political science exam 1

Most political issues have multiple ________, ________, and ________ causes and connections.

social, economic, and political

_________ ________ under the law for every individual is a requirement of a true democracy.

equal protection

What are the key linkage institutions in America's democratic system?

political parties, media, elections, interest groups

What is the central idea of a democracy?

ordinary people want to rule themselves and are capable of doing so

The ________ political participation there is in a society, the weaker the democracy.


The role of organizations such as political parties and interest groups is to transmit the wants and demands of ________.

individuals and groups in our society to government officials

What primary concern do political observers have on the role of political action committees (PACs)?

the close connection between money and politics, especially in congressional elections

The writers of the U.S. constitution doubted the ability of ordinary Americans to make _______ ________.

well-informed decisions

The Constitution and the principles of American democracy have restraints in order to________.

protect the minority from the majority

Which three factors united citizens at the time of the founding of the United States?

a single language,
a shared protestant-christian heritage
a fear of a strong central government

John Locke believed that ________ ________ were inherent of humans and not dependent on governments.

natural rights

The Constitution may be informally amended ________.

judicial interpretation,
changing political practice,
increased demands for news policy

What was one advantage the Framers intended when they constructed a federal government in which each branch has specific powers that are checked by the other two branches?

it protected against government tyranny by one branch or by all three acting together

When was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

after the ratification of the constitution, to fulfill a promise to anti-federalist

15. One of the rights outlined in the _________ is that human beings possess rights that cannot be legitimately given away or taken from them.

declaration of independence

16. What are the appropriate actions for each branch of the government in regard to laws?

legislative branch passes law
executive branch enforces law
judicial branch interprets law

17. The major weakness of the Articles of Confederation was its ________.

lack of a strong national government

18. How does the electoral college work?

each state determines how it will select its electors; electors then elect the president

19. Why did the framers create the electoral college?

because they didn't trust the masses to elect the president directly

20. An example of a power possessed by the president that acts as a check on Congress is _______.

the power to veto bills passed by the congress

21. The legal source of authority for American federalism is the ________.

U.S. Constitution

22. The ________ Clause requires states to honor each other's official acts.

Full Faith and Credit Clause

23. ________ or ________ powers are described in the U.S. Constitution as powers belonging to the national government.

delegated or enumerated powers

24. The ________ Clause declares the U.S. Constitution, treaties, and laws of the national government the "supreme law of the land".

Supremacy Clause

25. An example of a shared power of national and state government as listed in the Constitution is ________.

the power to tax

26. American ________ can be seen as a response to the concerns about the potential abuses by a strong central government.


27. To affirm Congress' constitutional authority to take actions not explicitly enumerated among its powers, the Supreme Court relied upon ________in McCulloch v. Maryland.

the necessary and proper clause

28. In ________ ________, states and the national government each remain supreme within their own spheres.

dual federalism

29. If a state worked with a national government agency to solve a problem with large implications, it could be said that the problem is being solved through ________ federalism.

cooperative federalism

30. The various types of federal grants all serve the purpose of targeting national problems, while ________ the growth of federal agencies.


31. What is the central legislative dilemma for Congress?

combining faithful representation of constituents with making effective public policy

32. Lobbying ________ change is more successful than lobbying for change.


33. Congressional ________ are smaller and more specialized.


34. Increased ________ ________ of the parties most likely contributes to legislative gridlock.

ideological polarization

35. The Senate's role of giving advice and consent to the Executive branch is an example of the system of _________________.

checks and balances

36. What is the best predictor of voting behaviors of members of Congress?

party affiliation

37. The Connecticut Compromise established the ________ ________.

bicameral legislature

38. The Presiding officer of the House of Representatives is the ________________.

speaker of the house

39. How many votes are required to override a presidential veto?

two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate

40. Laissez-faire economics call for________ and ________.

free market and limited government

41. Government is primarily about institutions whereas politics is primarily about ________.


42. The democratic idea that every citizen should have an equal say in the electoral process can be summed up in the expression ________.

one person, one vote

43. Which provision concerning slavery appeared in the Constitution?

the three-fifths compromise

44. The Framers strengthened the economic power of the national government by making _______ the main economic policymaker.


45. The Constitution was ratified by a ________ ________ in each state.

3/4th majority vote

46. Which powers are reserved to the states by the constitution?

reserved powers

47. Federalism is defined most clearly as a system of ________.

shared power by the state and national government

48. Which power given to the Senate by the constitution demonstrates the Framers intent that the Senate should be the more prestigious house of Congress?

conducting impeachment trials to remove a sitting president from office

49. The granting of funds to operate authorized federal programs and agencies is an ________.


50. The power to originate ________ bills is unique to the House of Representatives.

revenue-raising bills