

A substance that provides a form of energy such as heat, light, electricity or motion as the result of a chemical change


Burning of a fuel

Fossil fuels

Energy rich substances formed from the remains of once living organisms

Three major fossil fuels

Coal, oil and natural gas


A solid fossil fuel formed from plant remains


Energy rich chemical compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen atoms


Known deposits of coal and other fossil fuels that can be obtained using current technology


Another name for oil


A factory where crude oil is separated into fuels and other products by heating


Compounds made from oil

Natural gas

A mixture of methane and other gases


Thick, black liquid fossil fuel

Solar energy

Energy from the sun

Passive solar system

Converts sunlight into thermal energy without using pumps or fans

Active solar system

Captures the suns energy then using fans and pumps to distribute heat

Renewable sources of energy

Wind, water, tides, biomass material, earth's interior and hydrogen

Hydroelectric power

Electricity produced by falling water

Biomass fuels

Fuels made from living things, like wood, leaves, food wastes, manure

Geothermal energy

Intense heat from the earth's interior which warms magma; can be used for heating ( by heating water underground)

Energy conservation

Reducing energy


The percentage of energy that is actually used to perform work


A layer of material that helps block the transfer of heat between the air inside and outside a building

Electromagnetic Waves are a form of _______ that can travel through space.


Most energy from the sun reaches Earth in the forms of _______ light and ________ radiation, and a small amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

visible; infrared

The _______ (faster/slower) the molecules are moving, the more energy they have.


Thermal energy is ___________.

the total energy of motion in the molecules of a substance.

The average amount of energy motion in the molecules of a substance is called ________.


Air temperature is measured using a ________.


_______ is the energy transferred from a hotter object to a cooler object


What three (3) ways is heat transferred:

Radiation, Conduction, Convection

Radiation is the direct transfer of energy by _________.

electromagnetic waves

two examples of radiation are:

the sun or a campfire

_________ is the direct transfer of heat from one substance to another.

Conduction - example is when you walk on hot sand, the molecules are transferring the heat from the sand to your feet.

Conduction works well with ______, like metal, but not as well with _____ and _______.

solids; liquids; gases

_________ is the transfer of heat by the movement of molecules.

Convection - example is the furnace in your house, it carries the heat molecules around your house.

__________ causes most heating of the troposphere.


The force that makes air move is caused by a difference of _____________.

air pressure

_______ is the horizontal movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure.


All winds are caused by differences in__________ .

air pressure

A south wind blows from the _______ toward the ______.

south; north

_________ is an instrument used to measure wind speed.


_____________ is the increased cooling that a wind can have.

Wind-chill factor

______ Winds- winds that blow over short distances.


Sea Breeze is wind blowing from an ocean or lake onto ______.


Land Breeze is wind blowing from the land onto ___________.

a body of water

________ Winds- winds that blow steadily from specific directions over long distances.


The movement of air between the equator and the poles produce _______ winds.


The warm air will flow away from the equator and toward the ______.


_________ is the way Earth's rotation makes the winds curve.

Coriolis Effect

If Earth did not rotate, the global winds would blow in a _______ line from the poles toward the equator.


The major global wind belts are the ______ winds, the prevailing _________, and the polar ________.

trade/tropical; westerlies; easterlies

The movement of water between the atmosphere and Earth's surface is called the ______ Cycle.


__________ is the process by which water molecules in liquid water escape into the air as water vapor.


________ is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air.


________ is the % of water vapor in the air compared to the maximum amount the air could hold.

Relative Humidity

__________ is the process by which molecules of water vapor in the air become liquid water.


The temperature at which condensation begins is the ___________.

dew point

_________ form when air is cooled to its dew point and particles are present.


_________ clouds look like fluffy, round piles of cotton.


Clouds that form in flat layers are _______ clouds.


Wispy, feathery clouds are ______ clouds.


Coriolis Effect

This is the swirling movement of air and currents across Earth caused by the Earth's rotation on its tilted axis. These global swirling winds help create Earth's weather patterns.

Most important function of the ocean is....

These play an important part in keeping the Earth suitable for life. Perhaps the most important function of these is to absorb and hold energy from sunlight. This function regulates temperatures in the atmosphere.

