neoliberalism as an approach to development is

to maximize the economic freedom of firms.

A major factor in the elite approach explanation of policymaking is

the apathy of most people regarding policy decisions.

Critics of the pluralist approach argue that

it downplays the fact that some groups win almost all the time

A feature that distributive policies and redistributive policies share is that

both are decisions by a governmental authority to allocate a value.

The most important shared concept between the elite approach and the class approach is

structured inequality.

The United Nations is an example of

an IGO

In emphasizing the importance of culture in the processes of change, Max Weber

drew a linkage between the Protestant religion and the rise of capitalism.

The class approach differs from the elite approach because it assumes that

all groups have the potential to exercise significant political power.

Marx proposed a stage taxonomy of development in which the initial stage is labeled

primitive communism.

Pluralism shares with the class approach the assumption that

there is an unequal distribution of political resources among groups.

The most widespread mechanism for coordinating the interactions between states is


Which of the following is a key assumption of political idealism?

Political institutions can promote cooperative relations among states.

Which of the following is a NOT an important characteristic of a highly developed political system?

A large military

Regarding the elite, class, and pluralist approach explanations, political scientists, in general,

continue to disagree about which of the three approaches is most accurate.

The idea that inequality inevitably produces political conflict is most consistent with

the class approach.

In many of the more traditional countries, the dimension of development that causes the greatest concern to leaders who value stability is


The dependency approach does NOT assume that

rapid development is undesirable in most developing countries

Political stratification refers to the segmentation of the __________ into separate groups that are in strata with higher or lower __________.

population, power

The classical notion of balance of power

A, B, and C

In which stage of the public policy process is the emphasis on assessing the impacts of a policy that has been enacted?


The change in ideology after Mao Zedong's era in China is dramatically captured in Deng Xiaoping's phrase,

to get rich is glorious.

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism that might enable a state to cooperate with other states?
