A population experiencing a great deal of disease and competition would NOT have __________.

exponential growth

Which of the following equations defines a change in population?

change in population = births minus deaths

Which of the following factors occurs independently of density?

severe storms

Which of the following does NOT affect carrying capacity?

distance from the prime meridian

During which season does the rabbit population increase most rapidly?


How do commensalism and mutualism differ?

in commensalism, one species is unaffected

Which of the following is NOT a cause of competition between species?


Which of the following has the same habitat as a lion, but occupies a different niche?


Competition for food cannot occur __________.

between animals from two different ecosystems

The density of a population is __________.

the number of individuals per unit area

Which of the following organisms has the highest reproductive potential?


The difference between a predator and a parasite is that a predator __________.

usually kills and eats its prey

Which of the following populations has a random dispersion?

solitary snakes in a desert

The relationship between a Canadian lynx and a snowshoe hare is an example of __________.

predator and prey

A female dog's niche includes all of the following EXCEPT __________.

the neighbor's enclosed yard

Which of the following is one of the main properties used to describe a population?

number of individuals

A true statement about parasitism is that parasites __________.

may cause their hosts to become more vulnerable to predators

Which of the following reproductive situations will limit a population's biotic potential?

the maximum number of offspring each individual can produce

Which of the following statements explains why the growth of orchids on the high branches of tropical trees is an example of commensalism?

The trees are neither benefited nor harmed.

An example of a population is __________

all maple trees in a forest

Thick fur on deer is not an example of coevolution. Why?

because thick fur evolved in response to a cold climate, not in response to other organisms

Which of the following statements is not correct?

Symbiosis is a relationship in which two organisms live apart.

The carrying capacity of an environment for a particular species at a particular time is determined by the __________.

supply of the most limited resources

Which of the following would most likely cause a large number of deaths that were independent of population density?

winter storms

If over a long period of time, each pair of adults in a population had only two offspring and the offspring lived to reproduce, the population would __________.

remain the same

The relationship between acacia trees and the ants that live on them is an example of _____.


Which of the following is not an example of exponential growth?

reindeer of the Pribilof Islands after eating most of the lichens

In which of the following relationships is neither species harmed?


An example of a population would be __________.

all red maple trees in a forest

Each of the following is an example of a parasite EXCEPT __________.

a cow in a pasture

A species of plant experiences exponential growth after it is introduced into an area. Which of the following statements best describes exponential growth?

within a few years, population size increases dramatically

From the examples given of ant mutualism, which of the following definitions of mutualism would be correct?

a relationship of benefit to both species

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the exponential growth of the human population over the last 500 years?

imrpoved weaponry for war

What two resources are in increasingly short supply as the human population grows?

food and water

Which of the following can be stated without controversy concerning population increase?

the increases are due to the fact that the death rate is not so large as birth rate

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the increase in life expectancy?

improved transportation

Why is there a lag of several years between a decline in the birth rate and a diminishing of the population increase?

the effect is not apparent until the lower number of individuals has reached reproductive age

Most of the world's population __________.

lives in asia

Which of the following is NOT a problem of suburban sprawl?

large increases in native wildlife

In developed nations, fossil fuels are the most common fuel for individual use in the home. What is the most common fuel in developing nations?


How large must a sample be in order to exactly forecast the distribution of the entire population?

the size of the population (100%)

Because birth rates have begun to fall, Earth's population will __________.

stabilize somewhere around 9 billion by 2050

Which factor(s) contributed most to the exponential growth of the human population?

more food, better hygiene

Which of the following is NOT a strategy that could slow population growth?

limiting education for women

A population pyramid is created by __________.

graphing the distribution of ages in a population at a specific time

Which of the following is true of human demographic trends?

When birth rates and death rates are both high, the population grows slowly, if at all.

Which of the following would NOT cause population to decrease in a region?

increased immigration

Which of the following is NOT described by the model of demographic transition?


It took 50 years for Earth's human population to double from 1 billion to 2 billion. How long did it take for the population to double again to 4 billion?

