POL 120: Chapter 4-5

Civil rights

The rights and privileges guaranteed under the equal protection and due process clauses of the fifth and the fourteenth amendment

What are Americans' view on equality?


equal protection clause


Plessy vs Ferguson (1896)

Plessy sues state because of discrimination. Plessy is forced to sit in the blacks only section of the train. Court rules that it is seperate but equal. Plessy argues for 14th amendment for equal protection but the states argue for 10th amendment which is

civil rights

the rights and privileges guaranteed under the equal protection and due process clauses of the fifth and 14th amendment

Voting rights act of 1965

prohibits racial discrimination in voting and registration. Banned discriminatory voter registration practices and it allowed federal intervention in for voter registration in states with a history of discriminating against black voters

Despite the persisting issues of racism, African Americans have made gains in

elected office

What helped secure equal treatment under the law?

combination of acts of civil disobedience, boycotts, peaceful protests, lawsuit, and decisions by the supreme court.
EX: Brown vs. Board of Education
Rosa Parks refusal to give up her seat
MLK speech
Civil rights act

Which constitutional amendment granted women the right to vote?

19th Amendment

Rostker vs. Goldberg

the supreme court upheld the constitutionality of gender classifications even though such classification need to be scrutinized more closely than classifications by age or income

In order to ensure equal employment opportunity for all, the federal government in the 1960s began to require agencies and businesses to

establish policies aimed at giving minority-group members equal opportunities to obtain jobs.

Which of the following women were vice presidential candidates for a major U.S political party?

Sarah Pallin and Geraldine Ferraro

According to the supreme court, laws that discriminate between people based on their race or ethnicity are laws that make use of

suspect classifications

Which of the following was the 1954 landmark case that ended segregation in public schools?

Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka

Lawrence vs. Texas(2003)

gays and lesbians gained a major victory when the supreme court invalidated state laws that prohibited sexual relations between consenting adults of the same sex

Since the 1950s, how has the federal government responded to demands for equal rights for African Americans?

It passed a series of laws that secured fundamental rights for African Americans

Regents of University of California vs Bakke

The supreme court ruled that while an institution of higher learning could consider race in its application process, race could not be the sole motivating factor in admitting a student

Which 2003 supreme court decision overturned an earlier case in which it had upheld Georgia anti-sodomy law?

Lawrence vs. Texas

Affirmative action

these programs have greater support among African Americans than among whites
Most Americans support giving historically disadvantaged groups equal treatment, although most disapprove of giving these groups preferential or special treatment

De jure discrimination

is discrimination that is based on law
Ex: Jim Crow laws

De facto

Discrimination is discrimination by fact that is based on historical prejudice
Ex: People not having the money to pay for college because of prejudice and economic circumstance

What was the first result of the national boycott of California lettuce and grapes that was launched by Cesar Chavez?

California passed a law giving migrant workers the right to bargain collectively

reasonable basis test

Application: other categories(such as age and income)
to determine if a particular law is resonable

strict-scrutiny test

Application: Race ethnicity
presumes that the law is unconstitutional unless government can provide a compelling basis for it

suspect collection

that laws classifying people differently on basis of their race or ethnicity are assumed to have discrimination as their purpose

civil rights act of 1964

barred discrimination in public accommodations, including restaurants, libraries, movies, hotels, and in employment

Voting right Act of 1965

outlawed all discriminatory voting practices such as grandfather clauses, literacy test, and poll taxes

Lau v. Nichols(1974)

A case brought by a Chinese American family that affected the civil rights of Asian American and Asian immigrants, the supreme court ruled that placing public school children for whom english is a second language in regular classrooms without specials ass

Civil Rights Act of 1968

Prohibit discrimination in housing and housing lending. The law prohibits landlords from refusing to sell or rent a house based on a person race, religion, ethnicity, or sex.

