7th grade science review Part 2!

What is the purpose of mitosis?

To repair damage and to make more cells grow.


Method of Eukaryotic cell division and results in two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell.

How many times does the cell divide during Mitosis?

Only once.

What kind of cells are produced at the end of mitosis?

2 identical daughter cells


Involves two cell divisions and produces four cells... Occurs in Sexual Reproduction

How many times does the cell divide during meiosis?

2 times

What kind of cells are produced at the end of mitosis?

4 identical new cells

What cells of the human body are made through the process of meiosis?

gametes (sperm and egg)


the male or female reproductive cell that contains half the genetic material of the organism (example: sperm or egg)


A form of cell division that allows offspring to have half of chromosomes as their parent.


cell structures that carry the genetic material that is copied and passed from generation to generation of cells

Process of cell division that produce reproductive cells (sperm and egg)


Bacteria use which cell division process?




asexual reproduction

all genes come from same parent

sexual reproduction

a single specialized cell from a female merges with a specialized cell from a male.


type of asexual reproduction in which a cell or group of cells pinch off from the parent to form a new individual.


reproductive cells containing half the number of chromosomes as a parent's body cell


type of sexual reproduction where there is a fusion of male (sperm) and female (egg) sex cells.


__________________ explains why you have inherited certain traits from your parents.


A segment of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait


cell structures that carry the genetic material that is copied and passed from generation to generation of cells


characteristics of families that have been passed from generation to generation

dominant trait

an observable trait of an organism that masks (hides) the recessive form of a trait.

recessive trait

trait of an organism can be masked (hidden) by the dominant form of a trait.


The way an organism looks and behaves


The gene combination of an organism


basic structural and functional unit of living organisms


large mass of similar cells that make up a part of an organism and perform a specific function


large mass of similar tissue that make up a part of an organism that performs a specific function

organ system

composed of several organs working together to perform a specific function


an individual form of life that is capable of growing, metabolizing nutrients, and usually reproducing (organ systems working together)

cirrus clouds

wispy, feathery clouds; cirrus means "curl of hair"; form at high levels of troposphere where the temperature is very low, so they are made out of ice crystals

cumulus clouds

clouds that look like fluffy, rounded piles of cotton; cumulus means "heap"; form only about 2 km (low level) above the surface of Earth; indicate fair, sunny skies; neutral clouds

stratus clouds

clouds that form in flat layers; strato means "spread out"; can form low or high, but typically cover most of sky; uniform dull, gray color; produce drizzle, rain, or snow

nimbus clouds

means "rain"; cumulonimbus clouds form when cumulus clouds have vertical development and become towering clouds with flat tops that produce thunderstorms


occur when the volume of water in a river increases so much that the river overflows its channel


an instrument used to measure air temperature in units of ? or ?


an instrument used to measure air pressure in units of inches mercury or millibars


an instrument used to measure wind speed in m/s or miles per hour

Weather forecasting

an attempt to make accurate predictions of future weather.

Weather systems generally move from _________ to ________ across the USA.

west to east

cold front

The leading edge of a cooler air mass of air, replacing at ground level a warmer mass of air. The cooler, denser air wedges under the less-dense warmer air, lifting it. The upward motion causes lowered pressure along the cold front and can cause the forma

Cold front on weather map

The surface position of the cold front is marked with the symbol of a blue line of triangles/spike pointing in the direction it is traveling.


Cold fronts are usually associated with an area of ___________ pressure.

warm front

The leading edge of a warm air mass that displaces colder air, bringing a temperature increase and heavy rain where the front makes contact with the ground.

Warm front on a weather map

On a colored weather map, a warm front is drawn with a solid red line.