Science Test: Energy Flow

What's a food chain?

A series of events in which one organism eats another and obtains energy.

What's a food web?

The pattern of overlapping food chains in an ecosystem.

What's a scavenger?

A carnivore that feeds on the bodies of dead organisms.

What's an energy pyramid?

A diagram that shows the amounts of energy that moves from one feeding level to another in a food web.

What's a producer?

An organism that makes its own food.

What's a herbivore?

An organism that eats only plants.

What's a carnivore?

An organism that eats only animals.

What's a omnivore?

An organism that eats both plants and animals.

What's a consumer?

An organism that uses energy by eating other organisms.

What's a decomposer?

An organism that breaks down chemicals?

Energy flow begins with what?

The sun

Energy is stores in what?

The glucose

Consumers that eats producers are what?

First-order consumers

A consumer that eats another consumer for energy is called a what?

Second-order consunmer

A consumer that eats another consumer that already ate a consumer is called a what?

Third-Order Consumer

Two other words for third-order consumers...

Tertiary, and Apec's

What do herbivores depend on for food?


What do carnivores depend on for food?


What do scavengers depend on for food?

Dead animals

What do omnivores depend on for food?

Plants and animals

Which kinds of consumers depend directly on plants and algae for food?


The three energy rooles that fill in an ecosystem are what?

Producers, consumers, and decomposers

Producers obtain energy by doing what?

Using the sun's energy to turn water and carbon dioxide into food molecules in a process called photosynthesis

Consumers obtain energy by doing what?

Feeding on other organisms

Decomposers obtain energy by doing what?

Feeding on wastes and dead organisms

In food chains what organisms eat the food producers?

First-order consumers.

What is the special role of an organism in a certain enviroment?


What organisms break down material into nutrients for food producers?


What complex feeding relationships are formed from overlapping and interconnected food chains?

Food Webs

What are the special places in which and organism lives?


What type of diagrams are used to show how energy flows in a food chain?

Pyramid of Energy

What is it that all life is based on this chemical element?


What can food producers carry out this special light dependent chemical process?


What is this-Organisms that belong to these groups can interbreed and produce feritle offspring
