Science Graphing Quiz

Bar Graph

use for comparing values of a single variable among several groups

Pie Chart

used for comparing parts to a whole
used for showing percentages

X-Y Scatterplot

shows relationships between two continuous variables

Multi-line Graph

used for comparing two continuous variables and a categorical variable

a good graph needs

title: the effect of IV on DV
axes: X and Y
labels: variable names
units: SI
scale: allows data to fit on 1 page
key: describes additional variables


used to organize data
independent variable in first column
dependent variable in other columns
include title, labels, and units

line of best fit/trend line

a straight line drawn through the data on an XY-scatterplot that illustrates a trend in the data
usually 50% of the data is above the line and 50% is below


an estimation of a value outside of the range of collected data points


an estimation of a value inside of the range of collected data points


belong in the first row(s) of a table

independent variable (IV)

belongs on x axis - scientist has control over and is changed on purpose

dependent variable (DV)

belongs on y axis - changes as a result of the IV and is measured

controlled variable (CV)

must stay the same for all trials

controlled run

trial that does not include a version of the IV - only CVs are used in complete trial