Science chapter 8 Quizlet

An oatmeal raisin cookie is an examle of a?


What determines whether a mixture is a suspension or a colloid?

Size of particles

Chlorine, which is used in swimming pools to kill bacteria is an


Which of the following is in a mixture?


Pennies minted after 1984 contain 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper. These coins are examples of?


Two liquids that form a heterogenous mixture are said to be


Which of the following is a method for separating a solution of miscible liquids?


Which of the following is an example of a homogenous mixture?


Particles in an _______ can be separated by filtration


The Tyndall effect is observed in


The electrons in water molecule are gathered nearest to

The one oxygen atom

A molecule that has partially charged particle positive and negative area is


Because many substances dissolve in water, water is referred to as

Universal solvent

Which is NOT a reason that a sugar crystal dissolves in water?

Sugar decants

Which would NOT increase the rate at which a sugar cube dissolves?

Reducing the amount of solvent

Dissolving sodium chloride in water will

Lower the freezing point of the solution

Which mixture is a good example of the way a solute can affect the freezing point and boiling point of a solution?

Ethylene glycol and water

Which will NOT dissolve in water


What type of bond occurs between two water molecules

Hydrogen bonding

Compounds that do not dissolve in water are usually


Which substance is insoluble in water?

Olive oil

The ability of a substance to dissolve in another at a given temperature and pressure is


Which. Substance is completely soluble in water?

Acetic acid

A solution that is able to dissolve additional solute is best described at?


A saturated solution will usually dissolve more solid solute if it is


What happens when the pressure on a soda is decreased?

Some gas comes out of the solution

Molarity is the concentration of a solution expressed as

Moles of solute per liter of solution