Science Chapter 9: Understanding The Atom

an area around the atomic nucleus in which an electron is likely to be located

electron cloud

An electron cloud is mostly ________ space.


Protons and neutrons are made of smaller parts called _______.


There are ______ types of quarks.


The limitation of Bohr's model is that electrons do not actually move in ________ orbits.


When energy is added to an atom, electrons move to higher _________ ; when energy is released by the electron, it moves back to a lower level.

energy level

The atomic model of __________ proposed that electrons move in circular orbits, or , energy levels around the nucleus.


____________ was one of Rutherford's colleagues.

James Chadwick

Chadwick discovered the ______________, a neutral particle that exists in the nucleus of an atom.


In the nucleus is the ________, which is an atomic particle with one positive charge.


The _________ is the small, positively charged area in the center of the atom.


Rutherford's resulting atomic model proposed that most of an atom's ________ and positive charge is concentrated in the center of the atom.


The results showed that most of the particles traveled through the foil, but some bounced to the ________, and a few bounced straight back.


Rutherford's student performed an experiment during which they shot __________ particles into a piece of gold foil.


Thomson's atomic model stated that an atom is a positively charged _________ with negative charges throughout it.


Thomson discovered that the rays in a(n) ________ were attracted to a(n) positively charged plate, which means that the rays have a(n) negative charge.


Atoms were first seen by using a(n) _______ microscope.


A(n) __________ is the smallest piece of an element that still represents that element.


John Dalton proposed the ___________ theory, which was based on careful observations and measurements of chemical reactions.


Dalton's theory states that atoms cannot be divided, __________, or destroyed.


It also stated that atoms of one _________ are different from atoms of other __________.

element; elements

Many ancient Greek philosophers thought that all matter was made of only four elements�fire, water, air, and _______.


These early scientists were not able to __________ their theories.


Democritus proposed that matter is made of small, indivisible objects called _________.


He proposed that different types of _______ are made from different types of atoms.


who discovered the nucleus?


The Parts of the Atom

proton, neutron, electron

how many protons are in each atom?

every atom has its own number of protons

Atomic Number

the number of protons in an atom of an element


an element with a different number of neutrons

Atomic Mass

average atomic mass of these isotopes


elements that spontaneously emit radiation

Nuclear decay

a process that occurs when an unstable atomic nucleus changes into another more stable nucleus by emitting radiation

Beta Decay

one fewer neutron and one more proton

Alpha Decay

two fewer protons and neutrons

Gamma Decay

no change in protons and neutrons


an atom that is no longer neutral because it has gained or lost electrons

Democritus (370 BC)

- Atoms are small solid objects that cannot be divided, created, or destroyed; law of conservation
-Atoms are constantly moving in empty space
- Different types of matter are made of different types of atoms
- The properties of atoms determine the propert


- matter was made of water, fire, earth, air
- didn't believe that empty space existed

Dalton's Atomic Model (1766)

- all matter is made of atoms that can not be divided, created, or destroyed; law of conservation
- during a chemical reaction, atoms of one element can not be converted into atoms of another element
- atoms of one element are identical to each other, but

Thomson --- Discovering Electrons (1856)

- model of an atoms contains a positively charged sphere
- the sphere is filled with negatively charged electrons within it

Rutherford's Predicted Results

- alpha particles would be sent through gold foil nucleus
- a light would project through the gold electrons to opposite end

Rutherford's Surprising Result

- particles bounced backward being deflected by the electrons within the foil
- each gold foils was made of gold atoms made of a nucleus surrounded by electrons that deflected the alpha particles

Rutherford's Atomic Model

- small dense, positive, nucleus
- tiny negatively charged electrons travel in empty space around the nucleus

Bohr's Atomic Model (1913)

- electrons travel in circular orbit around the nucleus
- when an electron moves from a higher energy level to a lower energy level, energy is released as light
- electrons are not arranged in orbits


particles that make up protons and neutrons in the nucleus

Protons and neutrons have about the same _______.


___________ have much less mass than the other two particles in an atom.


Most of the mass of an atom is in the _______.


The number of protons in an atom of an element is the element's __________.

atomic number

Different elements contain different numbers of __________.


In a neutral atom, the number of _____________ equals the number of protons because the number of negative charges must equal the number of positive charges.


____________ are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.


The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom is the ____________ of the atom.

mass number

The average __________ of an element is the average mass of the element's isotopes.

atomic mass

The average atomic mass is __________ according to the abundance of each isotope.


Marie Curie called elements that spontaneously emit radiation __________.


Radiation is made of energy and ____________ that come from the nuclei of radioactive atoms.


When atoms release particles of radiation, they change to different ____________.


___________ is a process that occurs when an unstable atomic nucleus changes into another, more stable nucleus by emitting radiation.

Nuclear decay

Nuclear decay can produce three different types of ___________.


A(n) _________ particle consists of two protons and two neutrons.


When alpha decay occurs, the atomic number of each atom that decays decreases by ____________.


_________ decay occurs when a neutron in an atom changes into a(n) and a high-energy electron called a(n) __________ particle.

beta; beta

When beta decay occurs, the atomic number of an atom increases by ________.


Gamma rays contain a lot of energy but no __________.


_________ rays are sometimes emitted during nuclear decay, but this decay does not change one element into another element.


Energy released during radioactive decay can be either ____________ or harmful.


A(n) _______ is an atom that is no longer neutral because it has gained or lost electrons.


A positive ion is an atom that has ________ electrons.


