MATH 1314 Test 2

Distance formula

Midpoint Formula

Center-Radius Form

R2= (x-h)2 + (y-k)2

If center is at origin then center-radius form becomes

X2 + y2 = r2

General Form of a Circle

Fix back to center radius from by completing the square


Is a relation in which for each x-value there is exactly 1 y-value, so x-value cant repeat


Set of ordered pairs


Set of x-values


Set of y-values

Vertical line test

The test if a graph is a function. If a vertical line inly passss through a line once then it is a function

Function Notation

when you use f(x) to indicate the outputs. Y = f(x)



point-slope form

slope-intercept form


Standard form

Ax + Bx = C

Vertical Line

X = a

Horizontal Line


Parallel Lines


perpendicular lines



A function with no holes

|a|= b

If a=b or a=-b


If -b<a<b


If a<-b or a>b


If a=b or a=-b

Vertical stretch

If a>1 and y= a�f(x) then stretch vertically by factor of a

Vertical shrinking

If 0<a<1 and y=a�f(x) then compress vertically by factor of a

Horizontal Shrink

If a>1 and y=f(a�x) then compress horizontally by factor of 1/a

Horizontal Stretch

If 0<a<1 and y=f(a�x) then stretch horizontally by factor of 1/a.

Reflect on x-axis

If y= -f(x)

Reflect on y-axis


X-axis Symmetry

(a,b) is symmetric to (a,-b)

Y-axis symmetry

(a,b) is symmetric to (-a,b)

Origin symmetry

(a,b) is symmetric to (-a,-b)

Even function

F(x) = f(-x)

Odd Function

F(-x)= -f(x)

Vertical Shift

C>0, then move up c units; f(x)+c
C<0, then move down c units; f(x)-c

Horizontal Shifts

D>0, then shift to the left c units; f(x+d)
D<0, then shift to right c units; f(x-d)

Sum Function

(F+g)(x) = f(x)+g(x)

Difference Function

(F-g)(x) = f(x)-g(x)

Product Function

(FG)(x) = f(x)�g(x)

Quotient Function

(F/g)(x) = f(x)/g(x); g can't =0