44 years

Countries that have entered the third stage of demographic transition are most probably characterized by __________.

social conditions that favor smaller families

The 1991 cholera outbreak in Lima, Peru, was caused by __________.

lack of clean water

Growth rates for different parts of the world vary depending on the level of development of the region. Which region is experiencing the biggest increase in population?


Countries with high growth rates usually have an age structure that has __________.

more younger people than older people

World population growth will eventually stop when __________.

most countries have replacement-level fertility rates

Less-developed countries suffer more from rapid population growth because they are less likely to have the __________ to support the population.


Populations are growing more rapidly in _____.


Professionals who study and make predictions about human populations are called _____.


Human population growth was most rapid during which period of human history?

Modern Age

Which of the following makes it difficult to reduce population growth?

Many people have low literacy and limited access to health care.

Scientists predict population sizes by using __________.

age structure, survivorship, fertility rate, and migration

During Stage 2 of a population's demographic transition, the death rate __________.


The theory of _____ _____ is based on the idea that industrial development causes social and economic progress that affects population growth rates.

demographic transition

The agricultural and ___________ revolutions brought about changes that caused exponential growth of the world's human population.


Type I and Type ____ survivorship curves indicate populations that are growing slowly, or not growing at all.


The __________ revolution(s) resulted in exponential growth of the world's human population over the last 500 years.

scientific and industrial

During the _______ stage of demographic transition, the birth rate drops and the size of the population begins to decrease.


The _____ _____ is the average number of children that each couple must have to replace themselves in the population.

replacement level

Which of the following waterborne illnesses is caused by a bacterium?


The most common human activity that contributes to species extinctions is __________.

destruction of habitats

According to the authorities cited in this video, about how many plant species are used in medicines?


When a population shrinks, it can be very much like passing its genes through a bottleneck. As a result of this process, the descendants will __________.

have less genetic diversity

If a keystone species is driven to extinction, __________.

the entire ecosystem will be affected

Humans don't need to preserve wild plants because we can breed new crops.


A new kind of seed plant has been found on a remote island. This plant has larger, harder seeds than those found on the Galapagos Islands. Which of the following finch adaptations would be likely to arise on this new island?

larger beaks

Which type of threat currently has the greatest impact on biodiversity?

loss of habitat

DDT is an example of a pesticide that becomes a pollutant. How does DDT affect birds of prey in an ecosystem?

it concentrates in higher-order predators, thinning the shells of birds of prey, making it difficult to reproduce

How many species are estimated to be living on Earth?

between 10 million and 50 million

In what part of the world are the greatest number of extinctions occurring?

in tropical rain forests

Where are many critical biodiversity hotspots located?

islands, tropical rain forests, and coastal areas

Which areas of the United States represent ecosystems with high levels of biodiversity?

all of these

The fact that organisms are adapted to survive in particular environments helps to explain why __________.

habitat destruction accounts for most extinctions

Reasons for preserving biodiversity include all of the following EXCEPT __________.

preventing natural evolution

An endangered species is __________.

a species in danger of extinction

Reduction in the sea otter population affected the Pacific coast ecosystem by __________.

decreasing the biodiversity of the ecosystem

According to biologists, what percentage of species have become extinct or are expected to become extinct between 1900 and 2100?

25 percent

The human diet has been enriched with native food products such as sweet potatoes, beans, tomatoes, and corn that came from __________.

Central and South America

The current rate of species extinction is __________.

attributable to the actions of humans
d. of little consequence to Earth's long-term survival

What level of biodiversity is most commonly equated with the overall concept of biodiversity?

species diversity

The major human causes of extinction today are __________

both (a) and (b)

Why is biodiversity important to ecosystems?

It helps populations adapt to ecological changes.

What groups of organisms are most in danger of extinction?

both (a) and (b)

The level of biodiversity that involves a variety of habits and communities is __________

ecosystem diversity

The ecosystem approach to conservation is partly based on the idea that __________

a healthy biosphere requires intact ecosystems

The type of hunting that threatens species survival the most is __________.

especially a problem in less developed nations

Earth's various organisms appear to be __________.

concentrated in certain biomes

Which would be most effective in slowing the loss of biodiversity?

creating large parks and/or preserves in biodiversity hotspots

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of biodiversity?

simpler classification schemes

Many more than the estimated 1.7 million known species are believed to exist. In which groups do most of the unknown species belong?

insects ad fungi

Which level of biodiversity may still be reduced after a species recovers from a threat to its survival?

genetic diversity

Which of the following is NOT a major provision of the Endangered Species Act?

countries that violate its provisions are placed under a trade emargo

Madagascar is the only home of which primate species?