American with Disabilities Act

Granting employment and other protections to disabled Americans. Its purpose is to make sure people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else

The establishment Clause

Part of the first amendment freedom of religion that regulates the relationship between the government and religion
Prohibits government from establishing a national region and requires the government to remain neutral toward all religious institutions

selective incorporation

the process by which the supreme court makes certain parts of the Bill of Rights applicable to the actions of the states

Due process procedures

The legal safeguard that prevent the government from depriving citizens of life, liberty, or property without adhering to strict legal procedures
14th amendment

Freedom of Assembly

one of the fundamental rights citizens possess in a democratic society
The government must apply reasonable regulations to all groups fairly and in the same way. However, officials can:
-Regulate the time and place of assemblies
-Ensure that public assemb

civil liberties

constitutional guarantees that protect citizens from arbitrary government actions

Eighth Amendment

protects citizens against cruel and unusual punishment
Supreme court test to determine what constitutes punishment:
-disproportion to the crime
-violates standards of good conscience and fairness
-unnecessarily cruel

The Patriot Act

was passed after the 9/11 to combat terrorism. Its goal was to allow the FBI and other intelligence agencies to better identify potential terrorist attacks by accessing personal information and records from targeted individuals.

The______________clause of the first amendment bans the state from helping religious institutions, whereas the _______clause bans the state from restricting the free practice of religion by individuals

establishment, free exercise

Roe vs. Wade

the supreme court ruled that the right to privacy established by the court in Griswold extended to include a woman's right to an abortion

The right to privacy

the right of an individual to be left alone without any interference from others


False written statement that are meant to harm a person's reputation


False spoke statement that are meant to harm a person's reputation

The Bill of rights

originally applied only to national government; eventually, it was expanded to apply to both the national and state government

Which amendment are the due process rights found?


Lemon test

The three-part test for Establishment Clause cases that a law must pass before it is declared constitutional: it must have a secular purpose; it must neither advance nor inhibit religion; and it must not cause excessive entanglement with religion.

Korematsu vs. United States

the supreme court upheld the forced relocation and internment of tens of thousand of Japanese American during WW2
courts allowed government policies during wartime that would not be allowed in time of peace

exception to the exclusionary rule

good faith exception: (united states vs. Leon) Admission into trial of otherwise excludable evidence if the evidence was obtained by police who thought they were following proper procedure
Inevitable Discovery Exception: (Nix vs. Williams) States that exc

Brandenburg vs. Ohio

The Court held that government cannot punish inflammatory speech unless that speech is directed to inciting, and is likely to incite, imminent lawless action

imminent lawless action

Unlawful conduct that is about to take place and that is inevitable unless there is intervention by the authorities.

the 6th Amendment

guarantees the right to an attorney, right to a a speedy trial, right to be tried by a jury of one's peers, the right to cross-examine witnesses and review evidence

5th amendment

protects citizens from harassment, persecution, and forced confessions.
prohibits tried twice for the same crime and tried for a federal crime unless indicted by a grand jury
To remain silent when accused of a crime

plain view exception

says that evidence found in plain sight is admissible even if a suspect was stopped for another infraction

free-exercise clause

prohibits government from enacting laws that restrict an individual right to practice his or her religious beliefs

exclusionary rule

prohibit the police from using illegally obtained evidence during trial

In Mapp v. Ohio, the supreme court extended the constitutional protection against unreasonable search and seizures to action by __government


The imminent lawless action test

says that speech must be likely to produce lawless action, has two criteria for speech advocating the unlawful use of force to be prohibited, says that for speech to be restricted it must be directed at inciting or producing imminent lawless action

Gitlow vs Newyork

the bill of rights protects citizens from the actions of both the national and state government and freedom of speech is one of the most fundamental rights possessed by citizens in a democratic society

The alien and Sedition Act

The act made it illegal to publish any speech or writing critical of the government, congress, or the president

racial profiling

is the assumption that certain groups of people are more likely to commit particular crimes

2nd amendment

well-regulated militia
the right to keep and bear arms

writ of habeas corpus

is a legal provision that requires law enforcement officials to appear before a judge to specify the reason for detaining an individual

felker vs. turpin

the supreme court ruled that, except in unusual cases, those convicted in state courts were limited to one appeal on the grounds that their federal constitutional rights were violated

prior restraint

the attempt to block the publication of material considered to be harmful by the government

Gideon v. Wainright

the supreme court ruled that the government must provide attorneys to those defendants too poor to afford their own

Engle v. Vitale

the supreme court ruled the establishment clause prohibits the recitation of prayers in public schools

United States vs. Leon

good faith

The Lemon test is designed to

ensure that government policies have a nonreligious purpose.

McDonald v. Chicago

It used the doctrine of selective incorporation to strike down a Chicago ordinance that banned handgun possession.