The ocean stabilizes Earth's weather conditions by absorbing and holding this.

Thermal energy

ocean currents influcenced by:
a. weather
b. earth rotation
c. position of continents
d. all of the above

d. These are stream-like movements of water in the ocean. They are influenced by a number of factors, including weather, the Earth's rotation, and the position of the continents.

Gulf Stream

This is a strong, fast moving, warm ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. It transports 25 times more water than all the rivers in the world.


This is a mixture of gasses that surrounds Earth.

air pressure

The atmosphere is held around the Earth by gravity. Gravity pulls gas molecules in the atmosphere toward the Earth's surface. This is the measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface It is strongest at the Earth's surface because more a


This is the transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves. Although the sun releases a huge amount of energy, Earth receives only about two-billionths of this energy. But this small fraction of energy is enough to drive the weather cycle and make Earth habi


This is the transfer of thermal energy by the circulation or movement of a liquid or gas.

greenhouse effect

The atmosphere is like a warm blanket that traps enough energy to make Earth livable. This is the process by which gases in the atmosphere, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide, absorb thermal energy and radiate it back to Earth.

jet streams

These are narrow belts of high-speed winds that blow in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. These winds can reach maximum speeds of 400 km/h (250 mph). Unlike other global winds, these do not follow regular paths around the Earth. Knowing the pa


This is the average weather condition in an area over a long period of time. It is mostly determined by temperature and precipitation.


The amount of direct solar energy a particular area receives is determined by this. The sun's rays hit the equator directly so that area has high temperatures. However, the sun's rays strike the poles at an angle. The result is lower temperatures at the p

El Nino

This is an unusual warming of ocean water off the coast of Peru that takes place every few years.

Energy is distributed in the atmosphere by ___________________.

convection: transfer of heat by movement of matter, such as air.

Energy is distributed in the ocean by __________ ____________.

convection current: Ex. differences in density of ocean water(caused by temperature and salinity) cause the water to move and distribute energy in the ocean.

Energy enters the biosphere as _________.


What is passed between organisms when they eat one another?


What is the main source of energy that powers the convection currents in the atmosphere and ocean?

The sun

What is temperature?

The measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object

What is thermal expansion?

The increase in volume resulting from increase in temperature. ie, hot air balloons

Heat energy that can travel between objects is called?

Radiation energy

Heat that transfers from direct contact to another object is called?

conduction: transfer of energy as heat through a material

The earth receives most of its energy from the ________.


The energy received from the sun is adsorbed by the earth's ______________, _______________, and ________________.

atmosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere.

The uneven heating of the ocean water by convection causes _______________.

convection currents.

Convection in the atmosphere causes?


Convection in the geosphere causes?

earthquakes; movement of tectonic plates

energy can be transferred between the geosphere and atmosphere by?

conduction; when the air comes into direct contact with warm surface of earth, energy is passed to atmosphere by conduction.

Energy is neither created or destroyed? True or False

True: It is simply a transfer between spheres or converted into another form of energy.

Radiation can only travel through space?
True or False


Energy from the sun reaches Earth by radiation in the form of ______________.

electromagnetic waves

Substances need to be in contact when conduction occurs because in that process:
a. energy is transferred by the collision of particles
b. energy is transferred by osmosis
c. energy is adsorbed by the higher temperature substance

a. energy is transferred by the collision of particles

If the sun did not provide energy, could we survive?

No! Plants get energy from sun. If sun did not provide energy to plants, animals would not have source of energy. Life would not exist on Earth without energy from sun.

natural resource

any natural material that is used by humans

What is water, petroleum, minerals, forests and animals to humans?

natural resources

nonrenewable resource

a resource that forms at a rate that is much slower than the rate at which it is consumed

renewable resource

natural resource that can be replaced at same rate at which it is consumed

What type of natural resource are trees and fresh water

renewable resource

What type of natural resource is coal, petroleum and natural gas?

non-renewable; would take millions of years to replace what have used

What is a mineral?

a naturally formed, usually inorganic, solid that has a crystalline structure. They form very slowly.

Copper, diamond, aluminum, galena, gold, gypsum,quartz, silver,sphalerite, bauxite are all examples of?

minerals used in everyday life and manufacturing