Chapter 5 science

The average, year after year conditions of temperature, precipitation, winds and cloud in an area are known as its


The farther you live from an ocean, the more likely your climate will be a

continental climate

Summers are caused by

a combination of longer days and more direct rays from the sun

The seasons are caused by

the tilt of Earth's axis as Earth revolves around the sun

Climates are classified according to two major factors

precipitation and temperature

In addition to temperature and precipitation, Koppen's climate system classified climates by a region's


The Great Plains east of the Rocky Mountains have a

semiarid climate

The three kinds of temperature marine climates all have

mild winters

Clues to what ancient climates were like come from all the following except

very old weather records

An important principle scientists follow to determine ancient climates is:

if an organism today needs certain conditions to live, then a similar organism that lived in the past needed similar conditions

The most recent major ice age in North America extended as far south as

Nebraska and Iowa

During an ice age, Earth's sea level


Which of the following do scientists think will probably cause Earth's next ice age

changes in Earth's orbit and the tilt of the axis

Some scientist theorize that continental movements may cause climate changes by

changing patterns of winds and ocean currents

Over the past 200 years, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has

increased steadily

Increased carbon dioxide may cause global warming by

trapping more heat in the atmosphere

Earth's ozone layer

filters harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun

Chlorine atoms in the stratosphere

break down ozone into oxygen atoms

The suns rays are least direct

near the poles

The climate zones lying between 23.5 and 66.5 north and south latitude are called the

temperate zones

Scientists predict that banning the use of chlorofluorocarbons will

gradually restore the ozone layer

The climate on the leeward side of a mountain differs from that on the windward side mostly in

the amount of rainfall

Sea and land breezes over a large region that change direction with the season are called


Near the end of both March and September

neither end of Earth's axis is tilted toward the sun

A tropical wet climate exists in the United States only in


Regions that receive less than 25 centimeters of rain annually are called


A temperature continental climate with short cool summers and long bitterly cold winters is the

subarctic climate

Permafrost and mosses, lichens and wildflowers are common in the

tundra climate

El Nino is a weather pattern that forms in the

tropical Pacific Ocean

An El Nino event typically occurs every

2-7 years