Science CHPT.7 Bacteria, Virus, Protists, and Fungi

When do endospores form?

harsh environmental conditions

What important role do bacteria called decomposers play?

they return basic chemicals to the environment

Which shape describes some bacterial cells?


Which of the following is found in the cytoplasm of bacterial cells?

genetic material

What process results in genetically different bacteria?


Which of the following is not a role of bacteria that live in human bodies?

fixing nitrogen

Binary fission is the bacterial process of what reproduction?

asexual reproduction

The process of breaking down food to release its energy is called what?


Heterotrophic bacteria obtain food by what?

consuming autotrophs and other heterotrophs

Which of the following structures are always found in bacterial cells?


Many bacterial diseases can be cured using what?


Which of the following stimulates a person's body to produce chemicals that destroy viruses or bacteria?



animal-like protists

contractile vacuole

a structure that collects the extra water and then expels it from the cell


a tiny i am tired cell that is able to grow into a new organism


when both partners benefit from symbiosis


the branching thread-like tubes that make up the bodies of multicellular fungi


unicellular yeast cells undergo this form of asexual reproduction


eukaryotes that have cell walls, are heterotrophs that feed by absorbing their food, and uses spores to reproduction


a close relationship in which at least one of the species benefits

fruiting bodies

reproductive structures that produce spores


eukaryotes that cannot be classified as animals, plants, or fungi


hairlike projections from cells that move with food


enable sarcodines to move


consists of a fungus and either algae or autotrophic bacteria that live longer in a mutualistic relationship


plantlike protists that are extremely diverse

Why are viruses like parasites?

they harm the cells they enter

The genetic material of a virus is found in its


A virus's proteins are important because they

help the virus attach to its host

Which of the following statements does NOT describe an active virus?

it "hides" in the host cell

The best treatment for most viral infections is

bed rest

How does a vaccine work?

it activates the bodies natural defenses

Viruses are considered to be nonliving because they

do not show all the characteristics of life

What directly provides energy for a virus?

its host

Which phrase describes the size of virus particles?

smaller than cells

Which statement about a virus's coat is NOT true?

it contains genetic material

A hidden virus

immediately takes over the cell's functions

You have a cold, but your doctor will not give you an antibiotic, because

antibiotics do not kill viruses

Which of the following stimulates a person's body to produce chemicals that destroy viruses or bacteria?



organisms that break down large chemicals into small chemicals


single celled organisms that lack a nucleus, prokaryotes


a living thing that provides a source of energy for a virus or an organism

binary fission

bacteria reproduce in this process. in which one cell divides to form of asexual reproduction


a virus that infects bacteria

sexual reproduction

two parents combine their genetic material to produce a new organism, which differs from both parents


a small, rounded, thick-walled, resting cell that forms inside a bacterial cell


one bacterium transfers some genetic material to another bacterium through a threadlike bridge


a long, whip-like structure that helps a cell to move


a substance introduced to the body to stimulate the production of chemicals that destroy specific disease-causing viruses and organisms

asexual reproduction

a reproductive process that involves only one parent and produces offspring that are identical to the parent


a tiny, nonliving particle that invades and then multiplies inside a living cell


organisms that live on or in a host and cause the harm