A crop that results from combining genetic materials is called __________.

a hybrid variety

How did the scientist test his hypothesis that the dodo's gizzard prepared the tambalacoque seeds for sprouting?

he used turkeys, which also have gizzards, to eat the tambalacoque fruit and process the seeds

How can you tell if water is being pumped out of an aquifer faster than it is being recharged?

the water table drops

Which is the name of the agency that is primarily responsible for helping endangered and threatened species in the U.S. survive?

u.s. fish and wildlife service

Which of the following is NOT a shortcoming of preserving species in a captive environment?

captive environments can give humans greater control over the health of the species

A plan that protects one or more endangered species in a region by preserving many tracts of land used by the species is called __________.

a habitat conservation plan

Which of the following is a true statement, according to the video?

on earth's surface, almost all fresh water is frozen

Of the total water on the surface of the earth, only 3% is fresh water�and 77% of that fresh water is stored in the form of __________.

glaciers and polar icecaps

Which of the following factors does NOT affect the level of the water table?

the type of salt found in the rocks

Which human activity on Earth uses the most water?


The United States laws that protect endangered species __________.

are considered to be the strongest in the world

An effective approach to preventing future shortages of usable water should focus on __________.

) all of these

Which of the following is a true statement about surface water?

It makes up less than 1 percent of all water on Earth.

What is the relationship between groundwater and surface water?

Surface water percolates through the soil to form groundwater.

When animals are placed in controlled or restrictive environments, they __________.

may have difficulty meeting their basic survival needs

Reintroducing the gray wolf in certain areas of the northwestern United States __________.

is in accordance with the U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973

What is an inexpensive solution to providing everyone with more fresh water to use?

water conservation

Which of the following statements about the California condor is correct?

The California condor is the subject of a captive-breeding program.

Germ plasm is __________

the genetic material of a species

How can zoos, botanical gardens, and wildlife parks help save species?

both (a) and (c)

Most of Earth's fresh water is __________.

solidified at the North and South Poles

Because of the Endangered Species Act, the sale of protected animals or plants is __________.

punishable by a substantial fine

Which statement is true about the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)?

It is a collaboration of about 200 governmental agencies and 700 private conservation groups from around the world.

Which of the following would be most effective in slowing the loss of biodiversity?

creating large parks or preserves in biodiversity hotspots

Earth's surface water is found in __________.

all of these

Which of the following would be legal under the Endangered Species Act?

having a permit to capture and conduct research with endangered species

The largest watershed in the United States is the __________.

mississippi river

Germ-plasm banks are unique because they focus on __________.

storing genetic material

How much of Earth's water is fresh water?

3 percent

Cooperative efforts to prevent extinction include all of the following EXCEPT __________.

the use of ddt to control weeds

Surface water becomes groundwater when it __________.

percolates into the recharge zone

Fresh water is a limited resource. Which of the following statements partially explains why?

most of earth's frsh water is not liquid water usable by humans

Which of the following does NOT make up part of surface water on Earth?


Which of the following is a useful strategy for preserving habitats?

growing crops among native plants

Which statement is true about the California condor?

it has been bred in captivity and returned to the wild

Germ plasm is __________.

the genetic material of a species

Though towing icebergs currently is too expensive, how might events change that situation?

if unpolluted water become more scarce, an unpolluted source, such as an iceberg, would be valued highly

Which of the following statements is accurate?

most pollution of groundwater in the united states is from nonpoint-source pollution

According to the video, about half of the clashes among groups of humans around the world are fought over what issue?

access to water

The greatest amount of water used in residential areas is used for __________.

maintaining lawns and pools

Which of the following is NOT a reason to aerate water?

increase volume

A new wastewater treatment plant opens in an area where raw sewage used to be dumped directly into a bay. What type of pollution will be reduced the most by the new plant?


