Science Exam- Fungi and Plants


The intimate, mutually beneficial association formed between a fungus and the root of a plant. --- Increases the surface area, absorbing more food and water

To reduce the need for fertilizers, some citrus growers:

Add mycorrhiza fungi to soil

The ancestors of plants were:

Green algae similar to charophytes that lived in coastal marshes or lake fringes


Small holes that open the sun is out and close when it is not (to prevent water loss by evaporation), and they are responsible for the gas exchange in plants. This facilitates photosynthesis.


Dead cells that form microscopic pipes carrying water and minerals up from the roots

In plants, the zygote and earliest stages of the developing embryo are:

Enclosed in a seed

Bryophytes (2nd)

Example: Mosses
Terrestrial adaptations (waxy cuticle, protection of gametes & embryos)
(refer to lab for picture)

Green Algae (1st )

Protist- ancestor of plants

Pteridophytes (3rd)

Vascular seedless plant
Example: Ferns
Now had vascular tissue and can transport food and H2O
(refer to lab for picture)

Gymnosperms (4th)

Example: Conifers
Now they had seeds and pollen, no need for H2O to reproduce anymore
(refer to lab for picture)

Angeosperms (5th)

Example: Flowers
Now makes up 90% of all plants
(refer to lab for picture)

Alternation of Generations

Plants alternate between diploid and haploid forms during their life cycle. (KNOW CHART)

Fungi contact and absorb food through the ______, a branching network of ________.

Hyphae.............. Mycelium


They travel by wind, water, catching onto people's shoes, and animals. They are an essential part of most reproductive systems in fungi. They disperse, and if they are carried somewhere with a favorable environment, they grow.


Composed of many threadlike filaments called mycorrhizae

Function of the Sori in Pteridophytes:

They produce spores, which grow into the gametophyte generation with the right conditions

How do moss sperm travel from plant to plant

Sperms cells require water for transformation to egg cells. Once near the egg, the sperm swims to the egg and fuses with it.

Purpose of sporophyte in moss

They produce spores

Difference between ferns and mosses:

Ferns have vascular tissue, mosses don't

Function of Chloroplats

They convert sunlight energy into sugars that are used by cells, the process is photosynthesis.

Evolutionary advantage to developing flowers:

They are colorful, which attracts bees, who pollinate the flowers to reproduce.


They protect the seeds and help with the dispersal. -animals eat the fruit and spread the seeds.

Angiosperm seeds vs. Gymnosperm seeds

Angiosperm seeds are enclosed within an ovary (usually a fruit), while gymnosperms have no flowers or fruits, and have unenclosed or "naked" seeds on the surface of scales or leaves

Vascular tissue

A network of think wall cells joined into narrow tubes that extend throughout the plant body.


Living cells that distribute sugars throughout the plant

cell walls of some plant tissues, including xylem, are thickened and reinforced by a chemical called______



a mass of branched hyphae in fungi that weaves throughout the food items or organic material to maximize surface area for digestion & absorption


a network of thread-like filaments that branches repeatedly as it grows and it serves as the feeding structure of the fungi