Life Science: Chapter 3 Cell Processes


diffusion of molecules through a semi-permeable membrane from a place of higher concentration to a place of lower concentration until the concentration on both sides is equal


the process in which there is movement of a substance from an area of high concentration of that substance to an area of lower concentration

Active Transport

The movement of ions or molecules across a cell membrane into a region of higher concentration, assisted by enzymes and requiring energy


A process by which the contents of a cell vacuole are released to the exterior through fusion of the vacuole membrane with the cell membrane


Process in which cells take in fluids or other large molecules


Low Concentrated Solution


Highly Concentrated Solution


Equal concentrations on the inside and outside of the cell

Semi permiable

describes a membrane that will allow some but not all substances to pass through it.


The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.

Celluar Respiration

the process where cells use oxygen to help generate their energy


Where glucose is broken down in the cells in the absence of oxygen


Where glucose is broken down in the cell in the presence of Oxygen

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

a medical condition in which body deformation or facial development or mental ability of a fetus is impaired because the mother drank alcohol while pregnant


A simple sugar that is an important energy source in living organisms and is a component of many carbohydrates


(adenosine triphosphate) main energy source that cells use for most of their work


A substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction


A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change

characteristics of an enzyme

Recyclable, Extremely Specific, Proteins, Speed up reactions

Photosynthesis equation

6CO2 + 6H2O + light ? C6H12O6 + 6O2

Cellular Respiration equation

C6H12O6+6O6 ? ATP+ 6CO2+6H2O

When two or more elements combine chemically...


An atom is the smallest unit of an _______


What is an example of a compound?

water H2O

A _______ is the smallest unit of a compound


What is Carbon Dioxide made of?

1 carbon and 2 oxygen = CO2

What is an example of an element


Water makes up about _____ of our body


What is the difference between an organic compound and an inorganic compound?

Organic= contains carbon and hydrogen

Inorganic= does not contain carbon


what are the four important groups of organic compounds in living things?

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids

what are the two organic compounds made of the elements: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

Carbohydrates and Lipids

What is an example of a carbohydrate?

sugars and starches

Starches are also called?

complex carbohydrates

What is the sugar that produces energy when your body breaks down the starch called?


What foods can you find carbohydrates in?

bread, rice, pasta

What are three examples of lipids?

fats, oils, waxes

Lipids contain ______ that are stored in _____

energy, cells

a long organic molecules made up of: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen


Smaller molecules that make up protein are called?

amino acids

fish, meat, eggs, nuts: are examples of?


a type of protein that speeds up a chemical reaction in a living thing is called an _____


Give an example of a working enzyme...

saliva is an will speed up the digestion of food by breaking down starches into sugars in your mouth.

a very long organic molecule made up of : carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphors is...

Nucleic acid

What are the two kinds of nucleic acid and what are their functions?

DNA- the genetic material that carries information about an organism and is passed onto an offspring

RNA- plays a role in the production of proteins


RNA is found in cytoplasm and in the nucleus.


When some substances can pass through the cell membrane and others cannot it is called?

selectively permeable

Describe selective permeable of a cell...

A cell must let in needed materials like oxygen and food, but must move out all waste materials

all substances that can move in and out of a cell is done by one of three processes, what are they

diffusion, osmosis, active transport

How do most molecules cross the cell membrane?


The process by which molecules move form an ara of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is called


What causes diffusion?

diffusion is caused by molecules that move and continuously bump into each other, the more molecules in the area the more collisions there will be to push the molecules away form each other and spread evenly.

Two processes by which materials pass through the cell membrane are...

passive transport and active transport

To require the cell to use its own energy for movement, using cellular energy is called?

Active transport

The movement of dissolved materials through a cell membrane with out using cellular energy is called?

passive transport, they are able to PASS through easily without energy.

the diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane is called?


When the cell membrane wraps itself around the particle and forms a vacuole is called?


Is engulfing an active or passive form of transport?

active, because it uses energy to move

Every living thing and every cell needs ________.


Explain the process of photosynthesis...

Plants use the sun to get energy, they convert the energy (carbon dioxide and water) into oxygen and sugar

during which stage does the green pigments come from

first stage, it occurs mostly in the leaves

organisms that can make its own food is called


an organism that cannot make its own food


Finish this diagram: sun is the source for living things...plants use the energy to make their own food...zebras???

get their energy from eating the grass, lions get their energy from eating the zebras...

colored chemical compounds that absorb light are called


The main photosynthetic pigment in chloroplasts is?


The small opening on the underside of the leaves of a plant are called?


what is the equation for photosynthesis?

6 CO2 + 6 H2O ----> C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2

carbon water sugar oxygen




What are the two ways the sugar that is produced is used in photosynthesis?

1. cells break it down to release energy

2. stored for later use


The process where cells obtain energy form glucose is called


what happens during respiration?

cells break down simple food molecules such as sugar and release the energy they contain.

How is energy stored and released in photosynthesis?

energy is stored in the form of carbohydrates and then when the cells need energy they break down the carbs by respiration

What are the two stages of respiration?

FIRST STAGE takes place in the cytoplasm, gluclose is broken down into smaller molecules(no oxygen needed)
SECOND STAGE takes place in the mitochondria (powerhouses), the small molecules are broken down even more, this chemical reaction uses oxygen and re

what are the raw materials for respiration?

sugar and oxygen

during Photosynthesis plants use _________ and release_________

carbon dioxide and release oxygen

In respiration, organisms use ________ and release ____________

oxygen and release carbon dioxide

An energy releasing process that does NOT require oxygen?


The equations for respiration is

C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 ------> 6 CO2+ 6 H2O+ENERGY

What are the two different types of fermentation and describe them....

1. alcohol fermentation- when yeast and other single celled organisms break down sugars (bakers and brewers use this
2. Lactic Acid fermentation- when your cells lack oxygen, fermentation occurs. When an athlete's muscles run out of oxygen, lactic acid fe


when an atom loses a proton or an electron it becomes electrically charged and it is called an ion. Ions are important in many life processes that take place in the organism and transport oxygen in the blood

molecular compound

the smallest part of this compound is a molecule which is a group of atoms held together by the energy of chemical bonds

ionic compound

when ions of opposite chargers attract one another, they form an electrically neutral compound called ionic compounds. Example: salt


a mixture is a combination of substances in which individual substances retain their own properties. Example of mixtures in our organisms is called suspensions. Example of suspension is blood.

organic compounds

what ever has hydrogen, carbon and associated with living things is an organic compounds. Carbs, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids are organic compounds


is an organic compound that is a protein and regulates all chemical reaction in the cell

inorganic compounds

made of elements other that carbon. the most important inorganic compound is water that is a part of all chemical reaction of all living things