Which of the following is NOT a current use for sewage sludge?

paving material for highways

The event in 1969 that led to the passage of the Clean Water Act of 1972 was __________.

the burning of the cuyahoga river

Acid rain is an example of __________.

nonpoint-source pollution

Which of the following is most likely to cause conflict between two countries that share a river?

The "upstream" country builds a series of new dams.

A true statement about aquifers is that __________.

they are hard to purify because the water collects in sand and rocks

Some communities have banned detergents containing high levels of phosphates because __________.

excessive phosphates in lakes may begin a process that causes fish to suffocate and die

The 1990 Oil Pollution Act requires that __________.

all tankers in U.S. waterways be double hulled by the year 2015

When neighborhood residents noticed a large number of dead fish in a local creek, they traced the cause to a nearby gas station. The leaking fluid was entering the stream and killing the fish. This is an example of __________.

point-source pollution

Most of the pollutants in the ocean come from __________.

activities on land

Many areas of the world without adequate fresh water have become habitable because __________.

water management projects have diverted water to the area

Which of the following represents nonpoint-source pollution?

runoff from agricultural feedlots

A common feature of thermal pollution and artificial eutrophication is that they both __________.

decrease the amount of oxygen dissolved in water

Most large cities get water to supply households and industries from __________.

rivers and lakes

What is the purpose of adding chlorine to water during the water treatment process?

to kill bacteria that have accumulated, as well as prevent future bacterial growth

Parasitic worms would be classified as which type of water pollutant?


Polluted groundwater is difficult to clean because __________.

all of these

Which of the following is not a true statement about the social and environmental impact of dams?

Dams are built to resolve disputes between neighboring countries.

Which of the following is one way a person could conserve water?

use a low-flow showerhead and take short showers

Which of the following might occur as a result of plastic trash accumulating in the ocean?

all of these

How is fresh water used in industry?

all of the above

The effects of water pollution on ecosystems __________.

can magnify over time within food chains

Which of the following has NOT been shown to reduce fertility rates?


A shortage of __________ can decrease the food supply available to a growing population.


Which of the following would NOT be illegal under the Endangered Species Act?


Which of the following causes the greatest amount of ocean pollution?


Why is the application of pollution-eating bacteria especially important for aquifers?

aquifers are the most difficult to reach of the polluted waters

Smog is caused by __________.

human activity

According to the video, air pollution is a major problem in __________.

developing countries that are industrializing

Which of the following is an example of a secondary air pollutant?

ground level ozone

VOC stands for __________.

volatile organic compund

Which of the following is not a main cause for smog?

temperature gradients

What device would an elderly person most likely have trouble hearing? (Assume each sound has the same decibel level.)

smoke alarm

Sick building syndrome is most common in __________.

buildings that are sealed airtight to keep out heat

Which of the following is a difference between ground level ozone and the stratospheric ozone layer?

ground level ozone poses a threat to human health; stratospheric ozone preotects human health

Which of the following is a direct result of light pollution?

diminishing the view of the night sky

All of the following are primary air pollutants except __________.

nitric acid

Which of the following activities is the largest producer of primary air pollutants in the United States?

electricity production

Two-thirds of the sulfur dioxide that pollutes the air is produced by __________.

electric power plants

One way radon and asbestos are similar is that they __________.

increase the risk of cancer

Activities such as construction and agriculture are primary sources of __________.

particulate matter

Which of the following is often used to remove poisonous gases from industrial emissions before they are released into the atmosphere?


Which of the following pollutants is most likely to reach unhealthy levels inside an office building?

VOCs found in the buildings foam insulation

Temperature inversions work to trap pollution when __________.

cool air above keeps warmer air at the surface from moving upward

Which air pollutants can aggravate bronchial asthma in humans and cause fish to suffocate?

acids formed from nitrogen compounds

Schools in the United States have spent over $40 billion to remove __________.


