Chapter 1 Test: Intro to Science (Test Answers)

Technology can be best defined as

applied science.

Pure science is best defined as the

continuing search for new knowledge.

Scientific theories can be changed or replaced when

new discoveries are made.

The first step in the scientific method is usually

making an observation.

A precise measurement is one that

is as exact as possible.

Scientific methods

All of the above.

SI is considered a consistent system because it

is used worldwide.

The main branches of natural science are

life, physical, and Earth science.

What do scientists who do pure science do?

They do experiments to find out about the world.

A scientific law is

a description of a natural event.

Scientists test a hypothesis by

doing experiments.

Which SI prefix means one one-hundredth?


A measurement that is accurate is one that

is close to the true value.

AN important science skill is critical thinking. This means

thinking logically to solve a problem.

For a scientific theory to be valid, it must allow you to

form a hypothesis.