A negative ion is an atom that has ______ electrons.


__________ first noticed that some elements spontaneously give off energy.

Henri Becquerel

Weighted means that the average atomic mass is based on the _______ of each atom in a sample and the number of atoms of that ________ that are present.

isotopes; isotopes

When the _________ in an atom change, it gives off radioactivity.


an area around the atomic nucleus in which an electron is likely to be located

electron cloud

An electron cloud is mostly ________ space.


Protons and neutrons are made of smaller parts called _______.


There are ______ types of quarks.


The limitation of Bohr's model is that electrons do not actually move in ________ orbits.


When energy is added to an atom, electrons move to higher _________ ; when energy is released by the electron, it moves back to a lower level.

energy level

The atomic model of __________ proposed that electrons move in circular orbits, or , energy levels around the nucleus.


____________ was one of Rutherford's colleagues.

James Chadwick

Chadwick discovered the ______________, a neutral particle that exists in the nucleus of an atom.


In the nucleus is the ________, which is an atomic particle with one positive charge.


The _________ is the small, positively charged area in the center of the atom.


Rutherford's resulting atomic model proposed that most of an atom's ________ and positive charge is concentrated in the center of the atom.


The results showed that most of the particles traveled through the foil, but some bounced to the ________, and a few bounced straight back.


Rutherford's student performed an experiment during which they shot __________ particles into a piece of gold foil.


Thomson's atomic model stated that an atom is a positively charged _________ with negative charges throughout it.


Thomson discovered that the rays in a(n) ________ were attracted to a(n) positively charged plate, which means that the rays have a(n) negative charge.


Atoms were first seen by using a(n) _______ microscope.


A(n) __________ is the smallest piece of an element that still represents that element.


John Dalton proposed the ___________ theory, which was based on careful observations and measurements of chemical reactions.


Dalton's theory states that atoms cannot be divided, __________, or destroyed.


It also stated that atoms of one _________ are different from atoms of other __________.

element; elements

Many ancient Greek philosophers thought that all matter was made of only four elements�fire, water, air, and _______.


These early scientists were not able to __________ their theories.


Democritus proposed that matter is made of small, indivisible objects called _________.


He proposed that different types of _______ are made from different types of atoms.


who discovered the nucleus?


The Parts of the Atom

proton, neutron, electron

how many protons are in each atom?

every atom has its own number of protons

Atomic Number

the number of protons in an atom of an element


an element with a different number of neutrons

Atomic Mass

average atomic mass of these isotopes


elements that spontaneously emit radiation

Nuclear decay

a process that occurs when an unstable atomic nucleus changes into another more stable nucleus by emitting radiation

Beta Decay

one fewer neutron and one more proton

Alpha Decay

two fewer protons and neutrons

Gamma Decay

no change in protons and neutrons


an atom that is no longer neutral because it has gained or lost electrons

Democritus (370 BC)

- Atoms are small solid objects that cannot be divided, created, or destroyed; law of conservation
-Atoms are constantly moving in empty space
- Different types of matter are made of different types of atoms
- The properties of atoms determine the propert


- matter was made of water, fire, earth, air
- didn't believe that empty space existed

Dalton's Atomic Model (1766)

- all matter is made of atoms that can not be divided, created, or destroyed; law of conservation
- during a chemical reaction, atoms of one element can not be converted into atoms of another element
- atoms of one element are identical to each other, but

Thomson --- Discovering Electrons (1856)


Rutherford's Predicted Results


Rutherford's Surprising Result


Rutherford's Atomic Model


Bohr's Atomic Model (1913)



particles that make up protons and neutrons in the nucleus

Protons and neutrons have about the same _______.


___________ have much less mass than the other two particles in an atom.


Most of the mass of an atom is in the _______.


The number of protons in an atom of an element is the element's __________.

atomic number

Different elements contain different numbers of __________.


In a neutral atom, the number of _____________ equals the number of protons because the number of negative charges must equal the number of positive charges.


____________ are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.


The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom is the ____________ of the atom.

mass number

The average __________ of an element is the average mass of the element's isotopes.

atomic mass

The average atomic mass is __________ according to the abundance of each isotope.


Marie Curie called elements that spontaneously emit radiation __________.


Radiation is made of energy and ____________ that come from the nuclei of radioactive atoms.


When atoms release particles of radiation, they change to different ____________.


___________ is a process that occurs when an unstable atomic nucleus changes into another, more stable nucleus by emitting radiation.

Nuclear decay

Nuclear decay can produce three different types of ___________.


A(n) _________ particle consists of two protons and two neutrons.


When alpha decay occurs, the atomic number of each atom that decays decreases by ____________.


_________ decay occurs when a neutron in an atom changes into a(n) and a high-energy electron called a(n) __________ particle.

beta; beta

When beta decay occurs, the atomic number of an atom increases by ________.


Gamma rays contain a lot of energy but no __________.


_________ rays are sometimes emitted during nuclear decay, but this decay does not change one element into another element.


Energy released during radioactive decay can be either ____________ or harmful.


A(n) _______ is an atom that is no longer neutral because it has gained or lost electrons.


A positive ion is an atom that has ________ electrons.


A negative ion is an atom that has ______ electrons.


__________ first noticed that some elements spontaneously give off energy.

Henri Becquerel

Weighted means that the average atomic mass is based on the _______ of each atom in a sample and the number of atoms of that ________ that are present.

isotopes; isotopes

When the _________ in an atom change, it gives off radioactivity.