A true statement about carbon monoxide is that it __________

can lower the level of oxygen carried in the blood

Which type of building would most likely have poor indoor air quality?

one that is tightly sealed and air-conditioned

Light pollution can be decreased by __________.

directing lighting downward

A true statement about sulfur dioxides is that they are __________.

involved in the formation of acid precipitation

What pollutant forms when automobile emissions react with oxygen gas and ultraviolet rays?


Most air pollution is produced by __________.

fuel burning

Which of the following is a secondary pollutant?

smog formed in the presence of sunlight

Which of the following would cause the smallest increase in smog in an urban area?

combustion of ethanol in cars

The automobile's contribution to air pollution includes __________.

nitrogen oxides emitted in exhaust
water vapor released during combustion

Which answer below lists the two main sources of air pollution in urban areas?

vehicles and industries

Which device helps clean car exhaust?

catalytic converter

Which of the following is NOT a corrective action for light pollution?

using flourescent bulbs rather than incadescent

Which of the following is NOT a step in the process of correcting sick-building syndrome?

sealing cracks where air leaks into the building

Which air pollutant scars the lungs?


Electrostatic precipitators and scrubbers help industries meet the requirements of __________.

the Clean Air Act

Which is a natural indoor pollutant?


Which is true of air pollution and human health?

years of research link air pollution to lung diseases

Volatile organic compounds are __________.

organic chemicals that for toxic fumes

According to the Department of Education, approximately how many U.S. schools have poor indoor air quality?


Two cities, which both lie at sea level, are located 35o N latitude and 35o S latitude, respectively. The climates of these two cities are likely to be __________.

very similar

Which of the following is NOT one of the negative effects of acid precipitation?


Acid rain has a pH of __________.

less thaan 5.0

Which of the following is NOT a toxin that is released by the effect of acid rain on soil?


The effects of acid precipitation on fish are worst in the _____.


Chemicals in the air can combine with rain to produce acid rain, which is harmful to the environment. Which of these is most likely to be the pH of acid rain?


The tilt of Earth's axis is about 22o away from perpendicular to the sun. This tilt, along with Earth's rotation, causes many of the processes we see every day. Which of the following is NOT a direct result of Earth's tilt?

the coriolis effect, where motion tends to the right in the northern hemisphere

How does latitude affect climate?

the closer a location is to the equator, the warmer the climate is

What do ice cores contain that reveals information about past climates?

trapped gases

Which of the following does not address how oceans affect climatic conditions on land?

Water cools Earth because it reflects the most sunlight.

An important property of air circulation is __________.

cold air is denser than warm air

Acid precipitation can be traced back to __________.

the burning of fossil fuels

A true statement concerning the physical properties of air is that __________.

warm air can hold more water vapor than an equal amount of cold air

Which of the following best describes the effect of a mountain range on the climate of a region?

-average temperatures are lower at high elevations than at the base of the mountains
-the coastal side of the range usually has high levels of rain
-a desert is often found on the inland side of the range

Latitude strongly influences climate because __________ solar energy falls on areas that are closer to the equator than to the poles.


Which of the following locations would you expect to have a climate with mild temperatures and frequent rain?

a coastal region at about 30 degrees latitude

La Ni�a is the _____ phase of the El Ni�o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle.


Which of the following pH measurements of rainwater would indicate acid precipitation?

pH 4.1

During summer in the Southern Hemisphere, the Northern Hemisphere experiences __________.


Most of the pollution that causes acid precipitation to fall in southeastern Canada is released from __________.

the midwestern and eastern united states

Which of the following correctly states an observation that helps to explain circulation patterns in the atmosphere?

Warm air rises and cools as it rises.

When the acidity of soil increases, __________.

some nutrients are dissolved and washed away

Rain frequently results whenever __________.

warm, moist air rises

Which of the following would occur if Earth were not tilted relative to the plane of its orbit?

Temperate regions would no longer have seasonal changes in climate.

As a lake becomes more acidic, fish are harmed not only by the acidity but also by substances that leach out of the soil into the water. Which of these toxic substances is leached when conditions are acidic?


