unit 1 phy sci

the two main branches of science are

natural and social sciences

what is not a branch of biology


the main branches of natural science are

life, physical and earth science

technology can best be defined as

applied science

pure science is best defined as

continuing search for new knowledge

what do scientists who do pure science do

they do experiments to find out about the world

a scientific theory is an explanation that

has been tested by many observations

for a scientific theory to be valid, it must be allow you to

perform experiments

a scientific model is a

representation of a real event or object

scientific theories can be changed or replaced when

new discoveries are made

a series of logical steps is folowed in order to solve a problem is called the

scientific method

scientists use computer models to study complicated events and to

make predictions

the first step in the scientific method is usually

forming a hypothesis

scientists test a hypothesis by

doing experiments

what does it mean to say that "no experiment is a failure

all experiments involve manipulating variables

which instrument has been used to detect the oldest, most distant objects in the solar system

radio telescope

what question cannot be answered by an experiment

did a comet impact and kill the dinosaurs

the si unit for measuring temperature is the


what is the prefix in si units for 1 million


what is the si prefix for one onehundreth


a (distance) is needed to understand the number value of measurement

false- unit

the scientific community worldwide uses (english syatem) units

false-international system

distance is measured in units of (length)


a method of using conversion factors and unit cancelling to solve a unit conversin problem is called (significant digits)

false- dimmensional analysis

(accuracy) refers to the smallest interval that can be measured

false- resolution

(percision) describes how reproducible repeated measurements are


if th edifference between results is much larger than th estimated error the results are called(significantly different)


the volume of an object is the (space) taken up by the object


your body would have the same (weight) if you were on earth, the moon and jupiter

false- mass

the mass of an old penny is about 3.3 (kilograms)

false- grams

the relationship between mass and volume of an object is its (weight)

false- density

the (density) of a material is the same no matter what the size or shape of the material


a (graph) is a visual representation of data


in an (inverse) relationship one variable decreases when another variable increases


the information you collect in an experiment in order to answer a qeustion is called (evidence)


(natural law) is the process of learning that starts with asking questions and proceeds by seeking the answer to the questions

false- inquiry

the water temperature of a pond measured with a thermometer would be considered (objecive) scientific evidence


to (deduce) an answer means to figure out an answer by using logical thinking


(inquiry) is the process of leraning by asking questions


scientific theories are (always) being tested by experiments


(objective) evidence describes only what actualy happened as exactly as possible


if scientific evidence disproves a scientific theory than the theory must be (strong)


a (variable) is a prediction that can be tested with an experiment

false- hypothesis

(control) variables are those that are changed in an experiment

false- experimental

the unit of length that most neatly matches the width of your finger is the


what is the order of units from smallest to largest

milli, centi, meter, kilo

what two parts does a measurement have

value and unit

hwy are si units used so often in science

si units are more accurate than english system units

the mass of a large paper clip is about the same as

1 gram

the converting factor for changing 1 unit of length to another in metric sysem is a multiple of


what is not a unit of distance


what is the unit of time most often used by scientists


what is an example of a quantity of time

1 year

how many centimeters are in a stick 3 meters long


how many seconds are in 3 days

259,200 seconds

what best represents a moment in time

a movie that runs 122 minutes

how many econgds are in a stopwatch during 4hours, 3 minutes and 10 sec

14,590 seconds

dimmensional analysis is used to

convert nits

what is the value of a factor ratio


when you convert a measurement from si to lengths what changes


laines schooldy measured 6h 15min. how many minutes longer was it