Which of the following contributes most to acid precipitation?

burning of fossil fuels

Climate in a region is __________.

the long-term, prevailing atmospheric conditions

Precipitation is considered to be acidic if its pH is __________.

below 5.0

During an El Ni�o event, winds in the Pacific Ocean strengthen and push __________ eastward.

warm water

The Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement addresses __________.


In regions closer to the poles, the sun _________.

is lower in the sky

Which effect has NOT been linked to acid precipitation?

lower blood pH

Which of the following is a cause of acid precipitation?

sulfur and nitrogen oxides

Which of the following is NOT an effect of acid precipitation on aquatic ecosystems?

increased growth of algae

The pattern of __________ determines Earth's precipitation pattern.

global atmospheric circulation

Because water __________, ocean currents have a great effect on climate.

holds large amounts of heat

The normal range of temperatures in San Francisco would be __________ the range in Wichita.

narrower than

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have an effect on __________ that can result in harm to humans and their ecosystems.
the ozone layer
Earth's magnetic field
global warming

the ozone layer

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are now banned because they __________.

destroy the ozone shield in the stratosphere

The importance of the stratospheric ozone layer to ecology is that the layer __________.

absorbs dangerous UV radiation

Though production of CFCs has all but stopped, the ozone layer is still in danger because __________.

CFCs stay active in the atmosphere for 60 to 120 years

What causes the seasonal changes in temperature on Earth?

the tilt of earth's axis as it orbits

Charles Keeling put his carbon dioxide metering device atop Mauna Loa in Hawaii so that he could __________.

measure atmospheric carbon dioxide far away from the major sources of the gas

Global warming occurs solely because of the increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.


Besides reducing CO2 emissions, what other acceptable way is there to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide?

increase photosynthesis by planting trees, crops, etc

As the amount of ozone in the stratosphere decreases, __________.

more ultraviolet light is able to reach Earth's surface

The critical difference between today's global warming and Earth's previous climate changes is that __________.

global warming may occur much more rapidly than it did during previous climate changes

Ozone holes appear in polar regions during springtime when ozone-destroying __________.

chlorine atoms are released from polar stratospheric clouds

Chlorofluorocarbon molecules are environmentally significant because __________.

their chlorine atoms can destroy many stratospheric ozone molecules

Ultraviolet radiation is particularly dangerous because __________.

it can damage genetic material in cells

How long will it take for chlorofluorocarbons released from Earth's surface today to reach the stratosphere?

10 to 20 years

The thinning of the ozone layer __________.

-occurs over both polar regions
-will take many years t reverse
-is related seasonal changes

Which of the following best describes measurements of CO2 levels in the atmosphere since 1958?

CO2 levels are higher in winter and lower in summer, but the winter highs have increased each year and the summer lows have not fallen as far.

Which of the following statements related to global warming is not accurate?

Only fossil fuels, not living plants, release carbon dioxide when burned.

Which of the following would not be a consequence of a rise in global temperature?

increased polar ice mass

Which of the following gases is most responsible for the greenhouse effect?

water vapor

The average global temperature __________ during the 20th and early 21st centuries.

has risen in some years and fallen others, but has increased overall

A true statement about greenhouse gases is that they __________.

trap heat that is radiated upward from Earth

Which of the following requires most participating developed countries to decrease emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases?

the kyoto protocol

Which of the following has NOT complicated the attempt to slow global warming?

academic factors

In an area away from forests and cities, geochemist Charles David Keeling measured the amount of __________ in the air.

carbon dioxide

Which of the following is NOT a damaging effect of ultraviolet light on the amphibian population?

interference with photosynthesis

Which of the following is NOT a major greenhouse gas?


Scientists estimate that a single chlorine molecule in the CFC structure can destroy as many as __________ ozone molecules.


High ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels at Earth's surface can __________.


Polar stratospheric clouds are high-altitude clouds made of __________.

water and nitric acid

Warm air of a specific volume __________.


You can infer from the reading that the Little Ice Age began around __________.

1400 AD

Which of the following trends allows cities to grow larger today?

agriculture is becoming more efficient

The claim was made in the video that "main streets" are not allowed anymore? Why not?

the zoning laws segregate businesses from homes

In developing nations, environmental services occupy about one hectare of land per person. In developed nations, each person requires about ____ hectares of land for environmental services.


According to U.S. Census standards, Duncan, AZ, population 2,100, would be considered _____.


In North America, the population is __________.

overwhelming urban

In large measure, the contour of a piece of land determines its use. Which of the following uses would be difficult to accomplish in a highly contoured (steep) area?


An example of cities expanding into marginal land is __________.

los angeles expanding onto landslide-prone hills

What are the most important infrastructures that cities must provide to expanding areas?

housing, sanitation, transportation, and water

Which of the following is NOT a drawback to urban sprawl?

creates economic boom for contractors and subdevelopers

The U.S. Census Bureau defines an urban area as an area that contains more than __________.

2,500 people

Which of the following is a side effect of heat islands?

increased precipitation

Where do most Americans live?

in urban areas

Traffic jams, substandard housing, and polluted air and water can be caused by rapid growth in cities, a phenomenon known as __________.

urban crisis

An area prone to landslides is an example of __________.

marginal land

Which of the following is an example of land used as a protected area to preserve scenery and ecosystems?

grand canyon national park

Which of the following is true of land-use plans?

-the public often has input into land-use plans
-projects in environmentally sensitive areas can be hotly debated
-decelopers must prepare detailed reports assessing the environmental impact of their projects

Heat islands affect local __________.

weather patterns

Which of the following has not resulted from urban sprawl?


Regardless of where people live, they are dependent on resources produced in __________.

rural areas

An important environmental benefit of open spaces in cities includes __________.

the improvement in air quality resulting from filtering of pollutants by plants

Which of the following is an example of how people use land?

-to harvest wood
-to grow crops
-to preserve native species

Given that most people live in urban areas, why should rural areas be preserved?

they provide ecological services

Which environmental problem is NOT caused by deforestation?

urban sprawl

Why did most people live in rural areas before 1850?


Detailed maps showing the locations of sewer lines, roads, and parks are possible with ______.


Cities suffering from urban crisis experience all of the following EXCEPT __________.


Rapid expansion of a city into the surrounding countryside results in __________.


The amount of rural land needed to support one person depends on all of the following EXCEPT __________.


Which improvement to urban areas moderates temperature, controls rainwater runoff, and adds aesthetic value?


How Brazil uses Amazon lands __________.

affects the entire world

The main source of energy for about 1.5 billion people in developing countries is __________.


Which of the following is NOT a consequence of deforestation?

short-term economic losses

Which of the following land uses can occur on the same land as ranching?

oil or gas extraction

The designation of wilderness areas __________.

provides for protected habitats

Why is it important to preserve farmland?

-Farmland provides an important oxygen source for urban areas.
-Farmland provides crops and fruits to support urban and rural populations.
-Farmland moderates the temperature of urban areas.

Eliminating invasive plants and replacing them with native plants is one aspect of __________.

range improvent

Which of the following most effectively allows forests to recover from tree harvesting?

cutting only medium-sized or mature trees

What can be done to sustain the productivity of rangeland?

-eliminate invasive plants
-limit herd size
-leave the land unused for a time

Environmental damage to wilderness areas __________.

may worsen as the u.s. population grows

Which of the following statements about tree harvesting methods is correct?

Selective cutting minimizes the impact on forest ecosystems.

What is reforestation?

replanting trees in an area

Which of the following is NOT an environmental effect of deforestation?

re-establishment of trees

Deforestation is an especially serious problem in tropical rain forests because __________.

farmers must repeatedly clear additional forest area to obtain land that can support crops

The National Farmland Protection Program was designed to __________.

protect farmland from being developed

In 1870, the first national park established to protect and preserve the land for future generations was __________.

yellowstone national park

Which of the following best describes the measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels since 1958?


Which of the following is often used to remove poisonous gases from industrial emissions BEFORE they are released into the atmosphere?


Which of the following statements is true?

Air pollution began with the Industrial Revolution

What are two possible consequences of a rise in global temperature?

increased frequency of both major storms and major droughts

Noise pollution can cause all of the following EXCEPT __________.

increased energy